Ice Cream

When Two Paths Cross

Jiyong POV


After the dinner ended, Seunghyun and I decided to go out for a drink- you know, some buddy-buddy time ^___^


“So man...You’re 26 now huh?” I asked while taking a swig of my soju.


“ year older…”


“Lucky….I still have to wait a while…”


“Since I’m getting older… I think that I should…”




“..probably consider dating?” He said with a curious undertone to his voice.


“FINALLY MAN! Thank god… I was starting to get all worried that you were 26 and never had a girlfriend before.” I gasped in relief.


“HEY!” He looked around. “You promised you’d never say that in public…”


“Oh...hehee..sorry man.”


We both spent a few minutes devoted to our drinks before we spoke again.


“So. Who’s the girl?” I asked while my eyebrows danced.


“Girl? What girl?” He said kind of confused.


“OMO! Seunghyun you into guys?” I asked almost dying of a heart attack.


“WHAT? NO!!!”




“Oh..” He blushed a bit. “Park Bom, my secretary.”


“The red hair chic? Nice man!” I held both of hands up so he could give my double high fives.


“But the thing is…I don’t exactly know how to get her to date me.”


“Just ask her or something.”


“Just ask? Jiyong...I don’t think its that simple!!!”


“...You worry too much dude. Just go up to her and be like ‘Hey, dinner? I’ll call you.’ “ I said smoothly. (I was a pro at getting girls. ;P)


“Wait. Will that seriously work?”


“Yes. You can just tell her its for work or something and then once the moment gets deep, you can get all personal- then she’ll want to date you and what not.” I said feeling a bit tipsy.


I heard Seunghyun do an excited giggle as he chugged a whole bottle of soju. (He has a high tolerance...)


~After a few more drinks…~

“SEUNGHYUUUNNNNNN.” I spat lazily.


“What?” I could see that he was emerged in his daydreams- probably about his future date with Bom.




He looked over at me and rolled his eyes.

“Let’s go man. You’re drunk.”


“NO! I’m not drunk.”


“Shut up.” He paid for our drinks and then dragged me all the way to my house. He waited for me to go inside but I didn’t feel like it. I knew he wasn’t going to leave until he didn’t see me outside so I used my clever little drunk brain of mine and hid behind a bush. MY PLAN WORKED! Seunghyun left~


I marched to my porch and laid down on the cold cement floor. I heard little ribbets from the frogs in my pond nearby.

“AAHH!!!” I sighed. “It’s a such a beautiful night.”


I laid there for who knows how long before my stomach started to rattle. Clutching my stomach, I thought to myself, ice cream.


I dialed Dara’s number and waited until she picked up.


Hello-uh?” She answered in a sleepy voice.


“Ice cream.” I said simply.


“What? Who is this?”


“Handsome Jiyong calling for ice cream.” I said playfully as my stomach continued rumbling.




“YOU PROMISED YOU’D GET MY ICE CREAM! PALLI!!! I’M HUNGRY!” I said in annoyance- I was hungry...and I wanted ICE CREAM! What’s so odd about that?


I heard her groan. “Fine. Where are you?”


Pleased, I giggled and told her where to pick me up. She picked me up quicker than I thought it would take. She arrived in a white truck. She hopped out wearing white bunny pajamas and some old sneakers. She was so tiny in comparison to the truck- kekekeke.


I held my arms out to her. “CARRY ME.”


“WHAT THE HELL? No!” She yelled as she kicked me in the side. “GET UP AND LET’S GET ICE CREAM SO I CAN GO HOME!”


I got up and teetered over to her ( I was still partially drunk). I linked my arms with hers and pulled her to the car and chanted ‘ice cream’ until we finally reached the nearest ice cream shop.


Dara POV


That idiotic drunken pig was obnoxiously screaming the words “ice cream” the whole ride to the parlor.


I was ‘this close’ stopping the car and stranding him on some road.

He dragged me into the ice cream parlor and pointed at the ice cream he wanted. I ordered one chocolate ice cream and one strawberry ice cream.


We sat down at a table and he started gulping down his ice cream. I watched him with an amused expression plastered on my face.


Every now and then he would look up at my ice cream and then look at me.


“EAT YOUR ICE CREAM!” He demanded while pointing his spoon at me.


“Mind your own business you jerk.” I scowled. I WAS TIRED! I just wanted this to be over with and I’ll probably never have to see him again.


He pouted and then took a giant spoonful of my ice cream and shoved it in his face.


“YA!” I yelled.


“If you’re not going to eat it, then why can’t I?” He questioned innocently.


I sighed irritatedly as both of us sat in silence and finished our ice creams.

“Let’s go.” I said.


“Fine.” He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes.


Once we got back to his house I waited for him to go inside but he just sat on his porch. Eventually, I walked over to check on him and make sure he went inside but by the time I walked to him, I found his sound asleep.


“YA!” I yelled as I tapped him knee with my shoe. “Wake up! Go inside!”


No response. I nervously looked around as I didn’t know how safe this neighborhood was.


I can’t take him to my house- in fact that shouldn’t even be an option.

I can’t just wait with him outside...its dangerous…

KEYS? Maybe his keys  are on him.

I nervously glanced at him and scanned him.

His jacket pockets! I inconspicuously reached my hand in his pocket and rummaged around.

…This guy better not wake up to see me doing this...he might get wrong ideas….

Dang it no keys.


His other pocket?

I reached into his left pocket and searched around until I felt a cold hand wrap around my wrist.


“What are you doing?” He asked in a serious voice.


“ were sleeping outside...keys….” I stammered as I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment.


“Hmph...You just can’t get enough of me huh?” He asked as a smirk tugged at his lips.


I looked at him in shock and disbelief and tried to stand up.


He pulled me down and then leaned against my shoulder as he transitioned back into a deep sleep.


“YA! I’m not a pillow!”


“I don’t care. I don’t know where my house keys are. I’m not sleeping outside alone…” He said in a sleepy voice.


“We’re basically strangers!” My voice raised.


He responded in muffled snores.


I rolled my eyes and shrugged.


I should at least get some sleep too right? Why should my sleep be compromised because of this guy?

I tilted my head against the brick wall and drifted off into a sleep.

Author's Notes:
I updated pretty fast huhhh? I had some spare time XP
Please give me suggestions~ I will definitely try to make them work! I'm running short of ideas....
Thanks for reading~
Thank you subbies~
Will update soon!~
^song of the moment: Obsession -GD^
Also don't forget to trend #HappyDaraDay on Twitter~~~
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chelzjj #1
Chapter 14: Aigooooo jiyong-ah
daramaegon #2
Chapter 11: thanks for updating again,i really missed this fic,,hope u can update this often and longer[my wish] i'm looking forward for a whirlwind romance i'm sure the daragon couple had this connection and attraction to each other but can't figured it out or just as dense to realize it~!!
latish78 #3
Chapter 7: you keep writing i am enjoying your writing and thank you for taking the time to write fanfics for our daragon
Chapter 10: AWKWARD!hahaha!
9a9a_lve_daragon #5
Chapter 10: kyaaaaaa, just kiss already!
update soon please
Chapter 9: They really banter like a child
Chapter 9: Cute DARAGON(^-^)
Chapter 8: Jiyong is jealous!!! Kyyyyyyyaaaaaa!!! Can't wait 4 the next chapter (^-^)
daramaegon #9
Chapter 7: I can picture the shock and admiring face of jiyong towards dara..more updates please:)
Chapter 3: jiyong dara's phone... you have dara's phone... don't you remember???