Ghost, Hide And Seek *no idea for the title of this chapter

How I Met Your Appa/Umma



Continuation of Krystal’s flashback

“Dinos, what are you doing here?” I crossed my arm and sent the infamous Jung glares to them.

“Uh..w-we....” Adden stuttered.

“Hmmm???” I stood still with furrowed eyebrows, waiting for their answers.

“We...we.. c-came ffforr..”


Adden was smacked by the older dino, Donghae. 

“Yah hyung! What’s that for??” he rubbed his head while pouting. Kya~~ Adden is pouting?? My Dino is cute!! Weee~ wait..what am I thinking??? Serious Krystal seriousss...

“Akhemm.” I cleared my throat, getting their attention. 

“What are you guys doing here?” I asked them again with my Ice Princess Tone. 

Donghae gave me an awkward smile as he pushed Adden forward. Adden in the other hand turned his head towards me and scratched the back of his head.

“Uh, we are h-here to ... to...” his eyes are wandering around the house while talking. Clearly scared of my glare. You are sooo doomed Adden. Heheh

“Hm...?” I stepped forward, closer to him. 

“We are here”

I was ready to pull his ears but stopped when he asked something caught me off guard.

“What are you doing here Sulli?” he asked as he pointed his finger towards Sulli who’s sitting on the couch.

“Uh..oh” Sulli stuttered. She looked at me, trying to get some help while scratching her hair.

Crap! We couldn’t let him know about Sica unnie and I. What should I do now??? >,<

“Why Sulli’s here isn’t matter. What are you guys doing here are matters.” A stern, cold voice spoke from behind all of us. I turned my head and saw that Sica unnie was standing at the stairs, with arms crossed. 

Saved.Fuh -.-“

Unnie walked towards me and turned to face the Dinos. I saw Adden and Donghae oppas were sweating on their foot. I crossed my arms on my perfectly formed chest as I continue to stare to a certain Dino in front of me. 

“Are you going to tell us what are you doing here or you need me to turn your dino face to a pulp to..”

“Pleaseforgiveusonwhathappenedearlier” Donghae said quickly, cutting unnie’s threat. 

“What? Say that once again,... and slower.” Jessica unnie said as she sat on the nearest couch. I followed suit as I sat on the couch hand’s rest. 

“Please forgive us on what happened earlier” Donghae oppa and Adden said in unison and bowed afterwards. 

“Hmm... what do you think we would forgive you that easy?” 

“We know you wouldn’t for-” 

“Who say you can raise your head?” now Donghae oppa was stopped by the sudden outburst of Jessica unnie. Hehe told you don’t mess with the Jungs XD

“We know you girls wouldn’t easily forgive us, but believe me, we are truly sorry about our actions earlier as we think we overdid it... please.. Please forgive us.” Donghae oppa said as he continues to bow. 

Unnie turned her head towards me and signalled me to play along. By that time, I already knew that she already forgive those guys but she just wanted to play around and made a payback towards their prank in the morning. Therefore, I just nod my head and continue to stare at my favourite Dino who is still in his bowing position. 

“Okay, you guys will only be forgiven after completing three tasks from us, which are..”

“What????” Adden suddenly interjected.


A cushion was thrown to him and directly hit his dino face.

“Don’t talk while unnie is talking” I said on behalf of Jessica as I sent him another Jung glares.

“Thanks Krystal, anyway you guys can stand properly now.” Unnie said as she leaned backwards on the couch. The two Dinos straightened themselves and stood stiffly on the floor. Unnie is so great in handling this kind of situation hehe.

“As what I’m saying earlier, you guys will only receive all our forgiveness after completing three tasks that I’ll tell you afterwards. Agree?”

The two dinos exchanged looks between each other before Donghae nodded his head agreeing to unnie’s conditions. 

*snoring sound*

Wait, I don’t remember any snoring sound can be heard at the moment. Who’s snoring?? I scanned around and don’t see anyone sleeping, as everyone was serious. At least the Dinos are. Kuku XD

I turned my focus towards the scene again and as Jessica explained the first task to them, another snoring sound is heard, louder than before. What the heck? Who’s snoring??? While I was busy with my own mental battling, I felt my sleeve was tugged from the side out of sudden. I turned my head towards the side that I felt the force coming from and found nothing or should I say, no one was there. I turned my head to the other side and saw Jessica unnie was talking to the Dinos with her arms crossed on her chest. She wouldn’t be the one who tug me right? I turned my head towards Sulli and found that she was texting someone, and her location was far from my reach. Oh no, my hair started to get up. Is there a ghost in this house??? Creepy o.0.. 

