

Minseok felt something click inside him and charged on his dongsaeng grabbing him by the collar. "What did you just say?" He dared Jongin to repeat his words and the younger just looked at his raging hyung with emotionless eyes while Luhan, Yixing and Kris were trying to separate the two, whispering them to stop but the eldest was just too strong. "What? Why are you angry, hyung?" Jongin smirked but he was strembling inside. "I hit the spot, didn't I?" He asked and Minseok tightened his grip unto his brother's collar. This punk!


Jongin couldn't breathe easily anymore but he pretended that it was nothing and continued. If getting hurt will snap his hyung out of his stupidity, then he'll gladly take the blow. "Do you ever think that we'll exchange our brotherhood, everything we've been through, for just one girl?" He asked, his voice getting shattered as tears and lack of air came in to him. "Didn't we spend enough time to just believe each other without any doubts, hyung?" Jongin asked with a broken voice finally letting his tears out. Hyung, snap out of it.

Minseok snapped out from his rage at the sight of his brother's tears and a gush of guilt entered him. He's right. They're my brothers. But I trust Jungmi, I love her. He thought but, again snapped out when they heard a familiar voice making them turn.


"Minseok? Jongin, why are you all crying?" Mrs. Kim asked with a worried frown forgetting that she was just in a towel. She walked towards them and looked at her sons waiting for answers but no one dared to talk until Minseok called her attention. "Mom, is it true?" Minseok asked making Mrs. Kim stiffen. She knew what he was talking about and from the looks of it, the others have already told their brother what they saw yesterday.

Hye Jung looked down and kept silent for a moment. She didn't want his son to be sad and all her sacrifices will end to nothing if she tells him now. "Mom, tell him." Chanyeol urged his mom but she kept quiet until Minseok walked towards her. "Mom, look at me." He pleaded and the mother did what was told.

"Is it true?" He asked with shaky breath trying to calm himself down. He doesn't know how he will take her answer. For him his mother is still the most important but Jungmi has her special part in his heart too.


Hye Jung felt the need of hiding the truth but she didn't want her son to live in lies. She doesn't want to break her son's heart. She just wants them to be happy. "MOM! TELL ME!" She was shocked by Minseok's explosion making her shiver and blurt out everything. "YES!" she said crying. "SHE TOLD ME SHE'LL MAKE YOU HAPPY IF I KEEP QUIET!"  "I'M SORRY!" she broke down in sobs finally letting it all out along with his son's happiness.  "I'm so-rry." She collapsed on the floor crying.


Minseok froze on his spot his everything slowly breaking apart. His mother was crying because of him, he just shouted at her. The one they swore not to make cry, the one they're protecting and holding unto, the one they treasured the most, the only one that loves him beyond compare, the only one that looks at him perfectly, as Minseok and not anyone else.

"M-mom--" he was about to say something but he got turned around harshly and greeted a punch on the face by Yixing. He was startled by the punch and inwardly accepted it gladly thinking he deserves it. He then wiped the blood on the side of his lip and saw his brothers' glare towards him as he walked out of their house, tears falling down his cheek. I'm sorry mom, dongsaengs.


Kris and the others didn't bother following their hyung since they know he needed time to think by himself and just focused on comforting their mother. She didn't have to tell as her cries clearly stated that she has been suffering a lot and kept it all to herself for quite some time. Seeing her cry broke the brothers' hearts and they just did their best to comfort her with some of them crying along with their mother's sadness. We'll get through this mom.




The boys finally made their mom calm down to sleep and decided to just let Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Jongdae sleep with their mother, as the trio were the best at making people feel better. They all fell asleep with heavy and worried hearts knowing that their hyung was somewhere out there, lonely.


It was raining heavily outside and Tao was awoken by the thunderstorm.  He was already sniffling when he tried to crawl his way to their mother's bed for comfort when a loud thunder boomed making the 3rd youngest sob in fear.

