Crash Meeting

Why you so obsessed with me?

“Oh my God _____. Either I’m hallucinating or I just saw Onew walk pass the store.” Grace’s useless attempt to whisper came out more like a shriek, and she began violently tugging on your shirt, trying to get your attention. The combination of jetlag and the fact she literally dragged you to the mall didn’t put you in the best of moods, and you really didn’t have the patience to deal with your best friends obsessive giggling at the moment.  You shrugged her of your arm and gave her an irritated look.

“It is a possibility, we are in Seoul.” You turned back to the rack in front of you and continued to push through the clothing. “Oh this is cute, what do you think?” Grace rolled her eyes as you took the navy blue tank top from the rack and pressed it against yourself.

“Ugh, are you serious right now? My future husband is a few yards away and you’re all of a sudden interested in clothing. Come on,” she said, yanking the shirt from your hand, “We have to investigate.” Grace grabbed your hand and lead you out the store and into the main shopping area. She looked completely crazy, standing on your tip toes trying to find him in the crowd. 

“Grace stops it! People are staring! Let’s just go, you didn’t see him." You didn’t want to be known as the strange foreigners in the mall, and the looks people were giving you, we wouldn’t be surprised if someone called mall security. 

“We can’t give up now! I sure I’ve almost found him.” Grace whined, and then she hopped a bit, trying to see over the crowd.  You groaned, she was so embarrassing, especially when she got like this. When she had given you the brochure for a year’s study abroad program to South Korea, you were skeptical. She claimed she didn’t want to go because of her insane addiction to Kpop but to “Further her international education and to expand her horizons.” Yeah right, she hated school for as long as you could remember.  Of course you knew Grace was lying, but you couldn’t help but agree to go along. Maybe it was your material instincts that pushed you to tag along, because everyone knew Grace could be a little… inattentive at times. You going was the only reason her parents even considered her leaving. And anyway, You and Grace were like a packaged deal, can't have one with out the other really.  Even so, you didn’t expect for her to totally lose it in the mall only hours after getting off the plane.

“Grace, stop being a stalker, its creep. Just let the guy shop, we came here to study not to kidnap idols.

“Holy God, I see him. Oh my god I think I might pass out. Look!” Through the bodies of people you followed to where Grace was pointing and saw Onew, sitting outside a coffee shop, reading a book. Grace let go of your hand, and started running, or more like sprinting towards the coffee shop.

“Grace, wait!” Seriously, she needs one of those kid leashes or a GPS hooked onto her, she’s always running around somewhere just asking to get lost. Last time she disappeared in a mall, she was lost for 3 hours, and of course, her phone died. Her absented mindedness didn’t allow her to think of calling mall security, and by the time you had found her, she was asleep inside one of those mattress stores.  You tore after her, not interested in one of your wild goose chases again and watched as she dashed towards Onew, him completely unaware of the danger he was soon to be in. You saw her bump into the table he was sitting in and gave a loud shriek, scaring Onew so bad he dropped his book and fell out his chair. By the time you got there, Grace was basically one the floor bowing a million times, on the verge of tears, Onew still on the floor wide eyed.

“Grace! What are you doing? Are you trying to give him a heart attack?” You scolded her before you reached out your hand for Onew to help him you. He looked at you, dazed for a minute, then he grabbed your hand and got up.  

“I’m so sorry Onew, I didn’t mean to do that I was just so excited please forgive me I just love you so much… and I- I I’m soo sorry.” Grace was still on the floor, and started wailing. You sat down next to her and pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry for embarrassing you I was just…”

“Shh it’s alright, I’m not embarrassed. And look Onew is totally fine. He should be used to falling down by now right, what do you call it…”

“Onew condition.” She said weakly, wiping her face with her shirt. It was times like this when she really looked so young. This was the reason you always felt you needed to protect her. You rocked her back and forth in the mall’s food court, trying to ignore the millions of strange glances coming your way.  

