» jimin'02

〈〈bangtan warrior collection〉〉╎BTS & BAP oneshots╎requests closed!


love hindered by age

Dongsaeng. That was what Jimin was always to Eve. Well at least that’s what he thinks. Jimin and Eve had been friends for who knows how long. They did almost everything together and their hips were literally glued together. She was a year older than him, but that didn’t mean anything. Jimin really thought that nothing would come in between their friendship but he was wrong. Their time spent together became less, text messages and calls were now short and simple, and Jimin was getting irritated. He knew why. He knew it so well. It was because Eve had gotten herself a boyfriend. Not just any boyfriend, but a college student name Kim Sunggyu. Jimin was supposed to be fine with this, but he wasn’t. Jimin had fallen for his best friend and found to see her more than just a friend. He was heading for school that day to see Eve and her boyfriend sending her off. He glared from afar but smiled sweetly when she spotted him. Sunggyu left, as Jimin headed towards Eve.

“Morning Eve noona!” Jimin smiled and waved. Eve laughed and swung her arm around his shoulder.

“Morning Jimin-ah!” she smiled brightly. “Aigoo~ have you gotten shorter?”

Jimin pouted as she ruffled his hair.

“Noona is just kidding~” she sang. “I haven’t seen you in awhile now~”

“Well noona does have a boyfriend,” Jimin said.

“But I feel bad though~” Eve now pouted. “You know what Jimin~ you want to go eat ice cream after school? Let’s go~ deh?”

Jimin lighted up hearing this sentence. He nodded his head like a little kid. Eve laughed and ruffled his hair again, “Aigoo~ you’re like a litte kid~”

The two then spent their days in school. It was long, but Jimin had survived it only because he was excited to go to their ice cream date. Well it was a date to him. He smiled and rushed out of the classroom once the last bell had rung. He sped through the crowds of students and made it to the front only to see Eve with Sunggyu. AGAIN. She was smiling and excited but then suddenly frowned.

“I want to go shopping with you but I promised Jimin ice cream after school,” Eve said. Sunggyu smiled, “We can go after.”

Eve smiled and hugged Sunggyu giving him a light kiss on the lips. She bid goodbye and turned around to see Jimin. She waved and headed towards him.

“You ready to go Jimin-ah?” she linked their arms together. Jimin smiled and nodded. The two headed towards their favorite ice cream shop and ordered their favorite flavors. The two sat down by the seats near the window and chatted.

“Noona, I have trouble with some of my homework can you come over after this?” Jimin asked. Eve bit her lower lip and frowned.

“I can’t today Jimin-ah~” she said. “Sunggyu’s taking me out shopping after this. I’m sorry!~ I’ll promise you tomorrow! Deh?”

Jimin was disappointed but nodded with a smile, “It’s ok noona! I’ll just ask Namjoon hyung~”

When the two finished their ice cream, Eve walked Jimin home and hugged him. She called Sunggyu and he came to pick her up. Eve had to admit she felt terrible not accepting Jimin’s homework help. She had always helped him in the past and this time rejecting him just didn’t felt right.

“You alright there Eve?” Sunggyu asked noticing her frown. She smiled and nodded even though she wasn’t. Jimin on the other hand, didn’t do his homework. He went straight to his bed and covered his face in his pillow. He was getting tired of this. He knew her first and he had always been there for Eve. It’s just not right that she’s with a different guy than him. What is because of their age difference? Was it because he was younger? Jimin groaned in frustration.

“I don’t think I can live another day seeing them together…” he mumbled. He suddenly stopped and sat up.

“Should I tell her?” he thought but then shook his head. “No, it would be so weird between us.”

He washed away the thoughts and headed off to sleep. The following weeks were the same. Eve’s time spent with Jimin became smaller and smaller. She wanted to spend some time with him but she couldn’t find the confidence to not accept Sunggyu’s dates. He is her boyfriend. Eve had finally decided that today she would spend the day with Jimin. She felt bad and knew he was sad and disappointed. Eve was heading out to Jimin’s place when her phone rang. She looked at it and saw Sunggyu’s name. She picked it up and answered it.

“Hey~” she smiled.

“Eve~ You want to go to the movies?” he asked. Eve took in a deep breath and let it out, “I’m spending the day with Jimin. Sorry oppa~ we can go next time~”

“Ah I see~” he said. “It’s ok~ I understand your sibling relationship.”

He sounded a bit ticked off but kept his stand. The two bid goodbye and Eve put her phone away.

“Sibling relationship?” she thought about his words again. It wasn’t actually sibling relationship. It was more to a friend relationship. She never looked at Jimin as if he was her younger brother. She was still thinking when she didn’t even realize she almost walked past Jimin’s house. She stopped and headed back and towards his front door. She knocked and waited. Jimin’s mother opened up and greeted her warmly. She greeted back and entered. She headed towards Jimin’s room and knocked on his door. He opened it up and widened his eyes.

“N-noona,” he said. Eve smiled and pushed through the door.

“Yes, noona is finally here to spend the day with you~” she sang. “Cause she feels terrible for the past few days of not spending time with her best friend~”

Jimin just stared at her.

“Well just don’t stand there,” she laughed. “Let’s play some games!”

