My Sunshine (Part Two)

Daughter Troubles

When the kiss falls apart Seunghyun opens his eyes whilst inhaling in a deep breath, Jiyong does the same, and the two open their eyes only to meet the others. Seunghyun smiles first though in a flash Jiyong returns it and both exhale in relief.

“So…” Jiyong starts by clearing his throat and their held hands slip apart too, he shuffles on the rock as he speaks rearranging the tips of his shorts with trembling fingertips.

“Do you want some ice cream?” Seunghyun doesn’t want to go over what’s just happened, he doesn’t want to sit and discuss it, he knows that in this case (for him anyway) his actions speak so much louder than his words and to go over it - it would just be a waste in what time they have left alone.

“Er… Sure….” Jiyong nods and that’s all Seunghyun needs. He stands up, offering an open hand to Jiyong who takes it and once the two are steady on their feet Seunghyun leads them away from the sea, back up to the ice cream stand he remembers passing when they arrived.

When they’re at the stand Seunghyun asks the young girl for two Vanilla cones and he pays her with some of the spare change he left in his back pocket from the shop. When they’re done at the stand Seunghyun spies a free bench and makes a beeline for it, he can tell from the airy snicker behind that Jiyong’s following him. He sits down just as two teenagers’ eye the bench up and with a victorious glare aimed in their direction the two young’uns scowl then trundle off from wherever they once came from. Jiyong’s laugh tickles at Seunghyun’s ears as the former takes his place beside Seunghyun on the bench though after a bashful exchange of smiles the pair sit in silence as they consume their ice creams.

Just as they’re finishing up Jiyong speaks, within a flash the tip of his finger is poking at the left point of Seunghyun’s lips

“Sorry your ice cream’s trying to break free.” Jiyong points out when Seunghyun flinches slightly. The latter turns a little and watches as Jiyong the escaping ice cream from his index finger, it’s a swift action (one of which Seunghyun barely notices) but it’s enough to make certain feelings explode within him.

“Er… thanks for cleaning it.” Seunghyun nervously laughs and wipes over the same spot with a knuckle. “I’m so messy with ice cream…” His laughter dies down into a gentle smile whilst Jiyong’s lips part to show a bright grin of pearly whites and pink gums.

“It’s ok. It’s good to know that you’re only 99.9% perfect then…” Now Jiyong laughs and Seunghyun joins him.

“What with that and my TV guides I’m still surprised that my percentage is that high.” He jokes just as the two nibble on the ends of their cones. For a moment they both look at each other then with a small laugh Seunghyun continues “I have a confession…”

“Me too” Jiyong chimes in as his laughter settles down.

“I hate eating the end of the cone.” Both Seunghyun and Jiyong say at the same time, this only ensures more laughter as the two scrunch the cone ends in their palms then subtly release the crunched goods into the air. Seunghyun wipes his hand on his trousers and just as he’s done Jiyong shuffles up closer to him on the bench, Seunghyun can feel a hip knock gently against his own and he looks up from his task to smile.

“It seems like we were made for each other.” Jiyong smugly declares backing that statement up with a cheeky wink just as an arm slips around Seunghyun and the back of the bench.

“I guess so.” Seunghyun coyly grins looking from Jiyong back out onto the beach. He sighs as he tries to spot his daughter but he can’t because the people on the beach are just dots, blurs of life and movement.

“You miss your baby girl huh?” Jiyong sits up and squeezes a shoulder of Seunghyun’s. He merely nods but turns back to look at Jiyong.

“I mean I’m having fun with you…” Seunghyun corrects himself as he realises how stupid he must sound right now.

“I know, I know.” Jiyong reassures him, his lips still curved into a cheerful smile. “Come on, let’s go see if they’ve found the other side of the world yet…” He gets up and this time it’s he who offers his hand to Seunghyun, the latter takes it and they set off back towards the lifeguard tower.


They return back to the hub with no problems and as soon as Seunghyun’s in sight little Yuna runs up to her Daddy, arms flailing about with a spade still in one hand. He picks her up right away, Jiyong takes the spade from her, and the two cuddle as Seunghyun pecks her cute little face with as many kisses as he can. It’s a tender moment but it’s not desperate, it’s not like Yuna’s gripping on for dear life, it’s more of a “Yay Daddy’s back and I’ve only just noticed that he was gone”, and all the while Jiyong lovingly traces a hand up then down the ridges of Seunghyun’s spine.

