Confusing thought of mine

Snowy Heart of yours (Cold as Ice)

'Sungyeol oppa?!' you covered you mouth.


'What is going on?! Oppa is already ...' you shocked.


You take a back step and you accidently fell a book from the shelf, and it's make a noise. You turn to the boy that is look-like your brother, and drop your jaw.


'He's woke up' you gasped.




Kibum point of view




"How clumsy i am, I broke a frame"


"Huh? it's Sungyeol picture"


"She missed you, you know" i said to the picture.




Normal point of view


"Who are you?" the boy said to You


You shutted your mouth, you didn't give an answer to the boy. You just running out from the library. You just ran as you can even you ran out from the school. The guard of the school yelled at you, still you won't stop or even take a look. After you relize that you hadden't stop running, you suddenly stop. Your breath keeps up and down, you are sweating very hard. You look at your feet and closed your eyes to calmly your self, for a couples of minutes.


"What are you doing?"


Suddenly you heard someone voice, and your instinc told you that, that voice is talking to you. You look up and saw  familiar figure looking at you.


"Chanshik?" you said when you look at the person who is Chanshik, the ice prince/cold prince.


"What are you doing in the street like that?" He asked again in a poker face.


"I..i um.."


"Follow me" he said then turn around and started to walk.


You automaticly just followed him from back, you just walk but not looking front, but your feet. Suddenly Chanshik stopped, and it's makes you bump at him.




"A..i.. i'm sor-ry" You said to him because accidently bumped to him.


"Why you're not in the campus?" He said then turn around, looking at you.


"Ummm, well" you said in nervous.


"Are you skipping?" He said again, scanning at you.


You just in silent, you wouldn't tell him that you met someone who is looked like your brother which he is dead.


"You did not answering my question" he said again in a cold tone, you give him a look, his expression was just starring at you. If his eyes is a weather, you would froze of it. You look at the feet and not planning on answering the question, because he is scaring you.


He sighed


"Well, look at the park over there" He pointed a small park, that full of cherry blossom and had bench there.


"Wait there" He said again, then he walk away which you didn't know why he order you to wait at the park and where is he going now. You just follow his order.


Not in a long time, he is back with a ddokbokki on his both hands.


"Here you go" He said.


"T-thanks" you received it and looking at it.


"I'm not put any poison or things like that in your ddokbokki" He said while looking at you.


"A..--yes" you started eating it, and sighed. You remembered the scene at the library again. You just don't know who is that person, why he is have a face that similiar to your brother. You never met him too, is he a new student? or what?, And there is more thought about it coming trough.


In the end you didn't talk a bit, you busy with you thought about the boy in the library. Chanshik left first from the park before

you, without any word.




It's 4 in the afternoon, you missed all of your class, but you still at the park. Still thinking about it. And your tears fell down, because you missed him, missed your brother, Lee Sungyeol.


it's already more than 6 hours you sat on the park's bench. Your phone rang all the time,and had missed calls from Kibum and messages from Kibum and HeehyunThe ddokbokki from Chanshik already cold she only ate a little. And once again her cellphone ranging, she finally accept the call, it's from Kibum.


"Where are you?!" he said in the other side.


"Do you know how much i worry about you?!" he said again in anger.


From the voice, you knew that Kibum, was scared that knowing you didn't go to the campus like always and pick up his calls or his messages. You know that Kibum is scared to know that you're like this.


"I'm sorry oppa" You said in shiver.


"I'm sorry" you said again.


"Where are you? i'm going to pick you up" he said in sighed.


"At the Yoreul park"




Now you're in the car with Kibum, he picked you up from the park. You both didn't talk, Kibum just focusing at the road, and you just looking at the window. When both of you arrived at your house, you entered as well as Kibum.


You walked to your room and lie down in your bed. Your mind is full.

A short time later someone knocked on your door, it was Kibum.


"Can I come in?he asked through the door.


"Yes" you reply


He enters your room with tray

"Are you okay?he looked at you.


You just stay in silentno answer.


"Umm, do you want to eat? i made a cream soup for you"


Still no answer from you. He sighed.


"I will be here for you, well then get sleep okay? you must be really tired. You don't have to go to the Campus tomorrow." He smiled at you, it was a soft smile for you.


You're starting to look at him while he smiled, your eyes went to watery again, and you hugged him, that's made him shocked.


"I-i saw a boy who similiar to Sungyeol oppa" You said




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Chapter 9: A ghost?! D:
I'm so excited ;^;
I think I'll continue reading it when you update more chapters x)

Chapter 9: It makes me fu of questions
MusicIsOurWorld #3
Chapter 8: I´m confused. is he alive or not? and since when did gongchan was like that?
Chapter 8: I still wanna know if he's alive or not
Chapter 7: Fighting what the i thought sungyeol died *^*
quinachups #6
Chapter 4: Update soonn ~~~
Chapter 6: Update soon fighting
Chapter 5: And yes i did luv it (: hehe
Chapter 5: Ahhh update soon please (:
Chapter 2: Update soon please (: