The Clouds



Choi Minho of the popular boy band of SHINee, sat in the white filled room, his head in his hands. Kim Kibum, known as Key, stood in the corner fretting, talking non-stop to an annoyed looking Kim Jonghyun, and Lee Jinki, known as Onew, worriedly fidgeted in his chair, his eyes darting all over the room, sometimes glancing at Minho.
But where was the adorable maknae that everyone loved, Lee Taemin?
Why, he was the reason they were here, not at a photoshoot that was scheduled three weeks ago. He was the one who had got hit by the light blue car..
Holding hands, Minho and Taemin grinned about a stupid joke that Jinki just told them. "Ha ha Jinki! Where did ya hear that one?" Jonghyun asked, his hands fiddling with Kibum's hair. Walking to their photoshoot, their manager said it was okay because Taemin asked, they told jokes and small stories and whatnot.
Taemin looked up into the sky, staring at the clouds. Swinging their hands slightly, Minho and Taemin dragged behind the others, as they just admired the beautiful sight of the clouds.
"Hyung, doesn't that cloud look like a.."
Taemin twisted his head into a weird angle.
"It looks like a cat if you turn your head this way.."
He said, finishing his sentence, his head still at the awkward angle. Minho chuckled, turning his head and looking at the cloud Taemin was staring at.
"It does look like a cat."
Minho stated. Catching up to the other members, Taemin began to run while grinning in an evil manner, Minho being led behind him. Nearly tripping with every step, Minho yelled at Taemin, though he didn't mind that Taemin was having fun. Then it happened.
It was a slow motion scene, Taemin tripping into the road, the light blue car, the horrific sight. Running straight over Taemin, not even caring to try and stop, it just went on its merry way. Crimson blood began to leak out of the maknaes body, a glurging sound coming from his mouth. Minho could only stand there, staring at his beloved, as the life slowly faded out of his long slender fingers.
Kibum yelled, running towards him, the other members following with worried expressions. Kibum was shaking Taemin's shoulders, though it didn't do any help, as Jinki whipped out his phone and called an ambulance. All Minho could do was stand and stare, and Jonghyun glanced at him sadly, as the sirens began to come closer.
--End of flashback--
Kibum was weeping bitterly now, Jonghyun comforting him. Jinki paced the room, waiting for more news about their young maknae. Minho was shaking, as he gripped the arms of his chair. He let out a groan, and ran his hands through his hair shakily. The other members looked at him sadly, they knew how much Taemin meant to him, and they have only been together for such a short time.
"Lee Jinki?"
An unfamiliar voice said, one of the doctors, and everyones heads shot up.
"U-uh, yeah, thats me."
He said, pointing at himself and turning himself towards the voice. Everyone held their breath as the news would soon be revealed.
"We're sorry to inform you that..
Lee Taemin is severely injured, but that isn't it.."
Kibum yelled at him, forgetting his manners, though the doctor understood his behavior. He put his clipboard on the desk nearby, and took off his glasses and stared straight at Minho.
Will not remember anything about any of you, the only thing he remembers is his name."
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is it... oneshot? O.O
y'all got me teary here bruh.<br />
<br />
WiKyoung #4
@myshineelovee- Hmm.. Considering the idea. Maybe if I get bored enough.
carrotcake #5
completed already?! <br />
all of us seriously needs a continuation. T_T<br />
please, please, please continue. <br />
SAD ! TT_____TT
WiKyoung #7
@LuciferGirl97- Sorry, I don't think it will be a chapter story. -sweatdrop- :/
toooooo sad.....T^T no wayyyyyyyyy~
DoubleYsYeoja #9
will this be a chaptered story???<br />
hope it is~