“Did you dig a big hole beautiful?” Seunghyun asks shifting Yuna onto his hip so that he can see the hole ahead of him. Although there is no such hole and Seunghyun cracks up at the sight.

“Youngbae how on earth…?” Jiyong tries to speak the question everyone else is thinking, a voice from behind contentedly calls out

“My husband thought it would be a good idea to fall asleep in the hole so the kids and I thought that we should teach him a lesson…” Dami chuckles and Jiyong quickly bursts out into the cutest snort of laughter that Seunghyun’s ever heard. Its true Youngbae and the sand have become one except his huge mountains of sand for s are an impressive sight.

“It’s a good job it’s comfy.” Youngbae remarks in a playful shout, he tries to look back at the new arrivals but obviously that’s impossible.

“You won’t be saying that in ten minutes time.” Jiyong points out when his snorting simmers into nothing but a teasing snicker.

“You must be so sleepy baby…” Seunghyun softly whispers as Yuna nuzzles up to his chest, he cups the back of her head and moves to sit back down on his towel. At first Jiyong doesn’t follow instead he heads towards Youngbae to sit on him and mock him for a while, then when that gets boring (and his brother-in-law starts to whinge) Jiyong helps him out of the hole and the two return to the towels. Youngbae’s children are already settled on Dami and Jiyong’s towels, the two kids are falling asleep against either side of their mother whilst she flicks through a magazine. Youngbae lays out a towel right beside hers and settles down to sunbathe whereas Jiyong, well, he snuggles in behind Seunghyun. The trio are sat like standing dominoes and Yuna’s now fast asleep in between her father’s legs with the back of her head resting against his chest whilst Seunghyun’s cuddling her, pretty much leaning back to rest against Jiyong in the same way. He’s not sure of when but Seunghyun soon follows his daughter into the land of sleep.

He’s woken up by a soft nudge to his head whilst a careful whisper tries to wake him, it’s Jiyong and he doesn’t quite catch what the other man’s saying but it makes him smile regardless. Seunghyun stretches and sits up, slightly regretting the fact that Jiyong’s had to support him for so long.

“How long was I out for?” Seunghyun asks studying how everyone else is packing up for the day.

“Only a couple of hours but the sea’s coming up so we’ve gotta make tracks.” Jiyong explains as he stands. Yuna’s still asleep so Seunghyun carefully hoists her body against his own when he gradually tries to stand, from out of nowhere Jiyong appears and helps hold Yuna as Seunghyun gets to his feet. For a moment Seunghyun’s speechless when his eyes lock onto the sight of his daughter snuggling up to Jiyong who gently places a kiss on the crown of her head with the hint of a smile curving his lips. It looks as if Jiyong gets lost within the moment as his eyes close and he cradles her with a soothing sway, it’s not so much the sight which stuns Seunghyun it’s more of how natural it all looks as if Jiyong’s supposed to hold Yuna like that, like he’s held her like that for all of his life. Seunghyun heavily swallows and sets about the task of cleaning their stuff up.

“Oh, let me help you…” Jiyong stammers just as Seunghyun’s finishing up.

“You’re already helping me.” The other simply grins whilst scooping their bags up and heaving them over his shoulders.

“Ah, yeah…” Jiyong gulps and Seunghyun can hear the slight tension but it doesn’t worry him.

“Well we better be heading back.” Dami speaks up for her household once they’ve reached the car park. “It was a pleasure to meet you Seunghyun and Yuna” She grins because Yuna’s awake now and with Jiyong’s help she waves at Dami.

“Definitely, we should do this again.” Youngbae agrees as he scoops Seunghyun’s hand into his own and sharply shakes them, it’s not supposed to be that intense, Seunghyun thinks, but Youngbae’s a hell of a strong guy so the former just smiles.

“I would love to and it was lovely meeting you all.” Seunghyun politely bows a little as the handshake falls apart.

“See you guys.” Jiyong smiles too especially when Dami and Namsoo kiss either of his cheeks then everyone else smiles when Namsoo pecks Yuna in the process too. Yuna giggles and Youngbae dives in

“Takes after his Appa already…” He winks which instigates a light punch from Dami and a laugh from Jiyong. Seunghyun wants to laugh but for some unfathomable reason doesn’t.

