
Don't leave me.

He didn't know what to say or what to do, his body was leaning against one of the room's walls, he was unable to take in what he had heard from Daehyun's lips. I felt like his legs were beginning to increasingly become jelly and he had no choice but sit on the edge of the bed nearest him to avoid falling flat on his face, he didn't care which bed was, in fact, at that moment he couldn't remember his own name.


Definitely his brain couldn't have processed well the words of his partner.


'' Da ... Dae ...'' The little tried with all his soul that his eyes didn't began to moisten as his gaze connected with the other, he observed what he was doing, on Yongguk's bed were two huge suitcases, both full of clothes,on the other side it was a backpack where the older was putting a lot of personal items like the phone charger, his Ipad or your portfolio among other things. ''Daehyun'' This time saying his name felt like his chest was poked with hundred thousand needles and made him bleed, his soul hurt a lot ''What are you doing?''


His cracking voice filled the quiet room but his partner didn't respond to what he had been asked, he just didn't look into his eyes and continue with his mission, he was taking care about everything, he didn't want to forget anything, he didn't wanted to come back to that floor... to these walls that during all these months he had been given so much and now it would part. Daehyun ran a hand through his hair and sighed, looking nervously around and realized as next to where he sat Youngjae was one of his favorite belts.


'' You didn't think that you're overreacting a bit? It has only been a discussion'' The youngest member tried to show a reassuring smile but because of the emotional state in which he was only able to draw a grotesque grin, he grabbed the arm from who he believed to be his love but the other managed to run very ease, he took what he was looking for putting it in one of the suitcases.


'' You know that is not for the argument'' For a moment he stopped ordering and sat on the other bed, looking straight at Youngjae,he let out a long loud sigh and bit her lower lip after ''I've been thinking it long time, before I knew it was there a contract from an American Company, making me a very good professional contract, believe me I've pondered day after day and night after night since I received the news'' His face broke into a sad smile'' And finally I concluded that this was the best for all''


'' The best thing for all ... '' The aforementioned gave a sarcastic laugh full of pain'' The best thing for everyone!'' He Reiterated screaming this time ''You really think that the best thing for everyone is to leave the group?! After all we've accomplished together?!'' The younger couldn't contain than the tears and there were beginning to slide down her cheeks uncontrollably ''How can you have the scruples to leave us like ...?'' He began to dry his tears with the back of the hand, but it was useless because many other hopelessly turned out ''You're going to leave me just like that ... going to leave me here just to pursue a selfish dream! Recognize that you do it because we've discussed!!''


Daehyun sighed again, he wanted to get up and run out of there, but knew he couldn't avoid this conversation, he had to face the last remaining loose ends before he leave, before leaving Korea before separating from them ''No Youngjae , our discussion hasn't been the reason'' He looked down, thinking about what was going to say ''But it may have been the trigger ...'' This time he exchanged glances with the other guy ''You say that you love me, but all you do is yell me at the minimum rate, the more samples of love and affection I want to give you more arguments you find to argue with me, so we'd better be apart, put land in between the two ' 'He got out of bed and zipped up the bags, giving them terminated, he looked at his watch, then looked back at Youngjae ''You'll be better without me, as you always say.''


'' NO! NO, NO, NO!!'' At that time Youngjae was beside himself, he had risen from the other bed too and had grabbed Daehyun for the shirt, shaking violently ''You can't Daehyun! I can't live without you!'' The little didn't remember having felt so much pain ever, his soul was tearing to pieces and he felt so weak... The other only pushed him away gently and began to hang the bag, Youngjae began to repeat the same action above, with such force that believed it would tear the other's shirt.


At the same time, those who had hither to been his family, entered the room, Himchan run to embrace Youngjae from the back to prevent further grabbing Daehyun, the Busan boy gave him a grateful look at the second old but he didn't answer, he was too busy trying to catch an out of control Younjae. Daehyun put his backpack on his shoulder and with Yongguk's help took the bags up to the entrance, followed by everyone else. No one said anything until Dae opened the door with a sigh, looked at his neck and he pulled out a small chain where it was a silver ring and handed it to the leader.


'' Give it to Youngjae when you see has subsided, is his'' The leader opened his eyes in surprise, but he said nothing, no one opened , they only could hear only the pityful sounds from Youngjae, who now had his face buried in the Himchan chest ''I hope we meet again, I will miss you all'' In the door appeared one of the managers to accompany him to the airport, he caught the stuff and was lowering the car.


'' DAEHYUN DON'T LEAVE! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! I WON'T YELL YOU AGAIN BUT PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!! DAEHYUN! DAEHYUN!!!'' But the door had already closed without getting a response.


