It was 5 p.m and we were full due to the delicious pizza, Sehun and Luhan bought. Tao ate a whole pizza by his own.. How can someone eat that much? He must love Pizza, I mean it was a Family pizza and hell yeah it was big, VERY BIG. After eating, Tao and Luhan volunteer to wash the dishes.

While the two were washing the dishes, the 5 of us remained in the living room and played some random video games. Time flew by and it soon got darker. Sky's turning reddish as the sun set down. Baekhyun decided to head home first, he didn't like going home in the dark and now that Chanyeol was at home already, he had no one to bring him home.

6 p.m

Luhan got a phonecall from his mum, asking Tao and him, when they will come home. After the cal, Luhan and Tao decided to make the first move, since everyone was just sitting around, doing nothing special.

Tao and Luhan got up to make themselves ready to leave, the train will arrived at 6.45.. Sehun came with Kris, who had a car to drive him home, so he pleased Kris to allow Luhan to come with them. Kris was defeated when Sehun used his famous one-kill aegyo "bbuing bbuing".

Kris knew exactly that it's going to be hell for him sitting in a car with SEHUN AND LUHAN, who will have their lovey dovey moments, that include kissing and exchanging salivas in the back seat, so he forced Tao to come along. If he had to suffer then better not alone and besides Tao was relieved to drive with them, he hates Train, it was all because of his paranoid that something bad could happen to his GUCCI BAGS.

If Luhan and Tao are going to be in the car with Kris and Sehun, that means there's only 1 sit left and it was Kai and Me who had to take the sit. It was Kris car so that means Kai is going to get the free place. Seems like I'm going to take the train by my own...

We said our goodbyes and one bye one went to get their shoes, jackets and bags. I went back to the kitchen, to clean up a little more "BYE KYUNGSOO!" is all I heard before the front door was shut closed.

KYUNGSOO ALONE AT THE MANSION.  I got used to the loud talkings, laughters and gigglings the room was filled with, but it's gone now and the mansion was once filled again with awkward silence. It was extremly quiet, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

I hate this stupid silence. 6.10 pm well i have 20 minutes until I need to leave. What should I do? I hate being in a big house all by myself, especially when I'm alone. Geeez, i'm getting goosebumps.. I should stop watching criminal minds. It gives me stupid imaginations that makes me scared.

AHA! Perfect. That's what I needed... Who's earphone is that? I took it and realized it was jongin his. He must have forgotten it here, well bad for him, good for me hehe. Let's spare the time to listen to music. THANK THE ONE WHOEVER INVENTED THIS.

The only problem I have is.. Where the hell is my PHONE? Didn't I just look at the time? Damn it, hmmm... where could it be.. Think Kyungsoo Think... Hmm.. taping my chin with... HEY my cellphone. YOU HAD IT IN YOUR HANDS THE ENTIRE TIME? STUPID.

What song should I listen to? Problem after Problem.. let me see. What do we have here? Mama? nope.. Machine? nooope.. Don't go.. too depressing. She's my Lady? Nope.. I don't have a Lady.. Histo... Perfect HISTORY it is. I didn't listen to it for ages. Plugging the earphones into my ears AND .. MR.D.O play that playbutton [A/N: remember the youtuber, Kai listens to? Yeah it's Kyungsoo]


I danced to the song along while singing..


I turned around

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" I screamed, plugging out my earphones, widen my eyes..



He was panting. Seems like he also got a heartattack. His fault, not mine. "You scared the out of my soul with your screaming, Damn it Kyungsoo. You should have warned me that your screams are unbearable" He was breathing heavily. 

I looked at him with a confused look. Did he just said I scared him? DUUU he's the one who scared ME! "Correction. You." I poked his forehead "..was the one who scared ME." pointing at me "What are you doing here? Did you left something?"

"Yes.." he smirked and filling the distance between us.. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS BOY? He's getting weirder and weirder..

I took a step back, he was standing to close. "S-Should I help you find it? E... Erm.. What did you forget?" why am I stuttering.