“Have a safe drive, we’ll see you later bro.” Dami calls and the Kwon clan head off towards their car. The remaining trio wave before they get into Jiyong’s car. It’s the same order as last time, Seunghyun and Yuna hop into the back whilst Jiyong obviously gets into the driver’s seat. Before they know it they’re heading away from beach and out into the darkening afternoon roads. Yuna falls asleep again and Seunghyun keeps himself awake by splitting his vision between watching Jiyong in the rear-view mirror and the window. For the first time in a long time Seunghyun feels peaceful, it’s as if the sea somehow washed away all of his previous stress, and he can’t help but smile to himself. As well as peace he feels happiness, an incredible buzz hums every cell of his body, it’s then he truly realises just how much Jiyong means to him – how much Jiyong makes him happy.

“So are you hungry?” Jiyong’s sweet voice calls Seunghyun from his thoughts and their eyes briefly meet in the mirror.

“Kind of…”  Seunghyun answers “But we should probably get back, I mean Yuna’s exhausted and she needs a bath before I put her to bed. Oh I can cook you something if you want?”

“Sure, if that’s not a problem?” Jiyong questions as their eyes meet once more. The action makes Seunghyun feel ridiculously giddy.

“Not a problem at all.” He replies with a smile before his eyes return to the nearby window.

“Great.” Jiyong answers with a huge grin which Seunghyun misses.


Seunghyun doesn’t even need to tell Jiyong the route home and before he knows it they’re back, pulling up into Seunghyun’s driveway. When the car stops Seunghyun unbuckles Yuna from the chair whilst Jiyong hops out and fishes their bags out from the boot. Once Seunghyun’s out of the car he tries to take a bag from Jiyong though the latter just dives out of the way and with a laugh shared between the two Seunghyun slips his keys from his back pocket and opens the front door. The place is a little cleaner than before, you can tell that Seunghyun’s actually made a bit of an effort, yet there’s still toys littered around and it’s not quite at the standard where you can call it clean.

Jiyong slips the bags from his shoulders off by the door then takes his shoes off as Seunghyun crosses the living room in a quick dash to get Yuna into the bathroom. He leaves the bathroom door open and instead focuses on running Yuna a bath, whilst the taps are running he strips his daughter and tries to wake her up a little bit.

“Yuna-ah, what do we do in the water?” Seunghyun asks as he throws her swimming costume onto the floor, a load of sand falls out but it doesn’t matter because Seunghyun can clean it from the floor tiles later.

“We swim!” Yuna claps her hands together and jumps on the spot, her kneeling father smiles before he pats her hands with his own.

“Good girl and what else swims in the water?” Seunghyun continues their little pre-bath ritual without realising that Jiyong’s stood in the bathroom doorway.

“Ducks!” Yuna claps a little louder and Seunghyun picks up a little rubber ducky from the end of the bath, hiding the toy behind his back.

“Yes! And what noise does a duck make?” Yuna visibly thinks about it for a minute before she shouts.

“Quack!” She jumps up and down again because she’s knows what’s about to happen yet it still excites her.

“Ah but our duck can’t hear so well today so you need to say it a bit louder…” Seunghyun jokes getting the duck ready in the hand behind his back.

“QUACK!” Yuna hollers clapping her hands together a few times more.

“What? I can’t hear you?!” Her Daddy teases with a knowing smirk.

“QUACK! QUACK! QUUUUUUUUACK!” Yuna shouts, giggles, stamps her feet and squeals when Mr. Rubber Ducky appears from behind Seunghyun’s back. He bobs the duck up and down then pecks its beak against Yuna’s nose.

“Quack, quack?” Seunghyun speaks as he squeaks the duck. “And what does Mr. Rubber Ducky like doing the most in the world?”

“Bath! He likes bath!” Yuna giggles double in volume.

“So what does Yuna like to do as well?” Seunghyun raises a brow whilst one arm stretches out to turn the taps off and test the water, it’s nice enough.

“Bath! I like bath too!” She grabs the ducky and Seunghyun lifts her up, carefully lowering his daughter into the frothy bubbling tub. Once she’s in Seunghyun takes a flannel from the side of the bath and goes about washing his daughter.

Jiyong doesn’t really know what to do so he just stands and waits then decides against it and heads back into the living room. He sits on the couch soaking in the brilliance that was his day today. He feels so warm and squishy, like he could just melt into a big blob of goo at any given minute, it’s something he feels constantly around Seunghyun. Jiyong rethinks over their day, from Yuna’s initial excitement to Seunghyun telling him about Yuna’s mother and their subsequent kiss, everything was just so perfect. Jiyong’s still reminiscing and grinning when Seunghyun returns without his daughter and he only gets Jiyong’s attention when he asks

“You’re not allergic to anything are you?” Jiyong snaps back into life and shakes his head. “Awesome, so do you want to have a look and see what I’ve got in the kitchen or do you trust me?” Seunghyun’s smirking, he’s stood just by the kitchen doorframe and Jiyong knows exactly where this is going.

