Teaser 2



` (    swag's warrior angel chunsa    )

chapter two : I am Chunsa!




Chunsa's P.O.V

took a deep breath and looked at everyone who was sitting in the room, wanting to see me rap. *Come on, Chunsa! This is your chance to show them what you got!* I thought to myself.

*One two three!* After that, I started rapping. While I'm doint it, I saw the staffs widen their eyes and some of them even whispered to each other. I suddenly got nervous, thinking that they might not like it. Because of my nervousness, I forgot the lyrics and stopped.

Some of them gasped. I apologised, "I'm sorry, I was too nervous that I forgot the lyrics. Please give me another chance. Mianhe." I bowed. 

"We don't need to hear more," One of the staffs said. I looked at him and widen my eyes. *He doesn't like it? Oh well, there goes my chance of debuting..* Hearing what he just said hurts my heart. 

"We don't need to hear more because you're chosen to be in the group!" He said out loud. I gasped and said, "Jinjja?!" I smiled, "Thank you very much! You don't know how much this means to me!" I repeatedly bowed. They all smiled.




AUTHOR'S NOTE : second teaser made by mzcutie_StephanieW! The author was busy and she needed help so I helped her! ^^ I hope you like it!


credits to fallen angel




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Chapter 13: well, thanks for choosing mint <3
Chapter 12: Chukaeyo jiaen <3
--geeniee #3
Chapter 10: aha the leader and my chara xD
--geeniee #4
Chapter 9: chukaeyo stephanie! :))
--geeniee #5
Chapter 2: mint's height is 165cm, her weight is 46kg
--geeniee #6
Chapter 8: chukaeyo stephanie!
and anw, thanks for choosing mine^-^
Chapter 2: And my persona is the chic badass
Chapter 2: Height: 167cm
Weight: 50 kg
--geeniee #9
Chapter 7: chukaeyo for the chosen one!^-^