SHINee's Birthday Present To Taemin

SHINee's Birthday Present To Taemin
The night before Taemin’s birthday, Taemin knew that he had a lot on his schedule tomorrow, making it hard to get a little peace he needed to celebrate his birthday with his fellow SHINee members.  Taemin didn’t want to be selfish to his fellow members so he never asked them to get him anything or even spend any time with him, which was what he really wanted.  
When Taemin woke up on his birthday morning, Taemin was as eager as he had ever been to get out of bed and be greeted by his fellow members, who were like family to him, wishing him a Happy Birthday making him excited for the whole day.  Yet when Taemin woke up, the SHINee members just greeted him with the usual ‘Morning’ greeting.  Not wanting to be a burden to s, Taemin just put a smile on his face and greeted them, wondering if they were to tired to remember his birthday, as they had been really busy for the past couple of days.
It was a very busy day ahead of them, and Taemin was actually happy that it was, as he was hurt that none of his fellow members wished him a Happy Birthday, he was glad that he could use the busy schedule to keep his mind off his birthday.  But it wasn’t as easy as he thought.  Every other member of SHINee’s team wished him a happy birthday, even the mcs on the shows he was starring on, were wishing him a happy birthday.  But still, his fellow members just kept smiling, not mentioning anything about the presents they got him, or any party's their organising to celebrate one of the biggest birthdays of his life.
Before Taemin knew, it was already 9 o’clock in the evening, all the members were heading back to the dorm to get some dinner and to sleep, as they had yet another busy day tomorrow.  As the SHINee members walked up the hallway to their dorm, Taemin could only show a smile on his face, hurt that the only people he wished to hear say Happy birthday to him, had said nothing to him for the whole day.  Once they got in the dorm, Onew told Taemin to fetch something of his so he could use it.  Taemin went into his room, as a tear rolled down his eye.  Had his friends really forgotten about his birthday? Was this a warning that they didn’t like him anymore?  The maknae started fearing for the worst.  When he opened the door the tears just flowed out and before Taemin new, he was full on crying.
But this wasn’t crying of sadness, this was crying of happiness. Taemin was staring at sight of all of the members staring at him with great big smiles on their faces, with a massive banner, which was made especially for Taemin, saying ‘Happy Birthday, to the most wonderful maknae any group could possibly have!’ Taemin was speechless for words, as all the members ran up to him hugging him and laughing, enjoying the happiness Taemin was showing them.
As the night rolled on, all the members gave Taemin the best presents he could of asked for - loads of pictures of him and s in photo albums.  He was glad it was photos as he could look back on them staring at how much he loved all these guys and that he’s glad that he was in SHINee.  SHINee also got Taemin a cake, which had ‘SHINee’s Maknae’ written on the top of the cake.  Taemin had never cried so much in his life, and he was glad it was tears of happiness, as this morning he thought he would be crying his self to sleep, thinking the members didn’t like him anymore.
Once the night was over and all the members were sleeping.  Taemin was still awake lying in bed just staring at the ceiling, thinking of how lucky he was, having one of the most wonderful group members anyone could wish for.  Taemin was sad that he thought the members didn’t like him or forgot, as Taemin knew the members so well, and he knew that his fellow members, new how much of a big birthday this was for Taemin. 
After a little more thinking, Taemin finally shut his eyes on his birthday and fell asleep, with one of the biggest smiles he had ever had on his face, dreaming about all of SHINee going to a beach, to celebrate another SHINee members birthday.
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