Slave Contracts and Their Fine Prints

Slave Contracts and Their Fine Prints


It was a nice day, one summer, that the whole super junior members were on their way to the agency's office. Some of them excited, others were nonchalant about their meeting. It was the day they were set to sign contracts again. Cho Kyuhyun felt quite anxious about their contracts. People do not call an idol's contract to their agencies as slave contracts for nothing. In fact, they were almost similar to being a slave contract.
'What's wrong Kyu?' The man besides Kyu asked. Their car contained him, Siwon, Ryeowook, Sungmin, and a couple of managers. Siwon held Kyuhyun's hand as he repeated the question. 
'I.. I don't want the slave contract anymore..' Kyuhyun's voice was low. Nobody heard him clearly except for Siwon who gently pushed his head against the older man's shoulder. Kyuhyun leaned on him comfortably as they held hands.
Siwon understood what the maknae meant. Their contracts usually go into a span of 15 years with a minimum of 6 years. For Siwon, it meant challenges and a way of giving back love to the people. For Kyuhyun, it meant he will have to endure years of singing adlibs, covering up for the other members, recordings of shows…more hard work. Siwon was aware of how much Kyuhyun would have to do in the next years. Despite all of it, both of them knew how much they also love performing, whether it would be singing and dancing, acting, or just doing entertainment shows.
All of the members were present as they sat in a conference room. As soon as they were seated, a lady brought in a stack of file folders and handed them to their respective owners. Kyuhyun sighed as he read through his contract. It was set for 7 years.
Suddenly Siwon pushed his chair close to Kyuhyun and picked up the maknae's contract. He placed it besides his and studied them carefully.
'Hyung, they're the same.' Kyuhyun let out a little laugh. 'The only difference there are the names and addresses. Stupid hyung.'
'Hmm, I know.'Siwon seriously nodded. 'I'm just going to add some things.'
Kyuhyun watched as Siwon produced a clean sheet of paper and started scribbling on it. The man wrote continuously and has almost filled up the whole paper and then he was finished.
'Alright, this is included in your contract as of now.' Siwon inserted the paper on Kyuhyun's contract and returned it to him to read.
The maknae just laughed at how childish Siwon was. He opened his contract and read the added information.
'As long as this contract is valid, the person under this contract (Cho Kyuhyun) will have to do the following:
1. Play computer games any time he wants, as long as he wants.
2. Eat anything he wants.
3. Drink wines as many as he can or as limited by his boyfriend (Choi Siwon ^^)
4. Sleep at said boyfriend's house anytime he wants to.
5. Use his phone, laptop, or any device that he wants.
6. Never show tears to just anyone. (Family and Super Junior is okay, but if you really have to cry, wait for me to come find you)
7. When stressed or tired please lean on your boyfriend. (I will listen to every problem you have, any rants or whatever you have in mind)
8. Person under contract is allowed to hit his boyfriend if said boyfriend is being rude, mean, cheating, or just because.
9. Have with boyfriend every now and then. (Is this okay with you? Or should I change it to three times a week? Your answer here:______)
10. Stay in love with boyfriend. Please understand if boyfriend has shortcomings and talk to him if things get tough. Do not ever breakup. Get married someday at the right time. (I love you)'
Reading the list one by one, a smile slowly formed in Kyuhyun's lips as his face felt warm. He continued reading the last sentences.
'They say that our contracts are same as slave contracts. I know how hard this will be on us, especially you. I love you, really I do, and the only way I could think of making life a little easier for you is by  staying by your side throughout our slave contracts. I may not be the best boyfriend out there, but I will be one for you.
If ever you can not stand the contracts anymore and would want to quit, I will hug you and we will quit together.'
The usual big smiley face with hearts all over it was drawn at the lower right corner of the paper. The name Choi Siwon was written on it and a signature above. The date was also indicated.