He smirked and got closer again "You.." he whispered. What did he say? Did he just say you? Or moo? TALKING NONSENSE AGAIN KYUNGSOO! NONSEEEENSE!!! What? He might have said something like Moo, shuu, gluuee, bluuee.. GLUE? BLUE? Yeah why not. RIGHT HE FORGOT HIS .. SHOOOE! HE FORGOT HIS SHOE :) What the ? Why should he forget his shoe? "Kyungsoo..? You alright?" Shoe..  glue.. crew... For your information he just talked to you.. WHAT? who? "What are you thinking about? Kyungsoo? Earth on Kyung?" .. The one in front of you.

I looked to the front. Kai. "Mh? Sorry.. What did you say?" I was getting red due to the fact he really said YOU. SO YOU'RE ADMITTING HE SAID YOU.. no.. I meant shoe... LIAR LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE.

"I said, I forgot.." plugging out the earphones I had in my ears. What is he up too? Taking the earphones into his hands "This.." showing me his earphones.. So it's his earphones. NO REALLY? I THOUGHT IT WAS HIS SHOE.. Oh shut up. He came back because of an EARPHONE? Didn't he have another pair at home? "I told the others to leave without me.."

Why did he do that? "Why?"

"I'm taking the train." NO WAY! I THOUGHT YOU'RE TAKING THE DOG.

"Yeah I got that but I mean why?"

"Because I don't want to leave you alone by yourself." BUM BUM..  ASJKBKJABBDHDBKKDVHDL. STUPID HEART.

(Back in the city)

"Thank you Kai" I smiled. Woaaah. Who would have thought of Kai taking a ride with a public train, when he had his friend driving him home. So, that's the new Kai.. I see.. I somehow had a weird feeling that's telling me I didn't want to go. I don't know why I feel like this but I did. Having no choice, I took my bags from Kai, who was carrying it all the way and made my way to the exit. I don't want to leav..

"Kyung?" YES. I turned around and saw him giving me a warm small. FLIP. I could have sworn my Heart just made a flip. I smiled back and waited for what he got to say "I know it's late and you probably don't want to go home that late by yourself but do you want to go to starbucks and get some hot drinks, cookies and muffins? I will be responsible for being the one who's bringing you home afterwards."

Should I say Yes? NO? MR.A FRIEND? You're not really a help brain. THEN DON'T ASK ME. Yes? No? "I don't know what to say Kai.." He made a weird look "Oh i mean Jongin" His smile appeard again.

"Just say YES." Yes? Okay then Yes it is. I nodded. He grabbed back my bag and headed to the shop. A FRIEND. I know.... I'M JUST REMINDING YOU.

We got to starbucks, there wasn't a lot going on so it took faster to get the order. Jongin told me to go look for a place to sit, while he was going to buy everything, at first we argued who's going to pay but I end up loosing to his sudden "BBUING BBUING" attack. Why the hell were the Kingkas good at making AEGYO, like who would have thought they can go this far to have it their way?

I choose the sits in the middle. I didn't want to sit at the back, the toilet was beside it so NO-UH. "Here you go.." Jongin placed the tray on the table. "I'm going to be back in a minute, I just need to make a call okay?" I nodded giving him the 'permission' to make a call. He made his way to the exit and placed himself in front of the shop.

I made a sip of my drink.. AH DEOPDA [A/N: it means HOT in korean] .. Placing back the drink on the tray, letting it cool a little bit. Someone came closer and took the sit in front of me.. Ah he's back.. I looked up to face someone else  face beside Kai's. My jaw dropped when I got to my sense. WHAT DOES HE WANT?

"Hi cutie, I've been watching you for a short period but I just need to ask..." WHAT DOES HE WANT?????? "Did it hurt?.." He moved his face closer to mine. WHAT THE AJHDJKBAKBDKBDK "...When you fall from heaven?" Is he trying to flirt or what? GEEEEEZ.

"What the hell Minho?? Aren't you supposed to be with TAEMIN?" Yeah. where the hell is taemin? Minho is scaring me.

"Eh.. How did you know my.. Oh I see.. How could someone NOT know me." DREAM ON . "I'm the famous Minho."

