Tao: A small big confusion.

Oneshots EXO
You were going of way to the EXO bedroom to visit your fiancé Tao. You came up to the bedroom and it was, you entered and it was quite in a mess. You looked at all sides and did not see any of the members, entered one of the rooms and saw sly Tao looking under the bed, it seemed that he was looking for something, then you asked him:
 - What do you do?
Tao was surprised and a blow happened in the head, it sat down in the soil and said to you.
 - What do you do here?
 - I said to you that it would come.
 - Already?
 - If: why? are you busy? 
 - Not... good if...: would it be important for you to wait out?
 - It costs...
You went out to the lounge and Tao closed the door. You sat down in the couch, took the control and it was not working. You got up to light the television, but oíste to Tao to speak, could not avoid to listen that he was saying:
 - I do not find it: where is it? If __________ he finds out, everything will get damaged. The next time, you should be careful.
You thought: "With whom is he speaking? With some member?". Tao hung and said again:
 - I hope that ________ he should not find out about this.
You thought again: "And if... he was speaking with another girl? It cannot be...". You were going to enter the room but you thought: "Then... why does not he want that I find out? It is cheating me". You went out of the bedroom, went down for the elevator and when you were going to go out of the building, but you saw the rest of the members of EXO. Chen said to you:
 - _________: What do you do here?
 - Not at all, already I was going away.
 - What happens to you?
 - Tao is cheating me.
 - What? - Said Xiumin - it cannot be.
 - If, I have heard it speaking with the girl. I go away already.
You went out of the building and began to walk to go to your apartment, but you turned aside and finished in the park where Tao declared himself you and gave you your first kiss. You were going to go out hence, when your mobile began to dream, and there did not look the one who was, you answered:
 - _________? Why have you gone away? - It Was the Tao voice-.
 - Why...
 - Where are you?
 - In the park where you declared yourself...
 - Wait for me, I will be there in a few minutes. - It Hung-.
You sat down in a bank and approximately 10 minutes later Tao appeared. It approached you and said to you:
 - What happens to you?
 - Tao...
 - Why have you gone away?
 - Are you cheating me?
 - No: why do you think that?
 - I heard you speaking with this girl for the mobile.
 - What?... oh... he was not speaking with a girl, but with Suho.
 - Suho? Then...
Tao put its hand in the pocket and extracted a box, gave it to you, you opened it and it was a bracelet with and pendant of the sign of the power of Tao in EXO, a sand clock, you looked at it and you did not know that to say, but Tao said:
 - It was this for what he was looking. I bought it and asked Suho to hide it, but it could not find it. It was going to give it to you tomorrow.
 - Why?
 - Tomorrow it will do 3 months that I saw you for the first time and it was going to give you this bracelet. But for a small confusion I cannot give it to you tomorrow.
 - No, a big confusion. I am sorry about it.
 - No, it is not a fault, it is mine. It had to do been careful.
 - The pendant...: is it for your symbol in EXO?
 - Partly if, but really what I mean with the symbol is, that when I am with you the time me for and it is not important for me what it happens around me. 
 - Tao... that is beautiful.
 - No, you it are more - it kissed You as it had not done it earlier-.


I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and please talk about your ideas that costs nothing ◕‿◕.
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kyucumberS2 #1
Chapter 1: Waaaaaa I liked it, it is so cute and awkward in the same time
Good job
update soon author-nim please
Chapter 1: awww chooooooo chweeeeeeetttttttttt love it.
safiraniraxxx #4
awww I love this story ~~
update sooner authornim ^^
Can't wait for it..... >~< hihihi