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'' DAEHYUN!!'' The body suddenly sat up in bed, breathing heavily his chest was hurting a lot and his face was completely sweaty, like the rest of his body, but yet had much cold... his eyes began to observe the room and was shocked to not recognize where he was ''DAEHYUN!'' He cried louder. He had left, it was gone forever.


The door of the room opened and slammed shut and when before the scared boy realized he was circled with a well known warmth, Daehyun scared entered the room and he couldn't do nothing but hug him when he saw him in that way. Youngjae's body began to shake violently and the tears started coming out while he was having his head on the others chest, he couldn't think of anything.


'' Youngjae it's okay ... '' The older began to kiss the younger's forehead, covered with a light layer of sweat and then he look slightly to his eyes. Daehyun saw his lover's face, completely red, a sign of having been crying a lot of time, he never had seen him like this, he was shaking in panic ''It was just a nightmare ... only beena bad a dream ...'' The little ignored and cried again ''Do you want some water?'' He began to worry about the truth when Jae turned to hug him too hard, digging his nails into the his arms but didn't complain. They were like this several minutes until Daehyun could distinguish between the sobs of his partner how he was muttering 'Don't leave me, don't leave me'

'' Who's going to leave you Jae?'' Asked caressing his hair again, ''Yoo Youngjae'' He spoke softly, the little tensed his body and separated from the other, looking into his eyes making Daehyun smile gently, his hand left her hair to focus on his face, one finger began to her cheek and slowly went sliding to his lower lip.


'' In my dream you were leaving us ... '' He started to speak shakily, was unable to stop crying, he didn't care if the others could hear him ''You were leaving the United States alone ... "


''Youngjae'' Daehyun pronounced softly “You remember where we are?'' Asked without leaving the sweet and gentle tone he had started talking minutes before,he had changed his position on the bed and now he was lying hugging the other, putting Youngjae's face on his chest, his heartbeat seemed to relax him a bit and then remembered where they way lying that night


''We are in Busan'' The younger answered with a thread timid voice, his eyes scanned the well decorated room ''At your home'' His hands began to caress Daehyun's chest on the old T-shirt he was wearing for sleeping, he buried his face to get drunk with his familiar scent and finally managed to stop mourning.


'' Exactly'' Dae laughed softly ''Do you think I could leave you after bringing you here with my parents and confessing my feelings for you even having risk that something bad could happen? "Jae was silent with his eyes closed ''Answer me please'' The aforementioned raised his face to look at him straight in the eye.


'' No'' And for the first time that night he felt like saying something completely safe '' You won't leave me, right? '' Dae chuckled and hugged him again causing both return to their initial position.


'' I can abandon the most precious thing for me'' He felt that these wprds sounded corny but it was what he really felt and it felt better after hearing the child's shy giggle from the other. They were completely silent a few minutes, only with the clock sound and the waves of the beach outside, Jae's hand was caressing Dae's back from the cervicals to the end, repeating the way from top to bottom, the small sighed, feeling as if she had just released a heavy weight.



'' Hmm?''

'' I'm really sorry for the argument this afternoon''

'' Yeah, me too honey.''

'' Dae''

'' Hmm?''

'' I love you''

'' I love you and I never leave your side''


                                                                                                                                          • • •


The sunlight had begun entering, crossing the white fabric curtains that were in the huge window, Youngjae opened his eyes with great heaviness, he felt somewhat weak and his head hurt like hell, he assumed it was how much he had been crying the night before. His lips curled into a smile when he felt Daehyun, he was caressing lightly one of his forearms while with the other hand he was holding him embraced by the waist. The younger boy turned to face him and a half sleep smile came to his face.

'' Good morning'' Daehyun still had a hoarse voice, a sign that he had just awakened '' Did you sleep well?” Youngjae didn't respond, instead he just gave him a lazy but sincere smile, Jae entwined their legs with the other so he could get closer to his lover's body, their lips were a few millimeters away until finally touched. The younger singer felt like all his fears were vanishing completely as they ended the kiss full of love and gentleness ''I'll take that as a yes'' Daehyun took away carefully the hair that was covering the front of the other once they have separated from the kiss '' I hope that at last you understood that I will never leave you''


''I know'' He kissed him again ''But from now I'll try with all my soul don't complain for everything, ''It's a good plan, isn't it?'' Daehyun smiled and pecked him in all points of the other's face.

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cheesecakesoulmusic #1
Chapter 1: So cute! I'm curious though why did Daehyun and Youngjae fight?