after all this years

You're my Wendy, I'm your Peter Pan

~ EXO M - Peter Pan ~

"Finally, these exams are over and we can go drink bubble tea again." Luhan said cheerfully, who walked into the store along with one of his best friends, Sehun.

Sehun nodded in agreement "In our summer vacation we can go more often."

They stood in the not very long queue.

"I'm looking forward to the summer with EXO!" Beamed Luhan and looked around the store.

Until his gaze stopped on a person.

"As long as it doesn’t end like the last time ... Hyung?"

Sehun followed confused the gaze of Luhan.

His attention was a girl who was sitting two tables away.

She was alone, but seemed nice and friendly.

"Luhan Hyung?"

Sehun nudged the elderly, who returned into reality.

"Who is that?"

"I think a childhood friend from China. I'll be right back, okay? You know what I usually order."

Luhan smiled at the other and then went to the girl.

How should he address her?

What should he do if she didn’t recognize him, or she was not the one he thinks?

No, Luhan was sure:

It was Wang Min, the first and only girl he fell in love with.

Min felt that somebody was staring at her so she looked up.

Her eyes widened.

She recognized him immediately and that noticed also Luhan.

Cheerful he bent down a little, "Hey, Min. I haven’t seen you for years. What are you doing here in Seoul?"

Min couldn’t believe it.

Your first love standing in front of her and she couldn’t believe it that he just did as if nothing happened.

She was so hurt at that time.

"Hi Luhan ... I'm visiting one of my brothers here. He makes something like a year abroad." She said after a while, but don’t smiled.

The Min he knew wasn’t usually like this.

She always smiled when Luhan talked to her.

That's why he asked anxiously "Is everything okay with you? Or is something wrong? You seem so depressed."

"Mwoh!? Can you really not remember?"

Luhan looked confused "What do you mean?"

Min sadly grabbed her bag and stood up "Then just forget it ... Just like the other thing. I’ll going first."

But Luhan took her at her wrist.

"Min ... I really don’t know what I did wrong. But after all these years we have not seen each other, I don’t want that you're mad at me."

She sighed quietly.

Min couldn’t be long angry or upset at him that has always been that way.

"So you want something like a second chance?"

Luhan released her and nodded seriously.

But Min didn’t want to make it this easy "Well, the answer why I'm mad at you is somewhere written in the diary. You have exactly seven days. A week from today I'll wait outside at six o’clock there in front of the fountain. If you come and you know the real reason I'm giving you a second chance and I won’t be mad at you anymore. Otherwise, I never want to talk to and see you again."

Min had a hard time to say the last sentence, but they were no more children.

Soon they’ll be adults.

And now she really wanted to grow up.

She looked at Luhan, before she finally left the bubble tea shop.

Luhan looked at her confused while she went away.

He really didn’t know what he had done wrong, only that Min was grew up fast.

Therefore, he had to find this diary as soon as possible.

Luhan was about to go looking for Sehun, but he stood with their things and two bubble teas already beside him.

"I don’t really understand the whole story but we must hurry, right?"

The elder began with the words of his friend to smile again and nodded.

"Call EXO-K together. I take care of M. We meet in half an hour at my house. It’s very important for me, please say this to them."

Sehun nodded seriously.

He doesn’t want to share his best friend with a girl, but something told him that he could possibly endure with this Min.

"Thank you Sehun."

Luhan friendly laid a hand on his shoulder.

Sehun shook his head "No, it's fine. Let's hurry."

The two split up and started with the calls.

Already within 20 minutes they were all at Luhan’s, even if no one had a plan why they were here exactly.

They said it was important and that was enough information for the beginning.


"You've met Luhan again?" Min’s little brother asked happily.

He had Luhan always regarded as his big brother, who liked his sister and she liked him.

However, Min nodded.

I think she was still sad and angry about this thing...

"Did you recognize him immediately? After all, it's been 9 years."

Maybe he could calm down her a bit in which he mentioned how long ago it was.

His sister nodded again "Yes, he still looks kinda like this eight year old boy with the baby face ..."

"... He is still as carefree and happy as before." She added after a few seconds of silence.

Her brother smiled to himself.

Luhan really fit into the role of Peter Pan and his sister in the one of Wendy.


"Peter Pan and Wendy?" repeated Xiumin.

Luhan nodded and blew dust from his hands.

"Yep. Min loved Peter Pan. She even had two little brothers as the real Wendy. So we always played that we were in Neverland and experienced adventure together. I was Peter, Min was Wendy and her little brothers was her little brothers. The only thing missing were the Lost Boys."

"Sometimes you really seem like Peter Pan." Kris muttered and lifted a box on the page.

Chen was the only one who heard it, so he began to grin.

"And why we search then for this diary?" Tao asked and searched a number of books.

"She said the reason would be written in it." Luhan answered and opened with the help of Lay a box.

"Oh ... Damn!"

Everyone looked to Baekhyun who slid back on his of a box.

"What is it?" inquired Kai and crawled to him.

"There was a huge fat black spider!" Baekhyun whined, clinging on Kai’s neck.

The two and almost all the rest of EXO began to yell and they all gathered together into a corner.

"That wasn’t such a good idea to bring them up to the attic." Suho stated quietly, took a book and killed the spider with it.

"Ah, that's one of our leaders!" Kyungsoo said loudly and smiled with relief.

"Yeah you should take an example Kris." Chanyeol grinned broadly.

Kris only gave him a death glare and cared more about the books.

"And what exactly is this diary?" Asked Lay and took carefully the books.

"Min had written there down all things we have experienced in Neverland. She gave it to me before leaving."

"Wow, and then you store it in the attic full of love." Chen spoke sarcastically.

Luhan sighed: "No, it was after about 5 years when we had absolutely no contact with each other anymore."

