Aunty Suzy Met Missy Birdy

How I Met Your Appa/Umma


Krystal POV

"Appa told me about Aunty Suzy.."

He told her about Suzy?? This is interesting.. 

“What did Appa told you about Aunty Suzy honey?”

“Appa said that Aunty Suzy is one of his childhood friends...”

“Is that all?”

“No, he also said that....”


“that Aunty Suzy is prettier than you umma” con5.gif 


I can’t believe this.. whaaaaaattt? Amber said Suzy is prettier than me??? 

As I clenched my fist and do the screaming inside my head, I heard giggles... 

“Your reaction is priceless ummaa.. kekekekkee”

“Yah... you trick me don’t you? Who teach you to trick your own umma -_-”

“Kekekkee.. mianhe umma, please don’t be mad at Aiee..”

“pweaaaaseee~” Aiee begged, putting on her aegyo.

“Arasssso.. but don’t do that again, okay?”

“Okay!!!” she squealed and snuggles closer to me.

“Let’s wake Appa, there’s a lot of places need to be visited today.. ”


Author POV

Amber hands the food to the kids as Krystal did the same beside him.

“Enjoy the food, Phil”

“Thank you my lord”

“What do you told Aiee about Suzy?” Krystal whispered to his husband as she gives the food to one of the orphans. 

“Eh??? Tell Aiee what??”

“Suzy.... At the saloon.. what did you told her?”

“Oh... she didn’t tell you?”

Krystal give ‘then-why-the-hell-I-ask-you’ look to him. con7.gif 

“Ah, I take that as no then. What do you want to know?”


Amber scratches his head before he start telling his wife about what happened earlier in the saloon. 

Amber Flashback

As Eun Ae and I finish the last puzzle, both of our fingers sore due to the intense battle with the blocks. We were taking a break before jumping to the next section of the game when Eun Ae suddenly asked me, 

“Appa,... can you please tell me about Aunty Suzy”

“Which Suzy are you talking about honey?”

“The one that you told me in chapter 13”

“What chapter 13?”

“Don’t mind the chapter, please tell me about Aunty Suzyyyy~”

This is weird. What chapter is she referring to? Did she re-write our story anywhere? 

“I don’t recall any chapter nor Suzy I’ve told you before”

“Yes you have, the one that you told me about you telling Jonghyun ahjussi about Suzy.. the night after we return from meeting with Onew Ahjussi and Aunty Luna”

Which one... hemmmm

“Please apppaaaaa... pweaaaaseeeee~”

Ahh... that one... I remember!

Amber Memories, Within The Flashback

“Hm... Do you remember Suzy??”

“Suzy?? The girl that always plays with us when we were young?” Jong replied as he started to catch up with me. 

“Yeah, that Suzy”

“What’s with her?”

“She’s here!!!!” I screamed excitedly and caused temporary deaf to Jong afterwads. 


Next day .....

“But I never see her in this school.. Are you sure she’s Suzy?” Donghae asked me as he shoots the ball to the ring. “Damn, miss” he cursed.

“Yes, I’m sure she’s our little Suzy. Though she not wearing glasses anymore, she’s still as shy as before. She also spilled some coffee on my shirt the other day!”

“Seems like our little Suzy... where’s she?”

“Who’s talking about me?” a sudden voice comes from the gym’s door, and there, our little Suzy walked towards us as she flips her hair in the process.

“Suzy~~~~~~” All of us screamed and made a group hug, as our little Suzy trapped in the middle. 


“Yah, how come you never tell us you were studying here?”

“I thought you guys went elite school, especially you, ambswecheephhhh”

“Yah!” she slap Jong’s hand as she removes them from ?

“What?” she snapped. 

“Shhhhhhh” Jong, Hae and I shuh her.

“No one other than the school’s principal knows Adden real background”

Suzy made an o-shaped mouth as responds.



“Kidding... I know the reasons... hehehe”

“You better be... anyway, how come you start your semester late than anyone else?”

“Hm... how should I say this eh??”


“actually..... I kind of expelled, last semester.”


“yeah... you heard it right, I was expelled, due to my poor achievement in academics and all.. ”

con26.gif All of us nodded in understanding. As we try our best to process what she said, we heard giggles


“Yah!!!! you cheat on us, don’t you???? ” 

. “Catch meee if you cannn losersss” Suzy ran as she made a ‘mehrong’ to us.


Later that night,

Donghae, Jonghyun and I at Suzy’s doorstep after dinner with her family.

“Thanks for the dinner” Jonghyun said as he hugged her.

“No problem Dino Square”

“Thanks” Donghae hugged her too.

“You’re welcome Dino”

“Don’t forget our deal okay?”

“Arasso ‘OPPA’ ” Suzy hugged me back and peck my cheek. con10.gif 

“Night Guys~” she cheered and slammed the door on our faces. 

“Did you guys hiding something from us???” Hae and Jong attacked me as they put me in their headlocks. 

End Of Amber Memories, Back to Flashback

“She kissed you?” Eun Ae asked, as she blinked her eyes repeatedly. 

“No, I just add that. To make the story become more interesting, you know .Heheh :P”


“Which part wasn’t true?”



“hahahaha.. chill princcyyy... i just made up the pecking scene.. Everything else is true.”

Eun Ae stare me with piercing eyes.

“Promise! That’s the only part that I add, everything else is true”

“okay :3”

End Of Flashback

“She pecked you???”

“What??? You believed it too? -_-”

“Did she? Or not???”

“No... Promise”

Krystal stared deeply into Amber eyes’, as if she stared directly to his souls. 

“That’s only a made up story, believe me.... please..”

“Don’t crack another stupid add up story like that again, okay?”

