Chapter I

The Man Behind the Counter

"Hyung! Aren't you going home yet?"

Two young men walked out of the gates of their prestigious university. The taller man slung his arm around the latter's shoulder  as he wait for an answer.

"Yah, the one that's supposed to be asking that is me. You're smart and everyone knows that but if you keep spending your time in front of your computer you're going to live your whole life alone." The older of the two said as he shrug the arm off his shoulder. "and you do know that danny target or whatever her name is will never fall for you for so many reasons right?"

The younger man looked at him with flabbergasted. His eyes wide, mouth opened as wide because of what his hyung just said.

"H-h-hyung! You did not just say that!" He said as he pointed accusingly at the other. Hands clamping his left chest as if he is having a heart attack.

"Y-you! How dare you! You just hurt me with everything you just said. And F.Y.I. her name is Daenerys Targaryen and she is the most beautiful creature in the whole Essos." he defended

"Oh! stop you're drama Min, It doesn't look good on you ok, so quit it" The older one ignored his dongsaeng and walked away from him with a smirk on his face.

"Yah! Yunho hyung, when you talk, it's like you're not as delusional as I am." He told the other one as he caught up with his hyung. "I'm not the one who goes at my crush's work just to stare and daydream about him."

With that the younger one just shot bull's-eye. The older one just looked at the ground to hide his blushing face, obviously guilty about what his dongsaeng just said.

"You also do know that you have more chance in having a relationship with your crush than I do right? All it takes is just a small initiative from you." He said when Yunho failed to respond.

"You don't understand Changmin," Yunho sighed as he rubbed his nape, slightly agitated. "It's not as simple as just putting a spoon of food in your mouth."

"Well, to me, it's as easy as that. Hyung, he's reachable all you need is just to extend your arms and just claim him as yours." Changmin said, as he looked at Yunho with slight pity.

His friend has lost all his confidence since the guy he liked rejected him on his first year of university. The older should just forget about it but it became a nightmare attached to him like a tail, and all he can do is sigh because the only one that can solve the problem is Yunho.

A man with a white polo shirt, black tie, and a black apron wrapped around his waist came out of the kitchen door humming  with a tray on his hand full of freshly baked croissants and muffins. He crouched down with the fresh baked goods as he slowly and carefully transferred it from the tray to the showcase.

He put an arm on his waist and cannot hide his smile as he looked at the showcase, pleased at what he sees, he nodded and went back to the kitchen to bring the tray to the sink, then walked to the other sink to wash his hands and dried his hands with a paper towel on his way out.

He heard a small beep and turned his head to the left and saw the order that was just recently added and walked to the little counter that they had. He grabbed a small metal pitcher and 3/4 with milk and put it on the steamer and a little while removed it and put a steam wand in, let it rest for a while then transferred it in a mug, then he put  a perfect shot of espresso and let it brew. He watched as a dark liquid poured itself on the small pitcher below when it was done he slowly poured it in the mug then professionally draw a design on the froth.

The customers watched with amazement as they watch the man glide on the floor and hands move delicately as if dancing on a soft melody.

When he was done he looked up with the cup on his hand and spoke,

"A cup of Cassie Latte for Jin Ah~" he called with a flirtatious smile on his face.

"a-ah~ that's for me" The girl that was in front of the counter shyly raised her hand and smiled with a blush creeping on her cheeks. Beside her was a man glaring at the man behind the counter  as he wrapped a possessive arm on his girl's waist.

The glare was ignored which annoyed the guy more.

"Enjoy your drink~" the man smiled wildly, then turned around to wash the things he used to make the drink.

"Jae hyung, if you keep doing that we'll lose customers and worse you might danger your face, you know your appa will fire us all if you get hurt,"

"What are you talking about Junsu-yah?" The man turned off the tap and wiped his hands on the apron then glanced at his co-worker innocently.

"Hyung, you clearly ignored the boyfriend's glare on purpose" The other whined.

"Glare?" He said as he leaned on the counter.

"Hyung, what if that man is a gangster! you'll get yourself in trouble."

"Yah Kim Junsu, What the hell are you talking about?"

"Hyung i'm just concerned. If you get hurt your appa can fire all of us here."

"You said that already, and stop sweating~ nothing will happen." He said as he walked away.

"Yah hyung being the prince of Pearl Red Cafe doesn't mean you can treat all the customers like they're just somebody to date! stop flirting with them! Gosh!"

The older man just rolled his eyes at him then he looked around, the cafe is dead today, well just for this hour. Then he glanced at the wall, the clock says it's quarter to three, that means 45 minutes more and he'll see the cafe's handsome regular. He smiled unknowingly then continued cleaning his counter.

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phinea2009 #1
Chapter 1: Oh looks like Jae does like someone.
Chapter 1: I have a feeling . Yunjae fell for each other.
But. It'll too flat.. what if he like changmin