- Birthday Plans!

"My heart is and will always, be yours"

17th April 2013

It's only been 4 days since Luhan has left for his schedules.
Sora was in her room doodling and writing random notes

She sighed... "I really do miss him even if its been only a few days... I feel so empty..." she thought to herself
Sora stood up and walked to her bedroom door.
"Oh!" she said suprised 
She was standing there looking at her calander
"20th... April..." she said quietly
Under the date 20th April was in red writing saying "MY LITTLE DEER'S BIRTHDAY!" with love hearts all around in pink.
"Luhan's birthday is in 3 days... I must go buy him a gift!" she said to herself. 

Sora quickly grabbed her coat and bag and walked out her house

She went to a the mall and went in every shop but she couldn't seem to find the right gift for Luhan.
"Sigh... what should I buy for him?" she thought to herself
She walked around the mall again until a shop caught her eye, It was a jewellery shop, she walked inside the shop and started looking around she saw a ring necklace it was for £1700.
"How can I help you madam?" said a worker 
"Could I buy this necklace please" said Sora
"Sure no problem" the worker took out the necklace and took it to the counter "that's £1700 please"
Sora paid for the necklace and drove home as she was driving home she notice a cake store and decided to buy a cake for Luhan too.
She walked into the shop "Hello I would like to buy a small heart shaped cake with strawberrys and collect it on 19th April please" she said
"Sure that'll be £25" said the worker
Sora paid for the cake and drove home.

Sora walked into her bed room and left luhan's gift on her desk and changed her clothes, she sat at her desk smiling and starring at Luhan's gift she then realised she needed to make him a card so she started grabbing all her pens and paper.
The message inside: 

"To my deer, Luhan
Happy birthday! I promise I will always love you and be here for you no matter what happens, Your growing and growing everyday and you always look so handsome and cute! Today is a very special day to you without your existance I would of never experienced a lot of things and I probably won't be who I am today, Thank you for being here with me & thank you for being the best boyfriend I could ever ask for <3 
Saranghae, <3

Love from Sora xoxo"

19th April 2013 

One day till Luhan's birthday, Sora picked up the cake from the shop and also brought balloons she decorated the house and left the cake in the fridge meanwhile Luhan's gift and card was still in her room...



So apparently I haven't put a lot of 'details' in my first chapter so I tired to put as much details and sentences in this chapter.... this chapter is quite lame but hey KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR CHAPTER 3!!!!! I'm sorry my stories are always so quick.. T_T

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nunamagrni #1
Chapter 4: are u still writing...????? if u are please update soon....
ilabya25 #2
ilabya24 #3
cchanie #4
Chapter 1: ahh luhan... Love it character luhan in this fanfic =D
Awesomely_awesome #5
Chapter 3: ohhh look at u double updating ;)
xBloodMoon #6
Chapter 1: Are you still writing? Please tell me .
this is gooooood i need to read mooooore