"Do not blame Luhan now and instead look better and faster!" Sehun spoke up.

The others nodded slightly, while still wondering why Sehun actually really wanted to help and was not jealous of that Min.


"Luhan hasn’t talked to us the rest of the week." Quaked Xiumin concerned.

"Not even with Sehun?" Baekhyun and Chanyeol asked simultaneously.

Sehun shook his head "Just short messages."

"Well, that's why we are here now." Replied Suho and pointed to Luhan's house.

"Maybe he's already at the meeting place." Kai said as they rang the bell.

"5 hours earlier than the appointment?"

Shortly after, Luhan's mother opened the door and let EXO immediately into the house.

She liked all eleven friends of Luhan since the first meeting.

"Luhan's in his room. You can go up."

As they entered the room they found their friend sleeping, with this head lying on the desk.

Next to him was the whipped diary.

They immediately noticed the dark circles under his eyes.

He must have probably often worked through the night.

Sehun tapped Luhan lightly on the shoulder and said his name.

"Are you still alive?" Chen added.

When he collected an annoyed look from Sehun he raised his hands and turned away.

When it came to Luhan, Sehun often don’t understand any fun.

Luhan stirred and sat up sleepily "Sehun?"

"And EXO." Tao said, smiling slightly.

All of them made ​​themselves comfortable in the bedroom of Luhan.

"And do you know now why Min is mad at you?” asked Kris.

Luhan sighed loudly and shook his head depressed "No. I really have no idea why."

Sehun patted him encouragingly on the shoulder.

"Well we have still more than 4 hours to the meeting. We’ll go through it together quickly. Perhaps somebody will have an idea why she’s mad." suggested Suho.

Luhan was not sure if it would help, but he wanted to take everything that was available to him.

"Well, here we go."


15 minutes before the appointment

"I give up." Luhan moaned "Even if I find out the answer now, I would be too late anyway."

"I got it!" Lay said with wide eyes.

EXO immediately turned around him.

"What is it?" asked Kyungsoo excited.

"Don’t forget it! I beg you!" Chanyeol said quickly.

"It ..." Lay began and all involuntarily slipped closer "... would be totally helpful if we had a unicorn now!"

One half of EXO sighed and made ​​a face palm, while the other half hit Lay.

"This doesn’t help us!" groaned Xiumin.

"But the unicorn could fly Luhan there and maybe even tell him the answer" he defended himself.

"But unicorns don’t exist!" Replied Sehun annoyed.

"Peter Pan doesn’t exist also and Min still likes him. If we only allowed to believe in something we can see and touch, we can immediately say goodbye and forget about it and –“

"Lay wait!" interrupted Luhan.

He jumped up and looked at his friend "Repeat it!"

"Peter Pan doesn’t exist also and Min still likes him?" Lay repeated hesitantly.

"No the other sentence!"

"If we only allowed to believe in something we can see and touch, we can immediately say goodbye and forget about it?"

"I know why Min is mad at me! Thank you! "Luhan said happy, hugged Lay, grabbed the diary and ran out from the room.

EXO watched him confused.

They had again no idea what had just happened, but they wouldn’t let Luhan alone.

So they ran as fast as they could after him.


Luhan looked around frantically.

It was four minutes after 6 o’clock.

Min was late too or she was already gone.

He ran a hand through his hair and looked at EXO who just came running around the corner.

Completely out of breath, they asked "And?"

Luhan shook his head sorrowfully.

His friends looked dejected as well.

Sehun and Xiumin put an arm around him.

"What was your theory?" Baekhyun asked cautiously.

"Do you know the quote ‘Don’t say goodbye, because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting'? Peter Pan said this. This quote even was written big and bold on the first page."

Luhan slapped his forehead.

How stupid could he be?

EXO understood nothing.

"I told her goodbye and DID forget her, when I left China! That’s why she is mad at me." "That was right."

The boys turned to the side.

"Min..." Luhan said quietly, but loud enough that understood EXO it.

So that was the girl, that had Luhan twisted the head.

She smiled slightly at Luhan.

It was a good idea to wait for him, Min thought.

"So we leave you alone. Have fun." Suho smiled and squeezed the members with the help of Kris away.

As they walked away they threw back surprised looks again and again.

"Peter Pan and Wendy apparently exist. Only this time Peter wanted to grow up along with Wendy."


"Will you give me a second chance so now?" Luhan begged, smiling slightly.

"Um ..." she looked at him and then pointed over to the bubble tea shop.

He looked to the side.

There were EXO, who sit at the window seats and looked “unremarkable” at the two.

"Just ignore them. Sometimes they are real ... idiots. "Luhan said and had to resist a laugh.

His best friends were simply unique.

"You know I'm glad that you have found such good friends and I like to give you a second chance." Min said quietly.

However Luhan understood every single word and a happy feeling was spreading in his chest.

"Then you can meet my friends later and become friends with them!"

"Promise me something before ... Never say goodbye again and then forget me."

Luhan took her gently in his arms and whispered in her ear, smiling "I promise it, because you're my Wendy and I’m your Peter Pan."

Luhan moved away from her and then pointed grinning to the bubble tea shop.

Min followed his gesture.

EXO jumped around happily in the shop and you can even hear their cheers.

"And we have finally found our Lost Boys."


I hope it isn't too cheesy and you liked it.

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Oh, and thank you very much to the two cute people,

which subscribed before I uploaded the chapter!

missyupina ♡

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Chapter 1: love it <3
Chapter 1: So cute XD
Chapter 1: hello there peter pan and wendy.,

BTW im tinkerbell<3

love ur story
aanukilita_14 #4
Chapter 1: one word.... AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOOOOAAAAH I was waiting for someone to make a story like this, can't wait for your update!!!! :D