“I’m sure he’s alright.”  You looked back at him and he was still staring at the both of you, a panicked expression on his face. He reached towards the table, grabbed a napkin and handed it to you. You whipped her face and help the napkin to her nose. “Blow.”  Even though you were in college, it still felt like you two never grew up from those little 8 year olds playing on your bikes. You stood her up, turned to Onew and bowed. “Sorry for disturbing you. Have a nice day.” You began walking off, Grace hobbling beside you.

“Wait!” Onew called. You turned back. He stood there, his feet fiddling and staring at the ground. “Are you sure, ummm… Is she okay? You don’t have to leave if you don’t want to, we called talk. I could sign something for you?” Onew looked up from the floor and smiled at you,  playing with the book pages in his. He looked so nervous for someone who should be used to screaming fans. Grace, oblivious to his strange demeanor squealed and giggled, a totally transformation from a second ago.

“Come one ______. Let’s go!” You looked around the food court. People were still giving you odd glances.

“I don’t know...” But Grace was already gone, grabbed Onew’s hand, and was dragging him behind her, walking off into the opposite direction. Onew looked back to you, a worried expression on his face, looking like he was having second thoughts. You sighed and walked over to catch up with them. “Grace,” you said to her, detaching her hand from his, “personal space, remember?” You walked in between the two, hoping the distance would stop her from completely losing it again. Onew led you guys to a small ice cream shop inside the mall. It was small and cute, and almost completely empty to your surprise. Onew sat down in a booth, and you almost had to block Grace from trying to get on the same side as him. “Sit down and behave please.”  You said, pointing to the opposite side of the booth. Grace pouted, but complied.  You both slide inside.

“So…” Grace said “Wait brings you here? Where are the other members? Why are you alone? Don’t you have a body guard or ninja or something to keep you safe?” Onew laughed.

“It’s our day off today. I actually came here to go to this park I love, but it was raining, so I came in here to watch a movie. The other members are around Seoul somewhere, we we’ll probably meet up somewhere after. On days like this, I let my ninja have a day off,” he laughed, amused but his own joke, “The people here are used to celebrities and I dress differently so they don’t really recognize me anyway.”  It’s true, though Onew wasn’t known as the most stylish in the group, he looked really plain compared to his usual stage self. He was wearing a large sweatshirt and some old jeans. His brown hair was covered by a snapback and he only had a bit of makeup on.  If you hadn’t known any better, you would have thought he was just another Korean guy on the street.  “Even if they do recognize me, they don’t really do anything. I don’t think I’ve ever had anyway crash into me like that before. It really startled me.”

“I’m really sorry for that, she can get a little excited” You said, nudging Grace with you elbow, prompting her to apologize again.

“Yes, I’m really really really sorry.” Grace said, bowing her head again.

“It’s okay,” Onew said to her with a warm smile. “It’s not every day I get bump into, and by foreigners none the less. Are you guys here on vacation?”

“No, were here on a study abroad program, we just got in and wanted to take a look around.”

“How lucky are we that we got to run into my favorite Korean idol, I never would have dreamed, Gahh!! This is so exciting!!” Grace exclaimed, cheeks glowing red.

“Thank you so much. I’m glad you enjoy out music. Are you a fan of Shinee as well?” Onew asked, gesturing to you.

“Ugh, yeah, not a big as fan as her, but I like a few songs.” You replied back.

“Who’s your favorite member?” He asked eagerly.

“Onew, you’re my favorite member,” Grace interjected, trying to draw the attention back on her.  “But, ______ is Jonghyun bias. Isn’t that crazy? Onew, you’re the best!” Dispite Grace's efforts, Onew's eyes stayed glued to you. 

“Well, I can let you met him If you’d like, maybe get you a signed CD?” Onew said, staring at you. His eye smile was dazzling.

“Umm sure yeah that would be cool.” You said nonchalantly, his sudden interest in you was strange, and he kept staring at you, even when talking to Grace.  Now it was your turn to be dazed and confused.


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