"Who s around like a ."

"Excuse me?" I SAID A WHO S AROUND LIKE A WIT. "Anyways. What is a beauty like you doing alone at a starbucks this late evening" PUKE PUKE PUKE. Doesn't he recognize who he is talking with? HELLOOO??? I'M KYUNGSOO. MAKE_OVER! Oh damn right. Did I change THAT much?

"Minho, I'm Kyu.."

"Pssshh.." Putting a finger on my lips. DUH? I slapped his dirty fingers away from my lips. What the is wrong with this guy? Is he blind, drunk or just HIGH? "I know you want me baby.. No need to tell me"  I WAS ABOUT TO TELL YOU TO OFF!!!! NOT THAT I WANT YOU. He's going insane.

"I don't think he wants you.." IT'S KAI. HALLELUYAAAAA! "So if you excuse us.." Grabbing my hands and I stood up. YES. LET'S GET OUT OF HERE.

"Who the hell are you to.." Minho took a better look at Kai, seems like he recognize him again. "Well, well, well.. If this isn't Kyungsoo's lover or should I say EX-lover. I knew you wouldn't take that nerd seriously" EXCUSE ME? WHAT DID HE SAY? I'M RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU .

Kai let go of my hands. He walks back to minho and grab him on his collar. Minho smirked. "What did you just say?" Kai is getting uneasy.

"Well as I see this situation, you're with another guy. So I come to that conclusion. You had enough of That nerd huh? Did you just DO Kyungsoo [A/N: HAHAHA I love this sentense XD]  and left? Or, are you just randomly cheating on him? If that's the case I wouldn't be suprise. BUT find your own fresh meat, I saw him first." pointing at me.

YOUR DEAD MOTHERER. BRING IT ON. I saw how Kai was ready to punch him but to all of our suprise I was the one who end up giving him a punch so hard that he fall down. TAKE THAT ! "This one was for insulting me and this.." I took the glass with water and spill it over him ".. is for messing up with my boyfriend." I took a closer step leaning down to his ears "You should check your eyes. I'm KYUNGSOO by the way." I smirk walking out of the shop.



PUNCH.. OUCH... 1:0 for DO Kyungsoo

"This one was for insulting me and this.." Kyungsoo took the glass filled with water and spilled it over him ".. is for messing up with my boyfriend..." BOYFRIEND? DID HE SAY BOYFRIEND??? It's Minho remember? OH RIGHT.. We're just pretending...

He walked out of the shop and I followed him. He randomly went straight forward without looking back. He must be really pissed of but proud at the same time. I wouldn't wonder if he is. He knocked him down. Damn. He's getting more perfect than he already is. Wait where are we heading? This is the wrong way "Kyungsoo? We need to go this way" I pointed to the opposite way. 

He looked back and look at me with a confused look "But this way is leading us to the busstation to go home, If I remembered it right." Indeed he was right but we're not going to take the bus today.

"We're not taking the bus today.." I made my way closer to him and grabbed his hand, making him follow me. "Don't ask, just follow me.."

It took 5 minutes until we arrived at the place we had to be "Where are we and what are we doing here?" I pointed at it. "What is there?" He probably couldn't identify the object I was pointing to, since it was pitch dark. I made my way closer to the object and without asking he followed me "A Limosine?"

I nodded and my driver recognize me and drove a little closer to us. My driver went out and made his way to us, opening the door. "Good evening sir" he made a little bow and smiled. I stretch my hand to tell Kyungsoo to step in first. I followed him into the car and my driver closed the door. Kyungsoo told the driver where he lived and we drove there.

10 pm and we finally arrived at his place. I him until we reached the house door. "Thanks for bringing me home" he smiled shyly and it was the sweetest and cutest smile I've ever seen in my life.

"I promised Tao and Luhan to make sure you arrive safely at your house. So don't forget to write them, before sleeping or else this was the last time you'll ever see me alive again" He giggled. DAMN, HE'S SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE.

"Jongin? What did you want to say before we got interupted by the scream?"

