
So SIck

You were curled up in the blankets, you hadn’t moved all day, well except to the bathroom a few times earlier. Your stomach felt as if it was on fire and the pain was just too unbearable to sleep it off.

Your phone had also been going off all day long, but you hurt too much to find it in the blankets, let alone actually answer anyone, so you just let it go. Eventually it stopped; you assumed the battery had died so you really didn’t care about it after that.

You were just lying there staring at the celling wishing that the pain would go away when you heard the sound of your front door being unlocked. You groaned, why did he have to come today? You didn’t want him to see you like this, and you knew that you stunk from sweating under all these blankets all day. You pulled the blankets all the way over your head, you thought that maybe he wouldn’t notice you if you did that.

You felt him sit at the edge of the bed. He was singing softly to you. You had to peak out at him, you just had to watch his face every time he sang ‘Beautiful’ to you. You couldn’t help but smile, but the movement to drag the blanket off of you because the pain to worsen for a few moments and your smile turned into a wince.

He noticed the change in your face, and he immediately asked if you were alright.

“No baby,” you whispered “I’ve been sick all day” You tried to play it off, but suddenly playful Donghae disappeared as he swiftly left your bedroom. You could hear him in the kitchen and making a lot of noise at that. You thought of food, and your stomach turned, but you knew that he was going to make you eat the soup he was making. He made it every time you were ill and it did make you feel better every time, but you had not been able to keep anything down for a while and you hoped that you didn’t have to taste it twice.

You closed your eyes and listened to Donghae move around the kitchen. You made a mental reminder to make sure he cleaned it all up; you knew how much of a mess he can make. You went through the process in your head since you had seen him make it so many times. And sure enough you were right on point and he walked in the door when you thought about him carrying the soup to you.

He sat down next to you and helped you sit up a bit just so you would be able to eat. He then proceeded to feed you. You looked at him and half smiled, it was the best you could do. He never once asked you why you didn’t tell him you were sick, and he didn’t scold you for staying in bed and not eating, he knew you better than that. He knew that you were stubborn and if you wanted to be alone you were going to be alone. Especially when you are sick.

He slowly fed you the soup and surprisingly it did help you feel a little better, and your stomach started to grumble indicating how starving you actually were. He hummed along to a few songs and you silently ate.

“Thank you baby” You told him as he placed to empty bowl on the side table before lying on next to you. He kissed your forehead and smiled into your eyes.

“I love you” he whispered to you as he pulled you close to his chest, “I wish I could hold you forever and never let you get sick. It hurts to see the pain in your eyes “He placed his chin on your head as you breathed in his scent.

The pain in your stomach wasn’t gone but it was not as bad, and with the warmth of your man holding you and never letting you go you swiftly drifted off in his arms.

“I love you too, Donghae” you mumbled before you closed your eyes and dreamt the night away.


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prahesa #1
Chapter 1: He is indeed a dependable man :D
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 1: cuute... love it
bewilderedpessimist #3
Chapter 1: aw, he loves her even if she smells
YeSung_Oppa_Fighting #4
Chapter 1: Awwwwww so cute!!
zatieywookie #5
Chapter 1: so sweet !!! XD
lazyoongi #6
Chapter 1: Awwww cute <3