A Beginning and An End

Rap Battle Royale

Street markets were never really your thing, but today you were feeling a tad adventurous and decided ‘what the hell, sure’. As you walk the long street and pass all the vendors selling their sparkly and unique fashions and things you start to hear loud chanting and thunderous music. You keep walking straight. There is a giant crowd jumping up and down and screaming so you try to make your way through it to see whats going on.

In the middle of the throng of people you see him. The short and curly hair, the mask, the baby cute face. Zelo. You looked around wondering how you lost him when you both arrived together ‘duh! it’s a rap battle’ you say to yourself. You stand there thinking the other guy doesn’t even stand a chance. The battle finishes and the crowd screams. You catch Zelo’s eye and he walks up to you shyly, fluffing his hair and looking down. 
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist" he says.
“I know,kaja" You smile and are about to walk off, but he grabs your arm and pulls you back. “I won." He smiles at you and you kiss him. “I know, but i could’ve done better" you say teasingly. He playfully bumps you with his elbow and grabs your hand in his and you guys walk back into the vendors street and into the sunset.

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lazyoongi #1
cuteee ^-^