Again, I felt someone tugging my shirt after a few moments. As I wanted to shiver on my seat, I felt a small hand on my cheek.

End of flashback

“Umma!!!!” Eun Ae yelled, and startling me from my trance. I turned my head towards her as she removed her hand from my cheek.

“Yes honey” I asked my lil daughter as I rubbed the area where she had slapped me.

“Appa fell asleep and his snore is annoying” Eun Ae said as she pointed at Amber who’s lying next to her. 

Oh, that’s why I heard the snoring sound, it’s Amber. -___-“

“And Umma didn’t respond when Aiee tug Umma’s shirt either. That’s why Aiee sla- slapped umma.” Eun Ae stuttered in her words. Oh, that’s explained why I felt someone tugged my shirt, not a ghost. Phew~ relieved.

“I’m sorry umma. Please forgive me” Eun Ae said as her eyes started to teary.

“Awww.. it’s okay honey. It’s not your fault” I pulled Eun Ae to my embrace. She snuggled closer to me as I caressed her hair. 

“Let’s sleep for now and continue tomorrow okay?”


“Good night Aeiee”

“Night Umma” 

I kissed Eun Ae’s forehead and hugged her tightly and we both slept, hugging each other. 

Next Day..

Author’s POV

Eun Ae was playing the “Talking Gina” on the ipad while Krystal read the magazine in Amber’s office. Amber was gone to the meeting when they arrived at his office. 


“Hmmm..?” Krystal responded, eyes still fixed on the magazine.

“I’m bored...” Eun Ae is lying next to Krystal on the couch. Krystal finally diverts her attention towards her daughter.

“What do you want to do Aiee?” Krystal asked. She takes Eun Ae to sit on her lap. 

“Let’s play hide and seek” Eun Ae said grinning.

Krystal pouted. “Can we play other games?” It’s not that she hates the game, it’s just she wore a dress which definitely not suitable to play this game. Besides that, they are in public, though in her husband’s office, the possibility of his husband’s employees came in are great. “Pleaseee~” Krystal puts an aegyo while saying that to her daughter.

However, it does not work on Eun Ae. The little daughter held in her breath, just like Agnes did in Despicable Me. This kid need to be taught not to copy everything from the movie, Krystal thought. 

“Okay okay, but Aiee will be the one who need to find umma, arasso?” Krystal said as she got off of the couch. “The area is within this office, now count till 10” Eun Ae nodded her head and closed her eyes and started counting.
As soon as Krystal saw her daughter’s eyes were closed, she tiptoed into one of the closet in the office. She stepped inside the walk-in closet and hides herself behind her husband’s coats. After a few seconds, she heard Eun Ae shouts telling she’s going to search her. 

Minutes passed and Krystal was suppressing her laughter inside the closet, as she heard Eun Ae whined after few minutes of searching. Aish Aiee, Umma is here in the closet!!!

Krystal waited..... and waited.... until who knows how long and she fell asleep. 


Amber POV

I walked into my office and went directly to the closet to put my coat inside and a familiar body was falling onto me once I opened the closet’s sliding door.

I held the body with my arms and take a closer look; it’s my wife, what she’s doing in here?

“Baby, baby, wake up, why did you sleep in here?” I asked as I shook her arms a bit. She slowly opens her eyes and rubbed it with her own hands.

“Are you done with your meeting dear?” She asked as she straightened herself.

“Yes, just finished though. Anyway, what are you doing here in the closet? Sleeping?”

She gave me her pretty smile to me before snuggling at my neck. “I was playing hide and seek with Eun Ae and I waited for her to find me but she never did. That’s why I end up sleeping in there.”

She withdraws herself from me after saying that. A concerned look was showed and she scanned through my office and find no sign of Eun Ae’s around. 

“Where’s our daughter??? Did you saw her?? Where’s she??” Krystal panicking and shook my body hardly.

