Almost first kiss

Dreams can come true

I was excited because today Hue was comeing over and he wanted to practice the balcony scene. Thats when I heard something outside. There in a brown sweater and jeans stood Hue.I guess he thought it would be funnier to climb up the side of my house but right when he was about to fall I cought him and pulled him up.

Then as we looked at eachother I walked to the door and told him that I was going down their. When I got out side he yelled from up stairs and told me to begin then he threw my script down. So I did as I was told but I noticed that the teacher wanted us to kiss. I smiled but Hue brought me back to earth by saying his lines. Right when we got to the part I was so close to his perfect red lips but the ladder on the side of the house feel.

Hue jumped down and hollard for my mom. She came out and she told Hue to take me to the car. He picked me up and I was crying cuz I think I broke my arm. So on the way to the hospital he sang me u kiss inside of me. I smiled and then I feel alseep in his arms.

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xxxJKS_KEYxxx #1
For* ^_^ :3
xxxJKS_KEYxxx #2
Chapter 1: I like it xD can't wait or more!!! ^_^