Flirty Pig

When a flirt meet a player

Taemin was sitting in their hang out place when he saw that Minho and the other was approaching him.

“Hey Taemin. I have a good news.” Jonghyun said as soon as they sat at the bench.

“You and Key hyung are now an item?” Taemin ask just like it’s not that surprising anymore.

“How did you know?” Jonghyun lean to the other confusingly.

“Because I know that you guys like each other. You are just so stupid not knowing that.” He stands up and walk towars Jessica and Key.

“It really is a good thing that you develop your feeling to your childhood friend.” Jessica noona added while looking at his boyfriend, Onew hyung, who is busy talking with Minho and Jonghyun.

“Yes. You are right. I wonder when will be Taemin and Minho’s time to develop their feeling with each other.” Key ask looking at Taemin. ‘So Taemin, how is it going between the two of you?”

“What do you mean what is going with us?”

“Are you still not confessing your feelings to him?”

“W-what feeling? You two are weird.” Taemin snwer looking at his friends.

“Come on Taemin. I know that you have a crush on Minho. Why don’t you confess? I wonder how you can’t do that when you are so open flirting with other guys.” Jessica ask then look at Minho who is looking at the mirror. “And of course, he have to check his face every minute.”

“I can’t noona. I admit that I use to have a crush on him but I just realize that it’s not worth it. I don’t like a playboy like him.” Yeah right, that’s the best lie in his life.

“But you two are really match each other. Since you are not a p---” Jessica cover Key mouth to stop what he was saying.

“You don’t have to stop him noona. I know that I use to be a piggy. But I am not like that anymore.”

“That’s why just confess your feeling to him and stop flirting with those guys.”

Taemin think about it. Can he really confess now? He is not the old piggy Taemin that Minho use to tease. “Okay, I’ll confess now.” He stood up. “And hyung, I am not being flirty, I am just being extra friendly with those guys.” He said before walking towards Minho. “Hey Minho.” He sits beside the other and cross his legs. And give him the smile that no one can resist. “Key hyung and Jonghyun hyung is in an item now. Isn’t it great?”

“Yeah sure.” Minho answer and look at the mirror again.

“But they are childhood friends, I wonder how they developed their feelings.”

“I am not interested to know.” Minho answer without even looking at the other.

“But i—”

“MINHO!!” the girls shout stop Taemin from what he wants to say. “You’re here. Come on let’s eat together.

“Sure thing.” Minho answer as he walks towards his follower.

“Tsk..tsk..” Jessica and Key walk toward Taemin and watch Minho walk away. “Of course, his followers appear.”


“This is not the end. I am determined to confess now. Just wait, I will going to make him fall for me.” Taemin said before standing up and walk towards the bathroom.

“And now the game begins.” Jessica mumble.



“Hey Minho can I talk to you?” Taemin ask when he saw Minho in their hang out place.

“What is it?”

“Do have a girlfriend? Well you know, real girlfriend?”

Minho look at the other with a confuse eyes. “Why?”

“Hmm. Nothing. I am just asking.” He was about to sit down when he got trip and his strawberry spill at Minho’s face. “Oh no, so sorry.” He got his handkerchief in his pocket to wipe Minho’s face. “Oh no, I am so sorry to dirtied your face that you value more than your life.” He said leaning more closely to the other.

Minho sigh as he shove the other away. “Are you flirting with me right now?”

“No, of course not.” Taemin look down to hide his face because he was embarrass by being busted.

“Let me answer your question. I don’t have a real girlfriend and stop talking nonsense. I know that you are flirting with me right now but that is not my thing. I may be a playboy but I am not interested in you. And we maybe a childhood friend but I don’t have any plan copy Jonghyun or Key. Because for me you are still my piggy friend.” Minho said continuously before standing up. “And stop using your appeal to me. It will not going to work.” He added before walking away.

“Piggy? How dare you Choi Minho. Just wait. I am going to make you fall for me. Just wait.” Taemin mumble as he put his handkerchief back to his pocket.


Minho is in the cafeteria together with his followers when Taemin enter with his own followers. They seated beside his table and he can hear all the flirting of Taemin.

“Aigoo, He-Chin. Thank you for all the compliments. That’s why I like you.” Taemin said while smiling.

“What about me?” the other guy ask.

“Of course I like you too. I like all of you because you like me too. Right?” Taemin put his most y smile that he knows no one can resist.

“Of course. You are the most amazing person that we know. You are so perfect. Even girls who have a nice body can’t supress you.” Taemin giggle and he playfully tap the guy’s arm.

See Minho? Everyone likes me. And they sees me as a very appealing person.” he look at the other who is looking at him too with his eyebrows up.

Minho stood up. “Let’s get out of here.” He said to his followers.

“Why Minho?” one of the girls ask.

“Because doesn’t it reek of pork around here?” Minho turn his head to look at Taemin who is biting his lips to control his anger. He smirk at him before heading to the exit.

Damn you Choi Minho.”


“That Taemin really pisses me off.” One of Minho’s follower said while they are in the bathroom.