Kris shuffled and slowly opened his eyes with a frown and saw his younger brother crying. "Tao." He called with his raspy voice and the maknae turned to him. "Hyung" Tao called before crying again. Scaredy cat. Kris sighed at his scaredy brother and ruffled his hair before getting up to comfort the younger. As he made his way to Tao, an empty space on the bed made him halt. His eyes widened and quickly changed his direction to the bed.

Baekhyun, Jongdae and Chanyeol were there but their mom wasn't.


Mom's missing! He thought and then hurriedly went towards the door. "Tao, just stay still. I'm going to look if mom's downstairs." he told and Tao just nodded. Kris hurriedly went downstairs and just as his hunch was telling him, she was nowhere to be found. And with that, he went back running upstairs to wake his brothers up. Kris switched on the lights and started kicking his brothers while Tao watched. "Yah! Wake up!" Kris said in panic but no one budged. "OMMA'S MISSING!" he shouted and Tao gasped. "She's not downstairs?" The panda asked and Kris shook his head. "No, I think she came out looking for hyung." He replied and Tao then began crying as he helped his brother wake the others up. 

Kris went to his room to change and cursed every time he heard the thunder boom knowing his mother was out there in the cold. It took them 15 minutes to wake everyone up and less than a minute to change and go out to look for their mother in the rain.


It was 3.45 when they started looking: Junmyeon and Yixing searching using the car, while the others searched the town running in the rain with their raincoats and umbrellas. And it was 6 am when they finally found their mother crying on a bench soaking wet and shivering. It was too late when they found her as she already had fever, her lips were purple and she was already half conscious.

"Kris ambulance, hurry!" Luhan shouted as he carried his mom in his arms but Mrs. Kim wrapped her arms around her son's neck and shook her head. "I want to go home." She told weakly and Kris immediately turned to the second eldest if he should continue the call or not. Luhan sighed and shook his head and Kris ended the call quickly.




"Omma." Sehun held his mother's hand tightly as Jongin, Tao and Kyungsoo sat on the floor waiting for their mother to wake up. She still has fever but it was slowly going down. The others went to their university, part time jobs and office just to fix some things and then go home immediately to be there next to their mom. Minseok was nowhere to be found and each of the bothers has tried to call him, but no one succeeded. In the end, they just sent him a message saying to go home as soon as possible and that something happened to their mother. 


As soon as Hye Jung woke up, her eyes began shedding tears and insisting on looking for her first born. But of course the 11 didn't let her not alone leave her bed. With the promise that they'll take their hyung back as soon as possible, the mother calmed down and followed her son's advice by resting and eating everything the boys offered her.


Soon, the 12 reunited in their mother's room quietly watching their weak mother sleeping. They noticed that she got a lot skinnier and her lively white skin became pale as dead. They only noticed this now and they were slightly upset about it. She has been very good at hinding things it scared them sometimes.


Minseok spent the night in his girlfriend's apartment to confirm the things his brothers were saying and it all came clear when the girl just turned her back to him and slept. He thought it'll all be over but he dicided to continue trusting his girlfriend and thinking that maybe she was just tired. And then, he was greeted with a lot of missed calls and messages from his brothers saying their mother wasn't well making him rush to their house not even bothering about messy state.

With a fast beating heart out of worry, fear and guilt, he barged in to their house and got greeted by another punch from Kris this time, surprising everyone. Kris just reached home just before Minseok and the moment he saw his hyung enter the house, no words were spoken and he just punched him right in the face. Reasons? He doesn't have one, but one thing's for sure. He deserves it.

The others weren't going to bother stopping them if it wasn't for their mom resting upstairs. With heavy sighs, they all calmed themselves and went up silently to their mother's room watching her sleep, hoping that having the 12 of them together will help their mom feel better by just being with her side.


Hours have passed and the brothers decided to wake their mother up. It has been 9 hours of sleep and she needed to take her medications and eat. With those 9 hours, the brothers have talked about what happened and had a lot of arguments with Minseok still blindly defending his girlfriend and the others telling him what they discovered. Minseok still didn't believed them even if his brother's explanations actually made sense but he let them do what they had to do just to prove them right. And that was to catch Jungmi in action.