“Oh I trust you.” Jiyong casually shrugs leaning his arms against the back of the sofa.

“So it’s burnt toast for you then.” Seunghyun jokes breaking into a small laugh. Jiyong laughs too

“Sure if that’s what you want to eat…” He quips then motions for Seunghyun to join him. “Come here a second.”

“Why?” The standing man playfully taunts with a shy smile.

“Because I need tell you something” Jiyong sits up whilst waving a hand. “Come on…”

“But the food’s that way.” Seunghyun points over his shoulder though he takes a step towards Jiyong anyway.

“Yeah but your boyfriend is this way.” Jiyong stands up as Seunghyun takes yet another slow step forwards.

“My boyfriend huh?” The latter repeats with a flustered smile, Jiyong smirks because he wanted to startle Seunghyun and that’s exactly what’s happening.

“Yeah your boyfriend and he’s way more important than food.” Finally they’re within touching distance and Jiyong closes the gap between them, slipping his hands past Seunghyun’s hips to roughly pull the other man closer.

“Is he now?” Seunghyun lifts a brow but rests his arms on Jiyong’s shoulders anyways.

“Yup” Jiyong nods slowly tilting his head forwards. “And he’s really hungry”

“Mhmm…” Seunghyun hums as Jiyong’s lips press against his own. They kiss and just before it can escalate into something more Jiyong pulls back.

“I just want to tell you how amazing today has been.” He beams with a broad smile. “And I also wanted to tell you that it wouldn’t have been at all amazing if it wasn’t for you and your beautiful daughter. You are amazing.”

“Well thanks.” Seunghyun timidly smiles as his cheeks burst with vivid shades of red. “I think you’re amazing too.”

“Good.” Jiyong closes the gap once more. “Because I can’t get enough of you…” He whispers the last of his sentence against Seunghyun’s mouth and once they’re both smiling again from the thought, the love and the warmth, Jiyong kisses Seunghyun again. He lifts his hands from Seunghyun’s waist up to cup his reddening cheeks and this time Jiyong uses a little more force. Still it’s the softest of kisses and in turn Seunghyun’s hands slip back to comb through Jiyong’s golden tresses. A few muffled sounds of pleasured bliss vibrate through the air between them and when they finally feel breathless the two mutually pull their lips apart, whilst their lungs try to catch up on their oxygen intake.

“So, erm…” Seunghyun stammers with a smile. “Are you full yet?” Jiyong faintly laughs at his joke but shakes his head.

“Never” He grabs Seunghyun’s falling hands and squeezes them tightly. “I adore you too much.”

“Well that’s good to know…” Seunghyun counters as their foreheads meet, Jiyong loosely threads a hand through Seunghyun’s caramel locks and answers with

“But as much as I adore you I want to do this properly.” Seunghyun frowns at Jiyong’s words and from the very off he doesn’t understand

“What do you mean?” He asks whilst Jiyong’s head retracts back an inch or two.

“Come out on a date with me? Let me show you just how much I adore you.” Jiyong’s still breathless and it’s obvious as he speaks that his question has left him panting harder.

“A date?” Seunghyun’s frown deepens, Jiyong can feel the creases expand against his own skin and he grins at how mindless Seunghyun sounds.

“Yeah a date, I’ll pick the restaurant and then that way we won’t need to eat burnt toast…” Jiyong jokes and their shared puff of laughter breaks the building tension.

“I was only kidding about that, I can cook for your information.” Seunghyun defends himself, the smile never faltering from his lips.

“I’m not questioning it.” Jiyong’s laugh dimmers back down and he nudges Seunghyun’s nose with his. “I just want to treat you, you should be spoiled rotten and I want to be the one who does that for you.”

“Well I’m not going to stop you.” Seunghyun’s smile widens.

“Good.” Jiyong initiates yet another kiss and again he breaks it to speak. “So… Is Yuna coming with us or…?”

“Or…?” Seunghyun repeats curious as to what Jiyong might suggest.

“Or can you hire a babysitter or…”

“Or…?” Seunghyun repeats yet again.

“Or Dami and Youngbae could look after her? Just for an hour or two, nothing too stressful for you both…” Jiyong nudges their noses together once more.