Without looking up at Siwon, Kyuhyun signed his contract as a tear slowly escaped him. He wiped it off with the back of his hand and then smiled brightly at his lover. 'This is actually not official because it has to be notarized first.' Kyuhyun pointed out at a disappointed Siwon. 'But I'll be keeping this. For safekeeping.'
Seven years have passed and Super Junior has grown from national idols into global stars. They have experienced going into different countries and got to be praised and admired by many. However, they have also experienced rumors, rude comments, antifans…disputes sometimes arise from the team. All of these have made them stronger and better.
They chatted as they sat on the agency's conference room. A staff distributed file folders to each member present. The weather was the same as when they had their contract signing seven years ago. This time Kyuhyun was not as anxious as before.
'Remember the contract I wrote for you last time?' Siwon smirked haughtily as if trying to embarrass his boyfriend. He looks at Kyuhyun with curiousity.
'This one?' Kyuhyun produced an envelope and pulled out a neatly folded paper.
'Honestly I thought you would have framed that and hang it somewhere in your house.' Siwon teased.
'My picture's not on it so it's not worth hanging in the wall.' Kyuhyun smirked back. 'I brought this because there are things that I would like to change..'
Kyuhyun laid the paper on the desk, while Siwon moved closer to him. The other members were still busy chatting and reviewing their contracts.
'Let's see~ numbers 1, 2 and 3 are okay..4..5..6..7.. Okay.'
Siwon followed Kyuhyun's hand as the maknae then pointed at number 8.
'Okaay, 'Person under contract is allowed to hit OR kill his boyfriend..' Kyuhyun said as added the words. Siwon nervously put his hand on his chin and was unconsciously tapping his foot. His attempt in protesting about it was cut off by Kyuhyun.
However, Siwon's jaw dropped when Kyuhyun read the changes to number 9. 
'Once every three months? One every three months??'  Siwon said in disbelief. 'Oh my god Kyu! You are going to kill me. That's like…four times of in one year! FOUR TIMES! ONE YEAR!'
'Hyung we've already had lots of it the past years!' Kyuhyun explained.
'But four is not going to be fun!! Kyuuu!' Siwon stomped his feet and made wild gestures as he begged for Kyuhyun to change it.
'If I change it to the original, then I will have to add another number, okay?
'Back to original meaning we do it when we want it! Okay deal!'
 The two of them shake hands. Kyuhyun changes number 9 back to the original statement and writes an additional number 11. He hides it from Siwon's curious eyes.
'What's that you added?' 
After reviewing the additional number, Kyuhyun shows it to his lover.
'As long as this contract is valid, Choi Siwon will be Cho Kyuhyun's slave..' Siwon reads. 'My dear maknae, I am already your slave. What's new to that?' He laughed as he was about to fold their revised 'contract'.
Siwon wondered why Kyuhyun was blushing. Then the maknae ordered him to read the next lines before running off towards Donghae, who was beckoning him to play for some time now.
Siwon sees off Kyuhyun going outside with Donghae then he does what the maknae told him. Underneath number 11 was one sentence written relatively smaller than the others. It read: 'Choi Siwon will be Cho Kyuhyun's slave, Cho Kyuhyun will also be Choi Siwon's slave… not because of contracts but because they love each other.'
The man read it over and over again before folding the paper neatly and storing it on his pocket. Their slave contracts may not be so bad after all.
~End. ;3
PS If you are a wonkyu shipper from the Philippines and would love to do/ support wonkyuproject on SS5, please check this out. THANK YOUUU~~ <3
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evil_kyu27 #1
Chapter 1: T^T

Lo~ve it
Angela17 #2
Chapter 1: Sweet... Slave contract for lover.. Lol..
Mydeluluworld #3
Chapter 1: This is so sweet dear.. I love it^^
aww WonKyu, my feels is gonna explode if you two are always like this ...

This is so sweet, dear.
Thank you for sharing :)
hayarahma #5
Chapter 1: Omgggg why am i tearing up ㅠㅠㅠ
this is so cute, thanks for sharing ^^
stargyu #6
Chapter 1: Here you are making my heart blooming again kkkk pls keep updating hehe thank youuuuuuu
Chapter 1: Aw, SUPER CUTE!
How am I going to repond to this fic? It just made me giggling all the time
Chapter 1: awwwww this is so cute!!! the contract between wonkyu too <3 what, s*x once in three months? of course the almighty Choi Siwon can't do that lmao
cherry3691z #9
Chapter 1: Dear.. why am I crying huhu omg i love your story!!!!