Moving In

The Guys Next Door

Amber huffed and put the last box down in the once-orderly living room. Boxes dotted the soft carpet. She looked at Sunyoung, who was bringing her luggage, and closed the door.

"How many albums do you even have? I swear everything you own is old clothes, shoes and a billion albums." Sunyoung promptly ignored her and flopped onto the couch, and groaned when Amber sat on her legs. Amber looked at her best friend with a look of disapproval. Sunyoung met her eyes and felt the disappointment radiating from Amber's pores. She braced herself for the lecture that she would disregard later, but instead Amber sighed and started off, "I'm surprised they haven't kicked you out sooner."

Sunyoung sat up, bewildered. This is not what she was expecting. "What do you mean? Are you saying that I'm that much a nuisance to the point where I have to leave campus? For your information, I left on my own accord." She put her hand over her heart in mock hurt.

Amber rolled her eyes and raised her eyebrows, "More like you were evicted from the dorms for that prank, and since you spent all your money on albums, pizza, and demi soda, you had nowhere to go. Thus, as your best compatriot," Amber pointed to herself, and flips her bangs, "I am providing you a home until you find a place to stay on your own."

Sunyoung laid down again on the suede couch, and breathed out. "I'm so lucky to have a friend like you. What would I do without you?" Amber laughed and patted Sunyoung's knee. "I know you can't do much without me and my awesome self." She got up from the couch and looked around the room. There was a lot to do, since Amber only moved in a few weeks ago with her fiance Henry, and they were so busy with work that they weren't able to properly move in to their new home.

Sunyoung pouts and goes up to Amber, patting her on the shoulder,"If there's anything I can do, I'll do it." Amber smiles tiredly, and as if a lightbulb was her head, she said excitedly, "Actually, why don't you move all your stuff to the guest room? And then we'll have dinner and discuss what we'll do on the weekend." The younger one groaned, anticipating how sore her arms would be after moving the heavy boxes.

"Fine, I'll move everything. There better be pizza-" Sunyoung started off.

"-and demi soda. I know about your addiction, and Henry's bringing pizza home for dinner, so don't fret about it. There's demi soda in the fridge, so everything's covered, okay? Now go put your stuff away before I kick you out myself." Amber cackled evilly before slamming the door to the bathroom. Sunyoung raised her fist to the ceiling, wondering what she did in her past life to be well off like this.


Meanwhile, Henry was driving home in his conservative white Honda, the smell of pizza emanating from the boxes in the passenger seat. As he was turning around the block, he noticed a moving truck by the side of the house next to his. He furrowed his eyebrows and squinted at least six figures, carrying boxes and furniture into the pastel blue two story house. By the time he parked in front of his own house, he saw that the five boys (the other one might have been the moving man) playing frisbee in the front yard and generally messing around. He locked the car after taking out the boxes of pizza, and before he knew it, Henry heard the whistle of the frisbee cutting the wind and hitting his ribcage. He comically fell on the soft grass, the pizza boxes lying in front of him, unharmed. He groaned, feeling the pain on the left side of his torso. He closes his eyes, thinking that it could stop the pain, and heard loud shouting from next door.

"Jonghyun-hyung this is all your fault by not catching that ing frisbee," a deep, harsh voice yelled.

A slightly higher pitched voice, Jonghyun, Henry presumed, retorted, "Well, if Choi I'm-Taller-Than-Everyone-Else Minho, didn't throw it so ing high, then I would be able to get it. And why did you have to throw it so hard. I swear, it literally sliced the air molecules and you might have killed the guy you hit." Henry heard footsteps hitting the ground, coming closer and closer to him. He feels pokes on his shoulder and temple before he whimpers and realizes he's being put up in a sitting position by someone.

"Oh look hyung I woke him up! I told you I'll make a fantastic doctor!" said the boy in front of him proudly. He had auburn, fluffy hair, a bright smile adorning his delicate features, and a thin body. "Are you okay, sir? Do you need an ice pack or something to numb the pain? How many fingers am I holding?"

"Four fingers. N-no, it's fine. I'm alright," Henry responded, clearing his throat. A male with dyed blonde hair, decked out skinny jeans and a designer shirt, pulled the younger one away from him, scolding, "Taemin-ah, give the man a little space." He rolled his eyes and held out his hand as a gesture to help him up. Henry gratefully took his hand and picked up the pizza boxes. A young man came over to the trio, leaving the two arguing males going at it.

