Ice Royalties

Boom, Head Shot.

Youngjae's POV


Aesook, Daehyun and I entered the classroom at the same time and greeted the teacher with a bow. All three of us were in the same year while Yongguk and Himchan hyung were in the year above us, while the maknae line, Jongup and Junhong were in a year below us. By the time we finished our greetings, we walked to the back of the class avoiding the eyes of our fellow peers.

In our school, we were known as the Ice Princes and Aesook was also known as the Ice Princess. People feared us because of our background but honestly, we are nothing but regular students who attend school to learn new things. People may think we are just a bunch of delinquents who go to school because our parents force us. However, the thing that they don't know is that all of us lost our parents at a young age. We go to school because it's the only place where we can let our guard down and laugh with each other just as friends, not as fellow gang members or fellow assassins. 

Just like any other morning, our desks were filled with presents from our fangirls and fanboys. To be honest, I don't get what's so special about us. Girls swoon over us all the time and they always throw themselves at us, like they literally jump on us and koala hug us. There was even one time when Jongup was bending down picking up his books when a random girl jumped on his back resulting him falling down flat on his face. It was definitely not a pretty sight, he suffered from a broken nose and blood just kept flowing from his nose like no tomorrow. 

"Class I will be returning your tests from last day alright?" Mr. Park announced.

"Neh seosangnim" our class replied to him in unison.

"Jung Eunji....Jung Aesook" the teacher called

I smirked at Aesook while she gave me a death glare as she slowly approached the teacher at the front to get her test.

"So what did you get?" I gave her a cocky smile

"Tell me what you get first and I'll tell you my mark." 

"Alright fine, you'll have to wait then."

"Jung Daehyun" I heard the teacher call again.

I smirked at Daehyun as well and he gave me a death glare just like how his sister did. You guys have no idea how fun it is to make fun of them. It's like they're the same person, I guess its quiet obvious that they're twins. They both have the same habits but they never want to admit it. 

"Yoo Youngjae" I heard the teacher call my name as I slowly walked to the front.

"Nice job Youngjae, exactly what I expected from our top student." he whispered 

"Kamsahabnida seosangnim " I said while flashing him a smile and giving him a bow

I looked at the big red digits on the right corner of my test and smiled in victory. I laughed inwardly and flashed the Jung twins a smile before I got back into my seat and our lesson finally started.

Daehyun's POV


I lifted my head off my desk as I heard the lunch bell go off and I started packing my things. I shot out of my seat and walked to where my other half sits and watched her pack her things. I sat down and glared at the group of girls who were planning to approach me. I find it really hilarious how we've already been in high school for 4 years and people still don't know Aesook is my twin sister. They just think we're really close friends since my sister and I don't look anything alike. To be honest, I'm not even sure what goes on in their heads. Like honestly who would even want to date my sister okay, she's so manly and she's totally not my type but it's okay, I still love her the way she is. 

As I turned my head to the left, I saw Youngjae slowly approaching us with another smirk on his face. Before I knew it, he stuck a paper right in front of my face causing my eyes to cross and it made me dizzy. Once I finally snapped back into my senses my bestfriend and my little sister were already bickering like a married couple about who got a better grade. Like seriously, I don't even know why they aren't dating yet like look at them. It's pretty obvious they both have feelings for each other and man, because Youngjae is my best friend I'd love him to be my brother-in-law because that would be pretty cool to be honest. 

I rolled my eyes as I continued to stare at them bickering and before I knew it, four words came out of my mouth. "SHUT THE UP!" I said and they both turned around and glared at me while their faces were still up against each other. Their noses were literally a few centimeters away from touching. Once they finally got back to their senses, they stared at each other with wide eyes and backed away.

"Alright lets go." the guy with chubby cheeks said and coughed awkwardly.

"Yeah lets go." my sister replied him with a face as read as a tomato. I smirked and laughed inwardly while leading our little group to the cafeteria. 

AeSook's POV

I mentally slapped myself as I backed away from Youngjae and I already felt heat rising into my cheeks. I shot my brother a death glare and he just shot me a smirk. I looked at the ground while I followed my brother and Youngjae to the cafeteria to meet up with the rest of the gang. However, once we left the classroom, I shot my head up and went back into my Ice Princess image. Even though I was known as the Ice Princess at school it doesn't mean that I'm actually like that in real life. I was honestly just a regular shy girl when she's around the guy she likes and I was totally the opposite of an Ice Princess when I'm alone with the gang. 

Yes, I basically have three different personalties that I use very often. The first one is my Ice Princess image that I pull off at school and my real personalty who is just a normal girl who has her ups and downs. Oh and of course my last one is the one I use during gang fights and when I'm in my assassin mode, my whole presence basically screams charisma when people see me.

"So how was class kids?" I heard Yongguk say as I finally snapped back into reality. 

"Ahh it was alright, nothing special, just the regular fangirls ogling over us and giving us no personal space." Junhong replied to him with an annoyed look on his face.

"I don't even get what's so special about us like why can't they just leave us alone." Jongup said right after

"Maybe it's because people think were eye candy." Himchan winked at Jongup playfully while he tried flipping his gelled up black hair to the side like a girl and failing hilariously. 

"Ew hyung stop you're giving me the creeps." Youngjae stared at him with disgust

"Oh please I know you want me." Himchan shot back making everyone at our table look at him with a disapproving look.

I looked at Himchan and giggled while he gaped at the scene in front of him. Well as a girl, he was pretty good looking in my opinion but I could never imagine dating him. I mean he's like an older brother to me and before I knew it he put his arm around me.

"Aesook-ah, oppa's handsome right?"

"Sureee..." I laughed.

Narrator's POV

As the little group of friends sat at a table in the corner of the cafeteria. They didn't realize that everyone in the cafeteria was staring and pointing at them. They continued talking like nothing was wrong and everyone gaped at the scene. Seeing the Ice Princes and the Ice Princess laughing like normal people was not something they could see everyday.

The gang continued talking about their plans for the night and how they'll be going to the club to perform. They decided to separate the gang into two groups for their performances. Daehyun, Youngjae and Aesook was put into one group since they were the vocal line. While Jongup, Junhong, Himchan and Yongguk was in the other since rapping and dancing went together. 


The lunch bell rang once again signaling the end of lunch.

"Alright kids, see you after school!" the oldest said while flashing them with his signature gummy smile

"Neh!" the rest of the gang replied as they all walked to their respective classes 


So I decided to unmark my story as Rated M because I realized that I haven't written anything very gruesome yet or yet if you get what I mean.

Either way, I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! btw seriously guys, I love comments so please comment! :)


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Chapter 11: YAAAAAY~~~
d_han96 #2
Chapter 10: GLAD YOU'RE BACK,!!!!! FIGHTING!!,
Chapter 10: Yyeeeaaaaaayyy!!! ^_^
Chapter 9: Hahah rlab, wat is it with Junhonggie oppa and his "HEADSHOT!!!!"
But... I guess it makes him even more cuter, and it goes with the title!!! ^^
Update soon ^^ HWAITING!!!!
Chapter 8: Omo... Wtf
Chapter 5: Himchan is such a ^^
Chapter 4: Himchan...just no. xD Aesook and youngjae are really adorable <333 update soon~ renren~
Chapter 2: omg, this is getting more interesting :D update soon renren <3
Chapter 2: update again soon please!