Minseok cooperated in the plan and agreed to call his girl to come to their house to see his mother that was sick. Jungmi, not hinting any suspicions sounded worried enough and hurriedly went to visit her mother in law, or should I say, to steal glances at her boyfriend's wonderful brothers. Minseok is good, she thought. But his brothers are better.




Mrs. Kim was woken up by his first son and the mother cried in happy tears apologizing for nothing, hugging her son like her life depended on it. Minseok apologized gazillion times to his mother and swore that what he did to his mother will never be repeated ever again. Seeing that the brothers were talking again made the mother happier and ate everything Kyungsoo and Yixing cooked for her with her sons praising her on how well she eats, treating her like a 3 year old child. Jongdae, Baekhyun and Chanyeol did their job on telling jokes making their mom laugh with the others laughing along with the jokes. The three ended up bullying their Junmyeon hyung for fun and everyone had their stomachs aching because of the laughter. And just as if they didn't had enough, Sehun and Tao suggested a dance battle between Junmyeon, Jongdae and Chanyeol making them laugh like there was no tomorrow. 


Mrs. Kim laughed like nothing bad ever happened and the sons were just happy to hear their mother's angelic laugh, easing their awkward hearts towards their eldest brother and the topic of his girlfriend. But just like that, all good things came to an end when they heard the doorbell rang. The boys sighed inwardly and secretly sent each other a look that their investigation will now begin. Operation kicking out the BEGIN!


Minseok went downstairs to open the door while the boys tried their best to not show their mother the awkward atmosphere and continued talking to her until Jungmi and Minseok entered the room. Just with the sight of the girl, Mrs. Kim froze on her spot as she was greeted by her son's girlfriend's 'angelic' smile. "Ommoni, how are you doing?" How dare you get sick?! Jungmi told with a worried expression as she walked towards the bed and kneeled on the side of the bed. "Minseok told me you're sick so I came to see if you're alright." Meh. I just want to see Kris. She told and the brothers, except Minseok, tried their best to suppress the eye rolling, scoffing, cursing and blurting a sarcastic 'yeah, right' to the girl's words. Not wanting to have the girl in their house any longer, the brothers decided to leave the two alone for their plan to proceed.

Sorry mom. The 12 went out with heavy hearts seeing their mother secretly pleading them not to go with her eyes but they had no choice. As much as they hate to see their mother getting bullied, they also hate how their brother was being dumb by the one sided relationship he was having and with that, they all moved into the next room and gathered on to the wall that Luhan expertly put a small hole on with a picture frame covering it. The holes were on the picture's eyes that Luhan also put a hole on so they could just charge the girl if she ever lay a hand on their mother. Oh how the brothers wanted to do that especially Baekhyun who already has the razor prepared to shave the girl's hair. This. Is. Sparta!


It was silent in the room as Mrs. Kim kept shut as well as Jungmi who was eying the ahjumma before she opened and talked. "So, did you tell Minseok about me? He came to my apartment last night and cried a lot, ugh. What a bother." She nagged and the ahjumma looked at the girl with wide eyes making Jungmi smirk. "You're so disobedient, ahjumma." She sighed and looked at the sick woman with a disgusted face. "Well, from the looks of it, he didn't believe you, right?" She mocked and Mrs. Kim started coughing but the younger just stared at the ahjumma. "Pathetic." She hissed and stood up. "This is the 1st strike, ahjumma. Another wrong move and I’ll dump him. You don't want your Minmin hurt, right?" She asked and Mrs. Kim just nodded.


Mom! Don’t let her treat you like that! The boys mentally scolded their mom. "That's it, I'm going in." And kill the girl including her soul. Kyungsoo whispered but he was stopped by Junmyeon. The older gave his dongsaeng a warm smile before putting his hand on his brother's shoulder. "Let hyung fix this, Kyung. Let's give him a chance." He told and Kyungsoo just let out a shaky angry sigh before sitting on Tao's bed, silently cursing the soon to be ex-girlfriend of his brother just like his brothers. And with that Minseok and the others kept on listening. I’m sorry mom.


