Me and My friends

Dreams can come true

When I got home I told the boys to come over  Then I took off my shirt and and walked on the beach behind my house. After 10 minutes they showed up and I showed them the script. Then Kia asked me what the problem. So I crawled over to him and pointed at juliets name. Then Kia responded by saying ohh the guy you pushed me out of the seat for is Juliet. I nodded happily and held the script to my  Heart. 

Then I told them that when I hugged him that he hugged me back. And that he smelled like ax. They all awed and stood next to me as we stood next to the ocean. Then out of no where Lee asked me if I liked Hue or something. To that question I answered with a yes then they started fangirling. Then I told them not to tell him. They agreed and we did our secert hand shake. 

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xxxJKS_KEYxxx #1
For* ^_^ :3
xxxJKS_KEYxxx #2
Chapter 1: I like it xD can't wait or more!!! ^_^