
You Should Have Lied

He heard rapid footsteps coming up behind him and his named being called out. He didn’t care. He was done.


The scene kept replaying in his mind. Jongin was sitting at the table, a hand cupped inside the other and his knee bouncing lightly up and down. Something he always did when he was nervous. Kyungsoo knew Jongin was screwing the office . He just thought he meant enough to Jongin that the other would never bring it to light. That Jongin was smart enough to leave it alone and leave Kyungsoo in his sweet oblivion that it wasn’t true, but Jongin being thoughtless and only looking for himself, didn’t think about it like that. He didn’t like feeling dirty all the time, but he couldn’t stop himself every time Krystal came around. He wanted to end it. He wanted to make things right and in doing so he broke something that had been broken too many times before. Kyungsoo could feel the broken pieces of his heart being torn to shreds this each unbearable step he took in the parking lot towards his car.


“Kyungsoo, wait!” Jongin shouted as he ran after his boyfriend. “Babe, stop—” He reached out and gripped Kyungsoo’s wrist only to have it be violently pulled away.


“Don’t!” the smaller of the two said taking his wrist back.


“Look, I’m sorry!” Kyungsoo scoffed rolling his eyes trying to push past the dancer. “It didn’t mean anything!” Jongin insisted doing his best to face the other.


Kyungsoo stopped and looked up at him with an angered gazed. “Then why did you do it?!”


Jongin stayed silent. He didn’t know why. He loves Kyungsoo. He was all he had ever wanted since they were in high school.


Jongin shook his head. “I ed up, I know that, but— … I’m begging you. Give me another chance..” he pleaded clasping his hands together.


Kyungsoo closed his eyes and shook his head. He looked up fighting back tears and sighed. “You still don’t get it, do you? There is no coming back from this. It’s over.” He pushed past and continued his way. He was unlocking the car door when Jongin spoke up again.


“What did you want me to do? Lie?” he asked thinking Kyungsoo was being unreasonable.


Kyungsoo stopped and turned to look at the blonde. “Yes.”


“What?” Jongin asked thinking he heard wrong.


“You heard me! Any coward would come clean and confessed what he’s done, but if you really cared about how I’d feel you would’ve taken this to your grave! You would’ve let the guilt eat you alive from the inside out. You would’ve allowed it to slowly kill you if it meant for once— just once that you’d put me first.”




“You what? Why can't you ever just say what you feel? Why do you always hide from me? All I ever wanted to do was love you, but you keep pushing me away. What the do you want from me!?” Kyungsoo shouted earning a couple of glances from people passing them by on the street. He didn’t care anymore. He was sick and tired of all the bull and make-believe. Of waiting around for Jongin to change when he should’ve know that people like him never change. They only hurt and destroy. They make sure they’re okay, never anyone else.


Kyungsoo sniffled and laughed effortlessly wiping away a tear. “Do you know hurts the most? The fact that I’m not good enough. No matter how hard I try or what I do I can’t give you what you want so you go looking for it somewhere else. You don’t even know what you’re looking for… and I was dumb enough to believe that maybe one day you’d wake up and get it. But you don’t and you never will and now you’ve lost what little you did have.”


“You are enough. More than enough. Babe, plea—”


“Don’t call me that...” Kyungsoo swallowed. “Just don’t.. Bye, Jongin.”


Jongin hurried to wrap his arms around Kyungsoo to keep him from getting into his car. “No, I can’t without you. Hyung, don’t go. Stay with me, please!” he whispered harshly as tears rolled down his cheeks, but all he received was a cold “Let go. Let go, Jongin.. let go.”


So he did. Slowly he felt his arms drop to his side and heard a door close. The engine roared to life and the rest was a blur. Jongin was left standing alone in the parking lot with nothing in his view, but taillights.

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Serrawr24 #1
Chapter 1: Sequellllll i want a happy ending ;;
PandaLovesMe #2
Chapter 1: sighs. Sobs.
Chapter 1: You're an amazing author! ~
And jongin is such an omfg
Chapter 1: "You still don't get it, do you? There's never coming back from this.It's over"

Dear author-nim, these words really hit home for me. Let's just say that I wished I could have said these before when the same happened to me ... I think my heart just bled a bit reading this.
soosheet #5
Chapter 1: Sequel please??? ;____;
natinski #6
Chapter 1: awhhhhhhh this is sad
wooooooah i just checked out the song and i'm really curious rn about this hmmm..

i'll look forward to your update ^^