Jungmi roamed the room and rudely intruded like it was her own as she talked. "I'm not actually into your Minmin so you can keep him all to yourself.  I want Kris to be my boyfriend, or Luhan if he's not that moody." She smirked and Mrs. Kim couldn't do anything but to grip the sheets tightly. For Minseok. She thought. "Pathetic. You think you can always have your sons, do you? Well, you're wrong! Because one day, they'll all find themselves a wife and leave you here to rot--" she was saying when the door was opened with a loud bang. Minseok came in to the room surprising the both, his face was red and his breathing was heavy as he glared at the girl. As much as he wanted to punch the girl in the face, he still held on to what their mother has thought them, never hit girls.

Jungmi was shocked and was about to make up a lie to cover her up but even before she could speak, Minseok beat her out of it. "I heard everything." He said and Jungmi just kept silent. She knew what was coming next. "And I just want you to know that you should rot in hell and that we're 10000 times over." he added and the girl just scoffed at Minseok who returned a smirk. "You may have the looks, body and everything, but for me and my brothers, our mom always comes first." He told and smiled at his mother. I’ll make it up to you mom. "Now, you know the way out, right? Shoo." He shooed he cooly, reminding the girl what attracted her to the man but it was too late for that.


"Your lost!" Jungmi said angrily and stomped her way out, but stopped as soon as she saw some of his ex’s brothers waiting for her on the hallways. She just broke up with him but she didn't even felt sadness as seeing the flawless men, making her smile. But that smile of hers disappeared as soon as Baekhyun's smirk was seen.

"Hasta la vista, bi-atch!" Baekhyun said and grabbed the girl's long hair and slash! He shaved it leaving a track of shaved space between her head showing her scalp. "That's for making my mom wash the dishes all by herself." He added and left to go in to the room to join his brother and omma.

"WHAT?! YAH!" Jungmi screamed as she saw her hair on the floor. "OH! She's bald!" Chanyeol pointed out before laughing and followed his hyung in to the room as well. "You should go." Jongin told her with a cold tone, his usual poker face plastered in his face. Jungmi glared at them and went pass them but she was showered with a cold porridge with her 3rd step.

Kyungsoo walked towards the girl with a glare. "Be thankful you're a girl or I might've poured a boiling one on you." He told and went in to the room as well with Jongin tagging along.


Jungmi was in verge of tears as she walked away when a handkerchief was presented to her by no other than her crush, Kris. "I'm so sorry about my brothers. We're just furious at you for treating our mother like that." He told and the girl didn't even care what he was talking about as she was mesmerized by the model's beauty. "Here's a handkerchief, take It." He told and the girl did so. She dabbed the cloth on her eyes and felt thankful at her crush until she felt her eyes stinging. She blinked her eyes a few times but the sting made her eyes tear even more, she then turned to Kris who was now smirking.

"That is for being an un-loyal girlfriend to our hyung." He told and entered the room as well with Junmyeon and Yixing following him. Smart, Hyung just told her we’re furious and she still accepted something from us. Luckily Benben hyun is kind enough to not put a blade inside that cloth. Jumyeon thought as he watched the girl stumble her way out. Good luck getting out in one piece, sister in law. He smirked and followed his brothers.

" you all!" She cursed and struggled her way downstairs where Sehun was. "We don0t curse in this house." The maknae said unimpressed before passing by her. "Nice hair by the way." He laughed and went to the room joining his family. Jungmi shouted profanities at them but the brothers couldn't care less. "I hate you all!" She hissed. And when she was three steps away from the ground floor, she heard steps coming down; it was Jongdae coming out of nowhere. "Oh, I almost forgot.” He told. “My turn!" He cheered and pushed the girl down before going in to the room. It didn't hurt the girl much since it wasn't in a high level. 


