Tricks ;

Cracked Teeth.

Zico groaned loudly, barely catching the interest of the only other male in the room. That being said there weren't any females there either, nor anything else he could gain attention from unless the pillows on the vacant couch wanted to give him some sympathy. The house had been silent save for the stupid infomercial voices that spoke loudly between the film Yukwon was supposedly interested in. The leader didn't buy it, who could be interested in some sap family movie about Christmas? While he'd chosen to lay upside down on the armchair, Yukwon had laid himself out on the floor in front of the small display, seemingly preoccupied in learning how to correctly vacuum pet hair. Zico groaned again, a little louder, wanting attention that he hadn't been getting for the past hour.

The older one hushed him as the film returned and Zico pouted, giving a short huff. Wasn't he more important? Damn straight he was and if he wasn't he was going to be. "Ow, ow!" he called out, holding his cheeks tightly. Yukwon's ears perked but he refused to turn away from the women baking cookies. "Jesus! Ahh!" Zico squeezed his eyes shut and kicked his feet a little, shifting slightly to the left for extra effect. Yukwon finally turned with a raised eyebrow, "What are you doing?" Shoving his excitement down, the faker opened his nearly wet eyes and pouted again, waving his friend over. "My teeth, something's wrong with my--" he let out another fake cry and switched positions to sit upright. The older one crawled over with interest and tilted his head, "Your teeth? Aren't you brushing them?" Zico nodded. Truth be told he hadn't had time to take care of his dental health lately but that was beside the point.. wasn't it? "You should go to the dentist to have them check it out." Yukwon shrugged, moving to turn back around. With a whine of protest from the faker, he turned back around now slightly annoyed, rolling his eyes. He'd gotten this far but what was his plan? Where was he taking this teeth thing? Sure, this was more attention than he'd been getting before but Zico wanted more.

"Check them out for me!" he demanded, opening his mouth wide. Yukwon shook his head and cringed, "No way! I'm not goin' near your gross breath, especially if you haven't been brushing which you most likely haven't despite what you say!" Zico began kicking his feet again like a child having a tantrum. "Just do it! Come on, man. I'd do it for you! Just look at 'em and tell me if somethin's wrong." he whined further. "What if they're bleeding? You're trying to kill me aren't you?!" Yukwon accused, glaring before turning his attention back to the television when a snow fight broke out between the family members. "Kwonnie!" With a sigh the older one turned back and waved his hand dismissively, crawling closer. "Fine, if you'll shut up afterwards! Open up. I'm trying to watch this and you're annoying me." Satisfied, Zico showed off his teeth once the other male was close enough, musing an 'ahhh' just like in all the movies he'd had to watch with him. Yukwon frowned, "I don't see anything at all. How intense is this pain and where-" He didn't get to finish his questions. Cold lips left a kiss on his warm ones, sending a chill through him as if he'd been thrown into the snow itself.

"You really fell for it!" Zico cried, laughter ringing through Yukwons flooded ears. "I can't believe how stupid you are! God, I'm a genius. That was pretty good, huh?" the younger one rambled on, leaning forward, eyebrows raised. He was clearly proud of himself for devising such a grand successful endeavor but praise wasn't being rewarded to him like he'd expected. Or had he expected anything at all? He'd never planned this far. He hadn't planned at all. Yukwon was staring at the wood floors, lips slightly parted, cheeks flushed. Had Zico broken him? He waved a hand in front of his friends face, tilting down to try to meet his eye level. "Yo.. Kwon? It was a joke. You alright?"

"Your teeth.. they're alright now?" Yukwon asked quietly, his gaze locked to the worn boards. The air felt thick now, as if something heavy had replaced the oxygen and Zico wasn't sure he'd he able to breathe for much longer. "I- Yeah.." The older one nodded and leaned back on his heels, standing up and heading towards the bedroom, letting the door close just as softly as he'd spoken. A single '' was let out as Zico leaned back in the chair, sinking down and sliding his palms over his eyes. He shouldn't have done that. He didn't need attention that badly and he knew it, so why had he done it? That wasn't in the plan. Not that he'd had a plan but if he did it certainly wouldn't have listed kissing his friend as an objective. What was he going to do now? Would Yukwon even speak to him? Why did he just leave like that instead of hitting Zico? Shouldn't that have happened? Shouldn't he have.. like.. thrown a fit and tried to beat him up for such a stupid gross trick?

These weren't the questions he needed to be asking. He didn't need to ask multiple questions and he knew that. There was only one question Zico needed answered and it was one he could answer himself but like hell was he ready to. Making up new questions seemed much easier but it wouldn't get him anywhere in the end, would it? These things wouldn't fix this. He'd done something wrong, he'd messed up more than he planned to. Not that he'd had a plan.

But he couldn't start mending.. whatever it was he'd broken unless he had an answer.

Did he regret what he'd done?

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AegyoAli #1
Chapter 1: Sequel please?! I really enjoyed this~
Chapter 1: Couldn't you make a sequel plz?
mapthes0ul #3
Chapter 1: I'd love to see this continued. It's lovely, I wanna know what happens next.
Chapter 1: I would love for this to be continued~
ZombieL #5
Chapter 1: I love this!! Good job!! :) You should put up another chapter!! I really want to see what happens between them!! :)