“Honey, calm down. I..”

“How could I calm down when our daughter is not here? She might be kidnapped or something” Krystal said, half concerned half mad.


Suddenly, the door of my office was opened and it revealed one of my P.A, Luigi hyung who’s holding Eun Ae’s hand. Eun Ae ran towards Krystal and hugged her. 

“Where did you go honey? Why didn’t you look for me?” Krystal asked as she examined Eun Ae’s happy face. 
I signalled Lui hyung to get back to his work and dragged Krystal and Eun Ae to the couch afterwards. Once we seated, Eun Ae told us that she was tired of finding Krystal and went out of the office which let her to meet Luigi hyung. Luigi then asked his nephew and niece to look after of Eun Ae while he called me telling that Eun Ae is with him. Then, Luigi hyung instructed his nephew and niece to play with Eun Ae. Eun Ae was absolutely immersed in playing with those new friends of her till she forgot the game she played with Krystal. Eun Ae was panting after finishing her story while Krystal pouting in the other hand. 

“You should tell me if you want to play with them” Krystal said as she poked Eun Ae’s cheek.

“Mianhe umma, Aeiee can’t find umma. That’s why Aeiee went out of Appa’s office and met Luigi ahjussi. He told his nephew Kim Kyuhyun and niece Crissy unnie to play with Aiee after he called Appa. KimKyuhyun oppa and Crissy unnie were so nice to Aiee and they even let Aiee to play with their favourite toys too!” Eun Ae said as she clapped her hands together. 

Krystal turned her head towards me, frowning a little. “So, you already know that Eun Ae was playing with them?”

I nod my head.”Uh... yeah?”

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“.....I tried to tell you but you cut me off...”

Eun Ae giggles while Krystal blushing madly. I leaned in, kissing her cheek in front of our precious daughter.

“Can I open my eyes now?” Eun Ae said as she peeked from her hands that covering her eyes. 

“Yes you may, honey” Krystal said and pinched Eun Ae’s cheek lightly.

“Umma Appa, can I play unnie and oppa outside?”

Krystal was about to say something but I poked her side which made she yelp a little. “Okay Aiee, you may go now. Don’t burden Lui ahjussi kay”. Eun Ae nods her head and run outside of the office. 

Finally, some alone time ^_^

My lovely wife pouted after what I did to her. I pull her closer to me, making the gap non existence. “I miss you baby” I said as I sniffed her scent at the crook of her neck. 

“I miss you too” she replied. I could tell she’s smiling right now ^^. She plays with my hand as I snuggle to her neck, wanting her more. As I her skin in between my teeth, a knocking sound can be heard coming from the door.

*Knock Knock*

Krystal and I both straightened ourselves. She took the magazine and pretending to read it while I on the other hand took the ipad and pretend to check my email. Once everything seems normal, I responded to allow whoever outside to come in.

The door opened and my secretary, D walked in with her diary. 

“Sorry to interrupt you boss and Mrs.boss. I’m here to update your latest schedule, boss.” D said as she flipped through her diary. 

Krystal pouted after hearing D’s and hides her face behind the magazine that she was holding. 

“Uh.. D..” I said as I tried to stop her from reading the never-ending schedule.

“Yea boss?”

“Can you cancelled every appointment I have for the rest of the day today? I have something come up..” I said as I eyed her to look over Krystal.

“Oh... okay boss” she nodded in understanding while smiling.

“Please tell them that I’m really sorry for the late notice and asked them when their free time and please adjust my schedule to cope with their request”

“Uh...okay boss” D replied as she scribbled all I said in her diary.

“Anything else?”

“Urm... nope..”

“All right then, can I go now?”

“Yes,... anyway, please tell Luigi to free my schedule for the rest of the day too and you may go now”

“Arasso, thanks boss” D said and mouthed “whipped” before going out of my office.

Grrrr.. how could you D!

I turned my head towards Krystal and pull her into my embrace. “Don’t worry honey, I’m free for the rest of the day for you and our Aiee”. I caressed her hair and let her head rest on my chest. She snuggles closer to me, mumbling words that even I can barely hear. 

“What are you saying baby?”

She looked up and stuck her tongue out to me “Nothing!”. She gives me several pecks on my lip and said “I miss you my wormy” in between the pecks. 