Jungmi just shouted in frustration and exited the house crying in anger but an angelic face greeted her. Luhan was leaning in the main door with his eyes closed and arms crossed below his chest. He heard the girl's shuffles and looked up with a poker face. There was silence as the girl again ended up admiring the good looking guy in front of her while Luhan just looked at the wrecked girl in front of him. Wow, they didn't really hold back, huh? He thought, impressed at his brother's works. But it doesn't mean I'll hold himself back. Luhan blinked at the girl and Jungmi then started putting her heels on when she heard a chuckle. She looked up to see the magnificent sight of his smile but was soon greeted by an emotionless expression.

"Nice hair." He told before laughing making the girl turn red in anger. She grabbed her heels and threw one at Luhan that he easily dodged. She glared at Luhan but the blonde just returned a smirk. "I hope you shoes knows their own way home." He smirked before kicking the shoe towards another person: Tao. "All yours." Luhan told the panda and went in to the house.

Jungmi looked at Tao with pleading eyes. "Please, don't do this." She pleaded crying and Tao stopped and looked at her seem like he was thinking. It seems like I won't go home barefoot. Jungmi smiled inwardly but froze when he saw Tao smirk. 


"No." He told and kicked the heel as far as he can before entering the house. "Close the door when you leave." He added as he went pass by the girl who made their mother cry. 




Mrs. Kim hugged her son tightly. "I'm sorry, I know you like her a lot.--" she tried to apologize but she got cut off by Minseok. "Do you ever think we'll exchange you for some other girl, omma?" He asked and the mother just pouted. He chuckled at his mother's aegyo and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you and I shouted at you. I'm sorry. " Minseok kissed his mother's forehead as tears fell from his eyes and Mrs. Kim just shook her head patting her son's back for comfort. "It's okay, don't apologize." Mrs. Kim cried as well.


"YAH! You made mom cry again!" Tao hissed at his hyung. Squeak! squeak! The inflated hammer was heard and it was Kyungsoo who was holding it with a wide grin. Jongdae jumped on the bed and accusingly pointed at his Minseok hyung. "Kim Minseok, for making omma cry, you shall be punished by this household with life worth of bullying and teasing about your baozi cheeks." He announced. "AND THAT'S LAW!" Chanyeol and Baekhyun chorused and with that Kyungsoo did the honor of hitting his hyung's head with the toy hammer making Mrs. Kim laugh.

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three to five chapters more and we'll see the BIG ending ^^/ this time... I MEAN IT


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Ms_koala #1
Chapter 9: All her kids are really skilled to shoo people.. moreover someone who wants to getting close with they're mom
Ms_koala #2
Chapter 5: When Baeky had an idea but always got reject...😂😂😂
Chapter 62: Whyyyyyyyyyyy did this endddddddddd? This is not fair.. I want more authornim.. (╥_╥)(╥_╥)
This is one hell of an amazing story.. I still want to read more.. This feels like incomplete.. At least few epilogues? No no not I can't accept the fact that this is finished here like this.. ( TДT)( TДT)
ChocoChen21 #4
Chapter 16: I always come back to this story whenever I have family priblems, and thus chapter never fails to make me happy. Especially the last line HAHAHAHAHAHQ
Chapter 62: even after almost how many years since i read this story, i came back and re-read this when i started to miss ot12 again. and this story is a really good one❤️ i miss the time that i would wait for an update and be giddy while reading this❤️ i miss the whole ot12, i wish this was a 100+ chapter story????❤️❤️❤️ forevered treasured story❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 62: Chapter 61: What a happy family. This story is so heartwarming. I love their relationship with their mother. I also like their relationship with their significant other (Minseok, Jungmyeon, Yixing, Baekhyun). I love all the chapters though the pace of the last few chapters are a bit fast (in my opinion). But I really like the story and I'm hoping for more. Hyejung Eomeoni is an awesome mother and her sons are the best! The story is wonderful and I really enjoy reading this story. Thank you for writing and sharing the story. ^^
Chapter 62: Still my number 1 fanfic.
Chapter 61: My God, I love you, your such a great author you should make a second book this made me sooo happy that I cleaned my house for my mom and told her that we're all so lucky for a beautiful mom thank you
Chapter 62: OMG I love this. What a cheerfull family you got there. I love this.. So cuteee.
Good job authornim.