Should I tell him? No. I don't want to ruin this moment. "Oh Nothing.. Forget it. It wasn't important.." It is IMPORTANT KAI! He doesn't know. SOON OR LATER HE WILL. I know... "Goodnight Kyungsoo"

"Jongin?" He took a step closer and soon after I felt his lips on mine and he pulled away "Sorry.."

"Don't say sorry. I know that you're confused. But don't worry it wouldn't take long anymore... You're questions will all be answered soon."


"See you tomorrow Jongin." 

"Yeah.. See ya.." I turned around and got my way back to the car, hearing the door behind me closing.







I didn't write back and did as he said. It's only rare for Chanyeol to write that and if he does, it means something big is up. I arrived at his place.

"What's wrong?"

"Come in." He pulled my collar and drag me upstairs to his bedroom. "Sit" he pointed at his bed. He was walking around nervously, it was really irritating me.

"Could you please stop that? You're making me nervous too. What's the big thingy?"

"SULLI IS COMING TOMORROW." He burst out in panic.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WITH AND???? She's coming tomorrow. WHAT PART DIDN'T YOU GET? SULLI? OR THAT SHE'LL COME TOMORROW? AISH KAAAAAAAI, WHAT THE HELL SHOULD I DO? I'm not ready to see her. 1 week had passed and even though everything is going good with Baek, I'm nervous to see her. What if I still have feelings? I mean 1 week wasn't that long time to forget about her."

"Calm down."

"HOW THE HELL CAN I ING CALM DOWN. OH MY GOD. I'm going to kill my mum. She said it would be nice if our 'FRIENDSHIP' will be freshen up. She doesn't even know she was my girlfriend. GAWD."

"Ignore her."


"You heard me. Simple. She isn't staying at your place right? Just avoid her as much as you can."

"I really start liking Baekhyun. I don't want this to be ruin by someone who isn't worth my love. AAAAH I'm going nuts. How should I tell Baekhyun? He will totally misunderstand it. And what should I say if I face Sulli? Should I punch her for breaking my heart?"

"DUDE! You're not going to punch a girl. Listen to yourself, It's sulli. And yeah you don't need to tell Baek, you know."


"Okay, okay.. I make sure Baekhyun will never know she was here and make sure Sulli doesn't get a chance to see you. how long is she planning to stay?"

"2? 3?"

"What ?"

"4 or even 5?"



"Than it's no BIGGY.. It will pass quickly. Trust."

"The last time you said that was when I broke my arm. So yeah.. let's just trust you. ER."

"No I'm serious this time. I'm helping you. Just don't worry."

"I'm counting on you KIM JONGIN!"


----------------------------------------------------------AUTHORS NOTE----------------------------------------------------


GOODNIGHT (it's 9.50 pm over here)

TADAAA :) 26.Chapter completed yeeeah :) started to write the 27. already but i will post it on thursday.

KAISOOOO <333333 I know I said to some it would be a hunhan and baekyeol chapter but I end up choosing Kaisoo :b

But Next chapter will be Baekyeol and Hunhan hihi.

Well I'm gonna get some sleep now.



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Chapter 66: Deserve an award for the plot ;)
Chapter 64: I love u! I won't forget this story ever! Besstttt
Chapter 66: X3
Like it.. Kyaaa
Oh_HanHan #4
Chapter 68: Woah! It's sad to hear it.. This was my favorite fanfic actually it was the first one (in English) soo.... So sad but fighting author-nim
Kevinlover123 #5
Chapter 55: The fic was really good! Sad you left authornim if you ever decide to come back you should really write more :) (LOVED Hunhan here btw)
Chapter 68: I will miss you author-nim,
maybe you should not delete your account,.it will stay here and maybe you just have a break.and whenever you feel like going back here you still have somethings rto eturn to,..
I will still be here waiting for you author-nim,.
Take good care :)
WHy???????????please dont go,.
im sad,.i will miss you,.esp dickhead has a name,..KIM JONGIN,.is your friend gonna continue that??with same plot and characters????
WHy???????????please dont go,.
Why are you leaving