Author’s POV

After cuddling for about 30 minutes on the couch, the couple get out of the husband’s office with Amber’s arm on Krystal’s waist. Krystal laid her head on Amber’s shoulder while walking. A sound of kids’ voices echoed in the couples’ ears as they stepped out of the office. 

Smiles appeared on their faces as they saw their dearest daughter was having fun with Lui’s nephew and niece.

“Eun Ae..” Krystal called softly. Eun Ae turns her head towards her parents and runs towards them.

“We need to go now, say goodbye to oppa and unnie”


“You can play with them some other time” Amber interjected as he can sensed that the daughter was about to whine.


“Pinky promise” Amber said as he held his pinky towards Eun Ae. Eun Ae gladly accept the pinky and ran towards the older two to bid her goodbyes. The Appa, Amber on the other hand went to talk to Lui, his personal assistant.

“Lui hyung” Amber called the older ahjussi as he approached him with Krystal following at his back.

“Yes My Prince.. and Princess” Lui responded, bowing a bit.

“Well, I believed D already told you to free my today’s schedule. Right?”

“Yes, I already did My Prince. Is there anything else?”

“Well, that’s it for now. Anyway, I’m going to take my wife and daughter for lunch and won’t be back at office so you can end your work earlier today.”

“Allright Prince” Lui responded, nodding and smiling widely.

“Thank you for taking care Eun Ae earlier. We are sorry for troubling you though” Krystal who was silent before interrupted. The older ahjussi who was overwhelmed of the appreciation received from the princess were smiling widely from ear to ear afterwards. He then convinced the princess that it was his job to do such things for them. Amber then pats Lui at his back, telling that he’s one of his best employees, along with D. D who accidentally heard the conversation, were smiling too behind the screen of her computer. 

While the royal couples were busy complimenting and praising their employees, the little princess Eun Ae was telling her new friends that she will be leaving with her parents soon.

“I’m going to miss you oppa, unnie” Eun Ae said and she’s sad to be separated with her new friends now. 

The older girl, Crissy pulled the young princess into her embrace while KimKyuhyun ruffles the princess’s hair and they both comforting the at-the-verge-of-crying little princess. 

“I’ll miss you Princess Eun Ae” Crissy said as she tighten her hug.

“We’ll meet again some other time” KimKyuHyun who’s the eldest of the three spoke, and ruffles the little princess’s hair. 

As the kids were busy comforting each other, the royal couple approached them from the behind. 

“Don’t worry kids, you’ll be meeting each other some other time” Amber said as he lowered himself to be at the same level with the kids. 

The three kids are grinning widely to each other after hearing Amber’s. Next, the crowned prince ruffles KimKyuHyun’s hair while Krystal kissed Crissy’s cheek and bid their goodbyes as they left the building with Eun Ae. 

“Don’t worry kids, you’ll meet her again some other time” Lui told his nephew and niece and they both just nodded their heads agreeing their uncle’s statement.

“Now, who want to eat ice cream?” The two kids smiled from ear to ear after hearing their uncle’s offer. 

tbc onion_msn_smilies-02.gif 
i was thinking of continue the story to make it longer for this chapter but i changed my mind back. bwahahaha. anyway, sorry for the errors.. english isn't my language XD but i'll try to improve.  anyway, for those who requested for cameo but didnt appeared, it's because i dont know what to put for your names, please comment on my wall or here and tell your name, so that i can put you in the next chapter. ^_^

anyway, comments are appreciated ^_^

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oh my god ; ;; ;
kendappa127 #2
Chapter 19: Update pls author-nim
Chapter 19: "Yeahhh.. I said no"
16 streak #4
Chapter 19: Y~no?..hahaha..
Chapter 19: "Yeah ofcourse not la" hahahha im trying
Chapter 19: "You really think i would say yes? Oh hell NO!" Ahahaha i tried. lol pls do the next chap autor-shi fighting!
Adam_danial #7
Chapter 18: Please continue this story
Chapter 18: yes pls authornim...thanks
reyduffers #9
Chapter 18: Please finish your story author
MniteZ #10
Chapter 18: Authorshiiiiiiiiii . . . . . plzzzz finish your story plzzzz . . ..