Member 01 & 02

FIRST | YG & SM [Open for Apply]

First Two Members of FIRST



Finally the day that you all had been waiting for have come! YG and SM had revealed their first two members of FIRST, as you have predicted, they are both pretty and talented.

First member is EJ

This Korean- American girl has triggered many citizens' attention and curiosity over her rapping practice that SM and YG had uploaded few days ago on Youtube. You must be familiar with her face since she used to played in many cfs and two dramas last year. Her pretty face, resembles KARA's Goo Hara and A Pink's Son Naeun also made her gaining much attention during training. Heo Eunjung or her stage name EJ not only amazed Lee Sooman and Kim Taesong with her beauty but with her personality. "She is one of my favorite trainee. She is very creative and talented. And she is like a chameleon, constantly blending in," said the CEO of SM Entertainment. Since she originally start with cfs and acting, we are curious on how much her skills will develop in the future.

Now let's look at her incredible predebutrapping skill



Second member is Song Seulmi

This Korean girl stole Lee Sooman's attention, since her audition. Her parent and sister had always encouraging her in this field and thus becoming one of the main reason she is in SM. Her sister is a widely- known professional model, Song Danmi, we are guessing beauty sure runs in their blood. Besides a pretty face, she is known as actress Park Minyoung look- alike, she is also a filial daughter, during her school years, she ever worked in a bookstore to help pay for her music school expenses. She was mentioned by IU on 'Real' album since she is one of the back up singers.

Here is her picture with her sister:

Here is her audition footage




To be honest it was hard to choose the main vocalist since I am torn between two chara D; But what to do? I have to choose. Congraz to soph68!! For those who applied as main vocalist but arent chosen, you still have the chance becuz I might tweaked your position ono and please please please chara from YG is needed. Lastly, do leave a comment to show your support babeh <3



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Chapter 3: New Year New start. Let's start with an update:)
I hope no one forgot about this story it has potential.
fragrantflower #3 Here is my first ever application OTL I really hope you like her ^^
suspendedtime #4
Chapter 3: Thank you so much for choosing Seulmi! Can't wait to see the other members :D
Chapter 3: I am anticipating the members. Congrats
Chapter 3: Congrats to soph688! ^-^ can't wait for the other members~
Chapter 3: Congrats t the chosen member~ :3
Kuhsut #8
Chapter 3: Im still hopefully^^
AliceHwang1 #9
Chapter 2: I'm excited *oooo* Fightiiiing o/
Chapter 1:

Here is my application!! <3 <3
I Hope you like her! XD