the end of all things

The name I loved

i wonder if it'll make any difference if i had told you earlier.
--- --- ---

"...and...there you go," Jiho fixed Kyung's bowtie and smoothed out the white suit jacket that Kyung was wearing, settling his hands on Kyung's shoulder before he let his own hands slide down along Kyung's arms and back to his sides.

It was an old habit that Jiho wanted to kick off so badly yet he couldn't. it had always been his responsibility to take care of his friend. Maybe Kyung was more than a friend to Jiho but it didn't matter at all. Jiho was glad that his friend hadn't got sick of him for all these years.

"Thanks man, i wouldn't have survived without you," Kyung turned to check his attire from the mirror.

"Yeah, probably still working at that shrimp sized eatery, " Jiho scoffed and shrugged his shoulders, earning a playful smack on his arm.

"Dude i know i owed you big time so stop bringing up the past," Kyung didn’t seem to be amused at all.

"Ok ok i won't keke," Jiho laughed.

Kyung only stood back facing Jiho and the look on his face made Jiho worried for him.

"Jiho ah I really appreciate the things you have done for me. i don't know how am i supposed to repay you but somehow I'll. You have exceeded your duties as a friend and--"

"Woh woh hold it there, you're making me cry. Gosh I feel like I’m a mother marrying off my daughter." Jiho took Kyung’s arm and turned Kyung to face him directly.

"Hey! I’m expressing my gratitude to you here! don't know how many times i had to practice my touching speech...ugh," Kyung shoved Jiho off and turned away.

Jiho saw Kyung pouting in the mirror and he did what he had always been doing. Jiho rested his chin on Kyung's shoulder and hugged onto his waist.

"Awww kyungcumber is saddd~" Jiho said in his teasing voice and plucked up his lips at Kyung.

"Ok ok you win I’m not sad anymore" Kyung shook his head and squirmed his way out of Jiho's grip.

"You know that I love you right?" Kyung buttoned his sleeves.

"Yeah...I love you too..." Jiho whispered a little too sincerely.
--- --- ---

Jiho stepped out of the wedding hall with a severe headache. He felt a lump in his throat and an unbearable pain in his chest. His back crumpled against the walls as Jiho tried to breathe properly, beads of cold sweat rolled down his forehead as he swallowed back his tears.

So...that was how it felt huh?

Jiho let out a choppy laugh at himself. He must have been looking like an idiot. But it didn't matter anyways. As he was already the biggest idiot on earth to actually fell for his own best friend.

And the best part? Kyung wouldn't even know about his feelings towards him, not in a million light years. Jiho wasn't planning to let his best friend who was becoming a married man in another minute or so.

When Jiho heard the music and applause from the hall, he was out struck by a sense of loneliness and emptiness. It felt like his heart had been dug out and his blood was drained from his body. He felt worse than being dead.

This wasn't the reality that Jiho wanted. It never was and it shall never be.

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A/N: look how old this thing is. zikyung...come back soon. miss ya

comment away <3

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Chapter 1: This was really, really good!!! Will there be a sequel~?