Jimin stood for awhile and then smiled brightly. The two spent the day playing random games and just usually how they would spend their time together back then. Before Eve left that night she made a promised to Jimin.

“I promise you that if you ever requested me to help you or spend the day with you I will push everything aside for you,” she put out her pinky. “I’m doing this because I feel like a terrible friend when I hear your disappointed voice.”

Jimin smiled and linked their pinkies together. So as promised the days went by and Eve had spent more time with Jimin. But Sunggyu was not quite happy with this. He thought they were just friends or more like siblings. But he’s getting ticked off that she’s spending more time with Jimin than with her own boyfriend. When school finished that day, Sunggyu waited outside for Eve. He spotted her and pulled her away.

“I want to go out today,” he smiled. But she just bit her lower lip and reply like the usual, “Can we go after I help Jimin with his homework?”

Sunggyu groaned, “Eve, I’m your boyfriend.”

“I know that,” she smiled, “But Jimin’s having a hard time on his homework.”

“Is he really that dumb?!” Sungyu couldn’t take it anymore. Eve flinched and glared at Sunggyu.

“What did you just say?” she asked.

“I thought you and Jimin are just friends?” he asked. “I’m trying to keep my calm here but I just can’t take it anymore. Eve, I’m your boyfriend, but your spending more time with that Jimin guy more than me!”

Eve scoffed, “I thought you said you understand?”

“I do,” he tried to sound much calmer. He breathed in some air and let it out, “I’m sorry Eve.”

He pulled her into a hug.

“It’s okay Sunggyu~” Eve said and hugged him back.

“Um I’ll pick you up at 5?” he said. Eve nodded and he left. She turned and saw Jimin and his face wasn’t so great. When they walked towards his house it was in dead silence. She spoke up but he only nodded or replied simply.

“Jimin what is wrong with you?” she asked irritated now. Jimin stopped and stared at Eve.

“Noona,” he said. He had finally thought about it. He was going to tell her even if it means their friendship was to go away. He just couldn’t stand her with him. Eve looked back and him.

“I-I like you,” he said sternly. “I liked you for quite awhile now.”

Eve stood in shock and didn’t know how to respond.

“I wanted you to know this because I don’t like the way Sunggyu hyung had been treating you,” he added. Eve was still in shock. Her heart started racing faster and faster.

“Noona, please respond to me,” Jimin grabbed her hands. “Please don’t treat me like I’m your little brother. I don’t want to be treated that way.”

Eve then slowly shook her head, “I-I don’t.”

“I want to know noona, do you like me?” he asked. This was the question that Eve froze at. Does she like him? She didn’t know how to answer. She did felt something strange now that the two had been meeting up lately. Maybe it was true. Maybe she did fall for Jimin. But she’s with Sunggyu. She can’t break up with him so easily. That’s just awful. Jimin shook her softly again.

“Noona~” he said. Eve slowly nodded her head. Jimin stopped and looked at her.

“Y-yes, I think I like you,” she then said.

“You think?” he sounded a bit excited but also disappointed at the same time. Eve shook her head, “I know. I know I like you.”

Hearing this Jimin immediately hugged her.

“I will protect you noona,” he whispered. “Please accept my love.”

“I-I would love to, but Jimin…I still have Sunggyu,” with that being said Jimin backed away.

“He doesn’t treat you right,” Jimin said. “He may be great your eyes but in mine he isn’t. Today…today he blew up. He was mad. The way he yelled at you and blamed you-.”

“No Jimin,” she said cutting his words.

“Noona,” Jimin felt his heart drop.

“Please wait for me,” she said. “Just wait. We’ll get there deh?”

Jimin shook his head, “Noona I already waited for so long. I can’t wait any longer.”

“Just wait please Jimin,” she held his face. “Just a little bit I promise you that we will be together deh? Noona will be with you together~”

Jimin shook his head but froze when a pair of soft lips were placed on his. The warm feeling caused him to calm down. She backed away and grabbed his hand. Eve linked her pinky with his and smiled...

"Just wait Jimin, we'll be together soon~"

bangtan boys & bap



i don't know what i wrote /hides in shame

this is for Rhapsodic ~

since it's a noona fic it was a bit difficult for me bcuz i'm younger than jimin >.<

but i tried ~ so if it's horrible to you just tell me and i'll rewrite you a better one ~




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⟨⟨bangtan warrior collection⟩⟩╎ i have 3 requests left, and they might take awhile since school has started already so please patiently wait ~ ~


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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 4: You are so good!!
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 3: Why did you leave Himchan?! T.T
Chapter 36: This is so cute! Thank you so much~ :D
exoticsonespirit #4
Chapter 37: Thank you. I love it! I envy you and your writings skills.
and hell, i can totally imagine Yoongi's expression at the end lololol

thanks for doing my request!
Chapter 34: Thank You author-nim! :) I really liked this ~
The story was really cute and taehyung is just so protective of his sisters xD I wonder if he would kill the two guys if they broke Riyeon and Rahaels heart xD haha but anyways great job!:)
Thanks again ^^
exoticsonespirit #7
Chapter 34: OC name: Kim Aina
Member: BTS Jin
Scenerio: When Jin, The school Kingka announce that he and Aina, The nerd is dating and the school y queenka totally hate it.
Anything else: Nothing really...^_^