-Chapter 5

The Price of Destiny


Chapter 5 ;



The walk to school was not a boring one for Luhan, even though he had no songs to listen to. His whole mind was occupied with something. Or someone, rather.

What do I do with this boy? 
Luhan repeatedly asked himself. Just keeping him will be considered as kidnapping, wouldn't it?

He did not know what to do with Sehun.
Neither did he regret caring about Sehun.

He had this sense of attachment to Sehun, and he simply needed to protect him.

Just imagine Sehun being brought by the buyer to clubs and making him sit there, letting those lowly women do whatever they want to the poor boy who knows nothing about protecting himself.

Just the thought of it made Luhan furious.

He wondered how Sehun even gets himself to address his foster father as 'dad'. 
He wondered how Sehun had survived all these years.
He wondered why Sehun's dad would be so heartless, even if he was desperate for money.

He hated Sehun's dad and the buyer. He needed to get Sehun out of that house, away from those two inhumane beasts, and into a safe place where Sehun can start leading a normal teenage life.

Luhan stopped at the front of the school gates which were already closed. The security guard passed him a small notebook and a pen in which he wrote down his name and class and reporting time before he was allowed to go into the school.

It was definitely not his first time being late for school, and the dancer knew the procedures a latecomer had to go through.

He proceeded to the corporate office, in which the discipline master stood up from his seat and walked over to Luhan.

The discipline master knew better than to ask Luhan the usual set of questions every latecomer is questioned, because Luhan's answers (excuses, I mean) are the same every single time.

"Report for detention after school."

The deer-like teenager half-heartedly nodded his head, bowed and left for class.

Detention? He smirked.
Who cares about detention. I need to rush to Sehun right after school.

He disliked it when people give him special treatment with the reason that his father is the CEO of Lu Enterprise, but sometimes he wished the discipline master- only the discipline master- would be nice to him given that he is the son of a big figure in China and Korea.




Yixing nudged Jongin.


Yixing shook his head and played with his food.

Jongin rolled his eyes and resumed his game.

Yixing took another glance at Luhan and figured that he could not take it any longer. He kicked Jongin's leg under the table.

"Ouch! Yah Zhang Yixing, what's wrong with you?!"

"Nothing's wrong with me!"

"Then what was that for?" Jongin irritatedly stepped on Yixing's foot in revenge.

"The person that has something wrong is this guy over here!" Yixing pointed at Luhan before slapping him hard on the back, successfully pulling him out of his deep thoughts.

"What's wrong with him?" Jongin asked, obviously oblivious as to how Luhan has been behaving the whole day.

Yixing sighed in annoyance before pushing the tanned teenager's phone into his face, "Just continue playing your games you useless brat."

Scrunching his face up in reply to the nasty words his oh-so-good-friend had used on him, he gladly resumed his game and immersed himself in the world of car racing.

With a disgusted expression, Yixing turned to Luhan and waved his hand in front of his face.


No reply. The latter continued to stare right through his hand.

Yixing clapped his hands in front of Luhan's face, causing him to jump up in surprise.                                                                                              
"Earth to gege?" Yixing tilted his head and looked at Luhan.

"Yes, yes. Luhan's on Earth." The shorter of the two replied.

"Is something bothering you?"

"I'm fine." Luhan furrowed his eyebrows as if to show that the younger Chinese was asking a stupid question.

Yixing took a deep breath before nodding his head and turning away, knowing clearly that the older was not fine at all.

Something was just occupying Luhan's mind throughout the entire day. Luhan had not the slightest bit of concentration that day, and that includes dance class too.

Little did Yixing know that whatever was in Luhan's head the whole time was not a something, but a someone.




"Woah woah woah you idiot! Hold it there!" Kris pulled Luhan's MCM bag, not allowing the dancer to run away without apologizing.

"Gege! I really need to go!" Luhan stopped struggling and turned around to face EXO, who were either trying to hold in their laughter or just looking at the scene in front of them without any emotions.

Then there was Kim Jongin, very "successfully" loosening the mood by slapping his boyfriend's hand and jumping around suddenly, cursing and swearing because he did not get to Level 8 or something...

Poor Kyungsoo.

Kris turned back to stare at Jongin before returning his attention back to Luhan, only to find that the shorter male was already a few metres away from him, running for his dear life.

"That... Oh my goodness! How dare he- That- Gosh- That stupid Luhan!" He pointed at the figure that was starting to get smaller and smaller and turned back to look at the others, "What's wrong with him today!"