“I know. Whenever Minho see that boy, his attitude is changing.”

“I hope I can get rid of him. I really hate that !”

“Oh I remember now. We use to be in the same school when we are in grade school and he used to be..” The girl whisper the continuation of what she was saying.

“What? Is that true?”

“Yup I can show you our year book.”

“Then bring that tomorrow. Let’s teach that a lesson.”


Taemin was sitting in their classroom and was busy chatting with his followers when he saw Minho’s followers walk in front of the class room.

“Attention please.” All the class turn their head to the girl who is standing at the front. “Let me show you something that is interesting, especially to Taemin’s followers.” The girl smirk at Taemin.

Taemin feels nervous when he saw his garde school year book. “NO!” he run fast to get the book but two girls push him away which makes him fall hard in the floor. He whine when he feels a pain in his waist.

“Look at your princess. Isn’t he looks so disgusting. Yuck, just like a pig.” She raise the year book that shows the cubby Taemin. It was a picture when he was in the eating contest. He, himself doesn’t want to see that picture.

“Is that really him? He looks like a sumo wrestler.”

“He is so fat the he was about to shape as a ball.”

“I think when you put him beside pigs, who will never know that he is a person.”

Taemin covers his ears. He wants to start to cry. This is the first time that he wants to cry because of being bullied. He never cry when Minho bullied him. He stands up to run away when he bump someone in at the door.

“Minho?” he mumble when he saw the other.

Minho look at him shortly before going inside, holding his wrist.

“Look Minho, he looks like a pig, right?” The girl laugh as while looking at the picture that’s why he didn’t notice Minho’s expression. “Mi—” she didn’t finish her words when Minho grab the book and throw it somewhere.

“All of you listen to me.” Minho said with so much angry in his face. “No one is allowed to call him pig.”

“B-but I heard that you are calling him a piggy to when you are in grade school.”

Minho glare at the girl which makes the girl step aback.  “You heard me right? No one is allowed to call him like that. He is my own piggy and I am the only one who can call him that.” Then he look at the two girls push Taemin a while ago. “And if you hurt him again. I swear to God that you I am going to kill you.” Before saying that he pull Taemin outside.


They are in their usual hang out place. Minho is putting some medicine at Taemin’s wounds and blowing it from time to time so that the pain will subside.

“Thank you Minho.” Taemin said while looking at the guy kneeling in front of him while treating his wounds.

“Why you didn’t fight them? You said to me, that you can now handle all the person who bullies you?”

Taemin didn’t answer and just stare at his wound.

Minho sigh as he catch the other’s eyes. “Are you crying? I’m sorry that I let this happen. I am sorry that I am not beside you when you are getting bullied.”

“It’s okay Minho. It’s not like that is your responsibility. And I know that I told you that I can now take care of myself to those bullies. I just lost my self-confidence today because of that picture.”

Minho touch the others face. “Do you know why did I starts being a playboy?” Taemin shakes his head. “That is to make you jealous.”

“Me? Jealous? Why?”

“Because you make me jealous one time.”

“When was that?”

“Remember the day when you told me that you can now take care of yourself. I saw you laughing and flirting with this one guy.”

Taemin tries to remember about that moment but he failed. He looks at Minho who is now smiling at him. “W-why are you jealous?”

“Because I like you, stupid.”

“Y-you d-do?”

“Yup. And I am so angry whenever you are flirting with those guys. How can a pig like you turn into a beautiful creature?”

“But you said that you are not interested with a piglet like me?”

“That is just a lie. Part of my revenge.”

“Yah, why are you making a revenge in a person who didn’t do anything wrong to you.”

“I just told you. You made me jealous.”

“But I didn’t even know that.”

“Never mind that. What is more important is that I confess to you.” Minho holds Taemin’s hand. “Last time why did you ask me if I have a real girlfriend?”

“I told you. It was nothing.”

“I don’t have a real girlfriend because I want my piggy to be my boyfriend.”

“Your piggy?” Minho nodded and smile wildly at him. “Me!!!?” Minho nodded again. “R-really??”


“Really, really?”

“Really, really

“Really, really, really?” Taemin’s heart right now pass its normal rate and he feels like it’s about to burst any moment.

Minho cope face. “Really, really, really.” He answer before kissing the other. “I love you my flirty piggy.”

Taemin hug the other and kiss him deeply. “I love you too, my froggy prince.”





oh no, 

i am not so confident about this story,

sorry if i did meet your expectations,

i just finish my poem for Taemin's birtday that's why my mind is not in it's right condition right now.

if you want to read it, just go to my blog, it's just a short poem..

anyway, i still hope that you like it, even if it is so simple..

thank you for reading this..^_^





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RiyuRUN2U #1
Chapter 1: i love really really really part..cutie taem..
shinoside #2
Chapter 1: To be honest, I can't even imagine piggy!Taemin. Haha just can't imagine it
Chapter 1: no one can call him piggy because he is my piggy
love it so much...
infinity_dreamLOL #4
Chapter 1: Cute!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Ahhh I love it