Amber wiped the sweats off his head as he mouthed “sorry” to his wife. However, little the princess know that Amber had been crossing his fingers in his pocket throughout the interrogation she made. 

Phew~ better not telling her that Suzy really give me a peck on the cheek that time. Phew~ 

Amber concludes his speech and he receive a loud response from the crowd in return. He shakes hand with the audiences along his way to Krystal and Eun Ae. The Royal family bid their goodbyes to the crowd before entering their limo. 

Inside the limo..

“That was fun, right?”

“Yep! Can we visit them again in the future?”

“Of course honey. Anyway, we c- ”

“Appa appa, continue the story please...” Eun Ae cut her Appa’s answer.



Amber sigh defeated while Eun Ae and Krystal had a wide grin in their faces. It’s oblivious that both of them were eager to know more about Amber’s Little Suzy. 

Amber’s Sore Memories, Due to Lots Of Memories Recall-ation Lately

“I asked Suzy to help me finding the princess”

“Ahh... but what’s with the kisses and ‘OPPA’? She didn’t really call you with such nicknames..”

“Are you two official??” Jong asked.

“What? Me and Suzy??? No... No... It’s just she asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend.. That’s all.”

“Pretend to be her boyfriend???” 

“Yea.. why? I can’t??”

“No... its not that you can or can’t.... hmmm.. why she choose you?”

“Because..... I asked for her help? ”


“Hahhahahhahaa. Night guys, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite... ”


I was discussing with Krystal for the upcoming festival when suddenly Suzy shouted my name.

“Adden Oppa~”

“Suzy~” she hug me and I can see from the corner of my eyes, Krystal was shock. con5.gif 

“Oppa, let’s have lunch together.” Suzy said as she hugged my arm tightly. con10.gif 

“I have works to be done right now, can you wait for me?”

“Ah.. It’s okay. I can wait for you oppa”

“Its okay Adden, we can continue this next time okay. Go have fun with your girl, uh...”

“Suzy, I’m Bae Sou Ji, but you can call me Suzy” Suzy said as she extended her hands to Krystal.

“Jung Soojung, or you can call me Krystal. I’m Adden’s partner in student representative body.” con19.gif 

“I heard a lot about you from Adden oppa. You’re nice, according to him.” con18.gif 

“She told you that? I hope everything that she told you about me is good. ” 

Krystal collect her things as she asked “I’ve never heard any news about you having girlfriend. Seems like I’m still a stranger to you. Anyway, have fun guys. Nice to meet you, Suzy.”

With that, Krystal left the room.

“Do you like her, oppa?” con19.gif 

“Eh? What are you talking about Suzy?”

“Do you like Krystal?”

“Why do you ask me that?”

“Cause you’re crossing your fingers.. Look ” she said as she pointed towards my crossed fingers. con19.gif 

“You told me you crossed your fingers when you were lying, especially to the person you love the most..”

“You know me too well, Suzy”

“Hehehe. Of course, I’m your Little Suzy after all :D ”

“Anyway, what brings you here?”

“Oh, actually, I was running from the stalker that I told you before. He followed me since the break starts. It’s freaking me out. I can’t find you in the cafeteria, that’s why I barged in here. I’m sorry I have to disturb your moment with your precious “ice princess” though”

“It’s okay. Come on, let’s go to the cafeteria before the break ends”

“You can take this oppa, I already ate mine” Suzy handed me a home-made packed lunch. 

“You’re the best Suzy!”

“Hehehe. I know... Anyway, I think you should go after Soojung, she seems didn’t like the idea that you’re my boyfriend.”

“Hhahaha.. Do you think so??”

“Yeah, you should look her expression. .. Shock is understatement. ”

“Want to know something interesting Suzy?”


“Do you remember about ‘Missy Birdy’ that I always told you when we were young?”


“Krystal is the ‘Missy Birdy’” con21.gif 

“Woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! She isss??? Forrr realll??? Woaaaaaaa~~ You should go after her right now oppa! Tell her everything! Don’t let her downnnn :D”

“I will Suzy, anyway.. thanks for the food.”

“You’re welcome oppa, fighting!”

End Of Amber’s Sore Memories

“Fighting!” Amber said as he ends his story. 

“Woa. Umma is the ‘Missy Birdy?’”

“Yep..” Amber and Krystal reply in unison. 

“Woaaaaaa~” emo10.gif 

“Wanna hear what happen after that?” Krystal asked Eun Ae as she tucked her hairs behind her ears. 

Eun Ae nodded her head repeatedly, while Amber slumped more to the cushion.

Krystal Memories

I went to the rooftop after I left Adden and Suzy. My heart ached when I heard that Suzy is his girlfriend. 

“Stupid Adden, Stupid heart!” I scribbled those words on my notes. Suddenly, I heard the door to the rooftop was opened. 

I turned my head and saw....


like always, to be continueedd onion_msn_smilies-02.gif 

A/N : Keep commenting folks! I need inspiration pedobearwinkplz.gif 
*sorry for the bad grammar and late updating. I hope you enjoy this update 3.gif
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oh my god ; ;; ;
kendappa127 #2
Chapter 19: Update pls author-nim
Chapter 19: "Yeahhh.. I said no"
23 streak #4
Chapter 19: Y~no?..hahaha..
Chapter 19: "Yeah ofcourse not la" hahahha im trying
Chapter 19: "You really think i would say yes? Oh hell NO!" Ahahaha i tried. lol pls do the next chap autor-shi fighting!
Adam_danial #7
Chapter 18: Please continue this story
Chapter 18: yes pls authornim...thanks
reyduffers #9
Chapter 18: Please finish your story author
MniteZ #10
Chapter 18: Authorshiiiiiiiiii . . . . . plzzzz finish your story plzzzz . . ..