Yixing shrugged, "He was rather off. He even messed up in dance class."

Kris' face mode was switched on. Luhan had never done this to him before. Not in his entire life.

"Gege, don't be mad." Tao placed a hand on Kris' shoulder and smiled his cutest smile.

The people behind all shuddered and cringed at Tao's aegyo.

Kris' lips curved upwards a little bit and nodded.

Now now, Kris' would never have smiled in such a situation, regardless of whoever tries to cheer him up.

How did Huang Zi Tao even do that?!




Luhan did a mad dash out of the school gates, glad that he was able to escape from Kris, and that the discipline master did not catch him running away from detention.

Who even bothers about detention. Tsk.

The dancer continued to run. He had no time to waste.

Running past the bubble tea cafe, Luhan quickly came to a stop and contemplated on whether to buy bubble tea before taking a few steps back to enter the cafe.

"One Taro and Chocolate flavoured bubble tea please."

Luhan had unknowingly blurted out that he wanted a cup of Chocolate flavoured bubble tea. What if Sehun is not a person with sweet tooth? The doe-eyed teenager facepalmed himself, because somehow his order just came out of his mouth smoothly despite him not having any intention of ordering a chocolate flavoured bubble tea.

Hopefully Sehun will like it...

The lady added another spoonful of tapioca pearls into the Taro flavoured bubble tea, knowing that that was definitely Luhan's cup, and that he loved to chew on the pearls.

Luhan was a frequent visitor of the shop. More than often, he loved to sit at the same table at the corner of the cafe with his headphones on, sipping on his taro flavoured bubble tea and chewing on the tapioca pearls.

The cafe was never packed with people, much to Luhan's liking. It provided peace and quiet for him to think. It somehow did give him privacy if a few tears were to escape his eyes when the going gets tough.

"Thank you." Luhan passed the money to the lady, grabbed the plastic bag and quickly exited the cafe, running yet again to get back to Sehun.

He hoped that Sehun had stayed there. He hoped that Sehun was safe inside the cubicle. He hoped that no one managed to find Sehun.

"Sehun?" Luhan called out the moment he entered the lavatory.

He was afraid.
Afraid that Sehun was not inside.

The sound of a click started the blood circulating in Luhan's body again.

Sehun pulled back the door, revealing himself, safe and sound inside the cubicle.

Luhan wanted so much to embrace the younger teenager. He decided that doing that would freak the latter out, so instead he passed Sehun's bubble tea to him.

Sehun's eyes widened at the sight of the drink in front of him.

"What's this?" He pointed at the black, sphere shaped stuff at the bottom of his drink.

Luhan was taken aback by what Sehun just asked, "You don't know what that is?"

Sehun shook his head ignorantly.

"They are tapioca pearls." Luhan replied.

Sehun's mouth shaped into an 'O', and he nodded, seemingly amazed by the pearls in his drink.

"Have you drank bubble tea before?" Luhan asked.

All he got in reply was the blonde hair teenager's puppy eyes, coupled with another shake of the head, "What's that?"

A 17-year-old teenager that has no idea what on earth bubble tea is?

This is the last straw for Luhan.

This boy HAS to stay with him.





Finally an update after months and months of waiting! I'm sorry for the tortutous waiting... ;~; I had a dance competition, and then exams (I got 1st in class and was nominated for "most improved student"! Just saying... Hehe xD The weeks of trying to stay away from aff and twitter paid off I guess!) ... I'm into my 2nd or 3rd week of my holidays now so be ready for more frequent updates! ^^

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I'll try to update again tomorrow :)

Saranghae bbuing~!









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Hey subbies, I'm sorry... I know I promised an update... But my phone has been confiscated and everything is in my phone... I'm really so sorry... :(


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Chapter 1: I know it's only the first chapter, but I love Lay's name in Han's phone TvT
zee_wah #2
Chapter 7: i will wait for you to update again. please take your time honey. <3
LemonXCandy #3
Chapter 7: Sehun has really opened up to Luhan in a day ♥♥♥
Chapter 7: Too short author-nim.... we want more......
zee_wah #5
this story is just too beautiful. just as what i need to read to let go off my stress. Hunhan. i.. just.. cant.. explain what i feel. /sobs/ iloveyou author-nim. i do. /sobs/
Chapter 6: Did you listen the classic ochestra version of miracles in december?... the music is more sadder then the original one....
LemonXCandy #7
Chapter 5: Sehunnie is too... pitiful... *sobs* update soon authornim!