“I don’t mind that.” Seunghyun honestly answers. His thinking process is that if Jiyong lives there and the kids live there too then it shouldn’t be a problem surely? The house should be safe, they seem pretty sound and Jiyong trusts them. If he trusts them then it’s enough.  “As long as they don’t mind looking after her that is.” Seunghyun corrects himself and Jiyong pulls back again.

“I’ll ask them first of course.” He adds with a smile. “So are you free Saturday night?”

“You can book us in a restaurant that quickly?” Seunghyun eyes him up with mock suspicion, although he is intrigued.

“I have my ways…” Jiyong mischievously answers with a cocky grin. “So are you free?”

“No I’m actually super expensive.” Seunghyun responds with an equally mischievous smirk.

“You did not just say that…” Jiyong moves back a little further so that he can shield his uncontrollable gummy laughter with a raised hand.

“I did.” Seunghyun blushes and tries to cover it up with a laugh of his own.

“You did…” Jiyong nods and uncovers his mouth as the two fall back towards each other.

“I’m just kidding though.” Seunghyun points out as if Jiyong doesn’t know already.

“I know.” Jiyong mumbles whilst his hands return back to Seunghyun’s hips.

“But I’m not free as in cheap.”

“I know.”

“You don’t have to win me over with money or anything…”

“I know.”

“I couldn’t care less about how much money you have.”

“I know.”

“So yes I’m free Saturday…”

“Shut up and kiss me Seunghyun.”




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Thank you all for reading, I've enjoyed writing this fic so much! I'll miss little Yuna and our fluffy gtop~ I hope you enjoy the ending.


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Gtopdreamer #1
Chapter 11: Beautiful story. Thank you :)
Chapter 11: One word to describe this story... AMAZING. I was supposed to be engrossed with Jiyong and Seunghyun's relationship but no... It was the daughter that made me latch into this story. :) The way you described the little girl was super adorable. I can picture almost picture their 'father-daughter' relationship right in front of my eyes and I just fell in love with it. Thank you for sharing this story. :)
Chapter 11: And well, i finished reading!
Effing LOVED IT! ♥♥♥
Once again, you are amazing!~
Thank You sooooooo much for this :)
Chapter 9: I just couldn't press the next button without commenting about this one.
Seriously this made me cry! I thought i could strongly relate to his situation, to his thinking, his reasons.... It felt so... true.
I literally imagined my exact situation. I'm not in depression or anything. But at times, when you are the lonely person from kid to big, it's hard not to feel insecure, to feel worthless. It's hard to put feelings in words.

And as for you author-nim, You are damn amazing, i really love the way you write! And i appreciate your fictions. A biggest thanks to you for making this ♥
Danees #5
Chapter 11: Thank you for this beautiful story (:
Blue82 #6
Chapter 11: Re-reading because it's so blasted wonderful.
Bianca_MSP #7
LovesAsianDrama #8
Chapter 11: Just finished reading the whole story. SINGLE MOM OF THREE over here 25yr old son , soon to be 21yr old on May 31st and a soon to be 13yr old in July, both daughters

Seung was an AWESOME single dad. Yes it's hard. You have to have 12 eyes and 20 hands. I myself never used those *bracelets* because mine knew they better had behaved, but I knew ppl that used them.

Ji *rescuing* his damsel in distress, I think it's sweet. I always see Seung as the big, strong, manly type and Ji as the girly, feminine, cutesy type in some stories I read. So it's refreshing to see the roles reversed.

When you're a single parent it's hard to dste. You want to make sure the person you bring around your child is not only safe to be around, but that your children will be comfortable around them and they around your children.

Seung's parents are a piece of work.. How dare they treat him like that?? And their granddaughter?? My parents were ECSTATIC when they were told each and every time they were going to be grandparents. And these IG'NANT ASSTWATS want to act like Yuna is an abomination!!!! Hope they catch fleas..

So glad Ji sold his songs then Seung was able to do his photography. They were able to live comfortably and now Yuna is off to college, just like my 20yr old. She did 2yrs community then she went away for her Junior yr.

Thank you for writing this story. I enjoyed reading it and will look for more stories from you.
KikiGTOP #9
Chapter 11: I'm little sad because this story is over but happy because the end is beautiful. I admire the way you can different genres. You are a brilliant writer.
tayo-totshi-ai #10
Chapter 11: Thank you so much for this amazing, beautiful, warm and funny story. It was a real pleasure to read it and to walk with the characters through it *-*