Chapter 4- When the three meet

Twisted Fate
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Lee Joon was in front of the door, excitedly waiting to be called in. Kim Yeonseop was talking privately with someone in there now.

“Oh, come on! Talk a bit faster.” He sighed. “I’ve been standing here for almost an hour now.”

He wasn’t someone impatient, definitely not. Otherwise he wouldn’t be able to stand himself. But wasn’t an hour a bit too much? It wasn’t like he came here by himself, Kim Yeonseop called him for God’s sake!

“And now, he’s making me wait like forever.”

Then, the door opened and a woman in her mid-thirties let him in with a smile on her face.




Lee Chaerin had been waiting since forever in front of that door. She had managed to hold back her anger up till now, but it was slowly coming to her now.

“I swear, if that door doesn’t open now, I’m gonna break it down!” she glared at the door.

She wasn’t one to wait, that was the main reason why she yelled at her every employer. They loved to make people wait.

“Ten… nine… eight…” she started counting down. When she finally reached two and saw that the door still wasn’t going to open, she slowed down a bit. “One and a half… one and a quarter… Oh God open up now! One!”

And much to her surprise the door opened revealing a smiling woman in her mid-thirties.

“Finally!” she threw her arms in the air and went in.



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Chapter 5: Omo nice one author-nim ><
I hope you will make a sequel wit Jun and CL getting in rs or further then that xD
Chapter 5: how is this an end-.-.-.-
It's not an end...
I want Joon to be happy!!
I didn't give it to you for making him upset and alone:(
Chapter 4: what? one more

anyway the company's ceo is a good man I think
I mean he does all t his things because of junhyung:D
Chapter 4: CL should end up wit junhyung xD
Aww Jun so cute and CL too cute x3
update soon ^^
Chapter 3: I love Junyhung right now, I love idiots you know:P
Chapter 3: Aww crazy yet cute junhyung x3
I wonder how will it be went they meet ><
I really wish he will end up wit CL :3
and they will be so cute <3
update soon author-nim <3
Read it and its awesome x3
wish CL will end up wit junhyung T.T
I really love that couple though ^^
update soon <3
Chapter 2: lol i love chae's character hahahaaha... she's so hot headed and cant seem to calm... xD she even stomps instead of walks, that explains a lot hahaha... cant wait for them to interact... sure things are going to be interesting~ ^3^