The blond one started off in a charasmatic manner, "Where are my manners? My name is Kim Kibum, and I'm a junior in UC Berkeley studying graphic and fashion design. The cutie over here," he points to the skinny one, "is Taemin and he's in medical school, planning to be a doctor-" Taemin quipped, "I'm also a dance minor and I volunteer at a dance studio not far away from here." Henry, so far, is impressed with the new neighbors. The newcomer waved nicely, "My name is Lee Jinki and I already graduated from Stanford," Henry by this point is so grateful to have these boys move in. "I work at a bookstore for the while and as a singer in some bars for some extra cash."

Taemin adds in, "And Jinki-hyung is my cousin, and being the greatest hyung he is," he one-armed hugged Jinki, "he was able to rent this house and he let us move in here." Kibum, tired of the two bickering yelled out, "Yah, have some respect and get your butts over here, especially after you two hurt the guy, godd*mmit." He pulls the one with blond highlights and ear piercings by the ear, and drags the taller male wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt by the arm.

Abashed, the shorter one with slightly tanned skin, introduced himself as Kim Jonghyun, music store owner, best friend, and college roommate of Jinki's. The taller one with longish hair, who threw the disc of death presented himself as Choi Minho, sophomore at Berkeley with a sports scholarship. Minho and Jonghyun bowed deeply, apologizing profusely for the incident. Henry chuckled, "It's not a big deal; I'm alright. Would you like to come in for dinner? We have pizza and soda." He holds up the soon to be cold pizza boxes.

Kibum shakes his head and smiles. "No it's fine, sir-". Henry cuts him off, and chuckled, "Call me Henry. 'Sir' is too formal."

Kibum laughs and continued, "No, we already have dinner planned out." The other four nodded, and before Henry could walk through the threshold of his house, Amber opens the door and looks at Henry with angry eyes. She said in a careful voice, "What took you so long? Sunyoung is bouncing off the walls and singing every song in existence. It's to the point where she's singing High School Musical." The group outside heard faint lyrics of "Start of Something New" and Amber cringed.

"Please just bring in the pizza and I swear, I'll clean and do everything I hate for a whole month," Amber fell to her knees begging; however she realized that there were strangers outside, so she stood up and dusted off her pants. She waved and smiled, "Hi, I'm Amber, Henry's fiance." She laughed loudly afterwards, the males bewildered.

"Yeobo, are you...okay?" Henry asked, worried about Amber's mental state after spending the afternoon with Sunyoung.

"Yeah...It's just that...I never got to introduce myself as your fiance and it's just so funny and-" Amber doubled over, laughing hysterically. Henry laughed awkwardly, balancing the three boxes on one hand and bringing Amber to her feet with the other. "Well we better get going," Jinki said with a slight bow. "Takeout is waiting for us." The others bowed also, bidding their goodbyes, and started walking off to their home, chatting and laughing animatedly.

Henry returned the bow and waved before he shut the door shut. He slumped against the wall, tired from the day's events. Amber lied on the living room carpet, still spazzing from all the laughing she did, whereas Sunyoung danced her heart out to "We're All In This Together." Henry put the food down on the coffee table, and called out to Sunyoung. She stopped mid-dance, unfazed by the consequences, and came over.

Henry shook his head and stared her in the eyes, "Look what you did to Amber. She's hysterical; what did to her?" He pointed at his fiance, who sat up during the conversation. Amber stood up with a straight face and looked at Henry, "Stop interrogating her; I already took care of that today. Now go get the plates before I die from lack of fattening paradise. And you," she pointed to Sunyoung. "Get the soda and don't make them explode, or I swear to the sky and down, that I will burn everything you love down and make you eat the ashes." Sunyoung nodded and ran to the refrigerator, bringing out the sugary drinks. As they were eating through their meal, the only sounds were sipping drinks, chewing, and the occasional burping, Henry broke the silence with the question of the day.

"So Sunyoung-ah, how did you pull off that prank?"

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going to put up the second chapter soon ^_^ please anticipate it :DD


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