
B.A.P Chat Room :)


Yongguk is online.
Youngjae is online.
Jongup is online.
Zelo is online.
Zelo: Has anyone seen my skateboard?
Youngjae: Nope.
Jongup: Nuh uh.
Yongguk: Yah! I buy you a new skateboard and you go and lose it?
Zelo: Sorry hyung. I remember it was by the door when I used it yesterday.
Youngjae: Well you better go find it before Mr.Gums over here explodes.
Jongup: I'll help check.
Jongup is offline.
Himchan is online.
Himchan: Jello.
Zelo: Hyung, have you seen my skateboard?
Himchan: It was by the door this morning.
Zelo: See!
Yongguk: Whatever, just go find it.
Youngjae: Where's Daehyun?
Himchan: Is he still asleep?
Yongguk: I seriously need to whack that kid with a broom.
Youngjae: No, I didn't see him in our room or the kitchen.
Zelo: You think he has my skateboard?
Himchan: I doubt. That boy is not smart enough to work a skateboard..
Jongup is online.
Yongguk: Found it?
Jongup: Yup.
Youngjae: Where?
Jongup: Outside.
Zelo: Why is it outside?
Jongup: Someone's riding it.
Yongguk: And who is riding it?
Jongup: Daehyun hyung.
Himchan: Nobody tell him what I said!
Youngjae What the ety ?
Youngjae: Why is he riding it?
Jongup: He said he's training.
Himchan: For what?
Jongup: To become Hokage.
Zelo: Seriously -.- 
Youngjae: And I thought Junhong was the maknae.
Yongguk: Get my bat.
Himvhan: Yes sir.
Himchan is offline.
Yongguk: I'm gonna go kick 2 on him. He doesn't even make breakfast for us when he wakes up so early. Bum.
Yongguk is offline.
Zelo: He really thinks he's a ninja huh?
Jongup: Yup.
Zelo: I'm gonna go have a little fun messing with his mind for a little while.
Zelo is offline.
Youngjae: Tha kid is seriously evil.
Jongup: Well he learned from you.
Youngjae: I'm so proud.
Jongup: Wanna know something?
Youngjae: Mwuh?
Jongup: Daehyun hyung didn't take the skateboard, I did.
Youngjae: Then why'd you frame him?
Jongup: Because I got bored....
Youngjae: Chincha -.-
Jongup: Well I thought, hey why not frame hyung who likes to use weapons and what not against the crazy tiger of a leader we have since I'm bored.
Youngjae: Ahh, nice way of curing boredom.
Jongup: Yup, now all I have to do it wait for Yongguk hyung to bust out the broom and Daehyun hyung the get the nun chucks.
Youngjae: You've learned well my boy.
Jongup: Hey, I don't act stupid for nothing.
Sorry if its boring. I haven't updated much because I'm kinda in the slumps for some reason. I'm just not in the zone. But hopefully they get funnier.
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XiuMinVN #1
Chapter 1: hello author :)
just wanna say something
can i translate your story into Vietnamese?
i will credit it
plz answer me soon !
thank you ♥
Chapter 9: >.< this chat room is so cute and funny omg.
Chapter 1: This is funny~ XD
Milielitre #4
Chapter 39: You've been watching Sherlock recently? The 'It's what I doooo" reminded of a line from the show^^
Chapter 39: Lol weekly idol is hilarious every time B.A.P is with them. Haha xD
Chapter 38: JONGUP LOLS XD
Chapter 38: Aye I get you. I'm on a 2 week holiday, but I have so much homework...
Chapter 38: Awe~ cute .
Aww I really enjoyed this.
Chapter 37: Lol cookies. Cone to the dark side, we has cookies! ;)