

The clock is ticking. It's 11PM. Woohyun is on his way walking back home after a long tiring day at work.  He rummaged through his pockets to find his keys and unlocks the front door. He the lights to see the same plain walls and empty house. He sighs while taking off his clothes to get into a cold shower.
He came out with wet hair and a towel wrapped around his lower body. He got into his bermudas and a plain old T-shirt and the TV in his room. He took out his phone and charged it by his nightstand. He went downstairs to get some instant noodles and went back up and ate while watching TV. 
"How's your day, Namu?" He looked over to his cat and her,  smiling. Namu purred softly.
"That's interesting. I had a fairly good day at work. Though I wish my life can be a bit more exciting. Like yours maybe?" He grinned. Namu climbed onto Woohyun's bed and meowed several times before sleeping.
"Goodnight Namu," he whispered as he got up to wash his utensils. It's nearly 12AM and it's going to be a Saturday, a day off for Woohyun.
He went back up and got to his bed. He unlocked his phone and played a video of which is his birthday party 3 years ago. 
His parents, his girlfriend and his friends were all smiling and having a good time singing his birthday song and celebrating his 20th birthday. 
"Happy Birthday Nam Woohyun!! We love you!"
They sang happily and celebrated the joyous occasion. It's not every year that his birthday is as special as a leap year, so he treasured it as much as he could.
He made a wish, and blew out the candles. His fifth birthday, which also means he is already 20. Everyone clapped for him and he cut the cake and ate it happily. 
Everyone was happy. Himself, his parents, his girlfriend, Yoon and all of his friends. Yoon was recording the joyous occasion so that it can be treasured as a memorable day for Woohyun. He had just graduated a few weeks ago from university and he is ready to have a great life ahead of him. 
"Yoon-ah, can you come here?" Woohyun called her from the balcony. She stepped out and she could immediately feel the cool breeze and started to shiver a little.
"Here, wear this," Woohyun took off his cardigan and wrapped in around Yoon before embracing her while watching the stars.
"Thanks for planning this out. This is great. I love it!" He exclaimed while looking into Yoon's eyes.
"I'm glad you really like it," she said softly. She went nearer to him and gave him a peck on his lips. "And I hope that my dear leapling will  have great birthday celebrations for the rest of his life. I love you, Woohyun." She hugged him. 
"I love you too, Yoon," he looked into her eyes deeply before pulling her in for a soft kiss which gradually started to get even more passionately. 
"Oh my goodness!!" Yoon pulled away and yelled. Turns out Namu was brushing against Yoon's feet.
"Namu-ah, why are you such a busybody?" Yoon while her. "Get back inside," she pointed to the door for Namu to get back inside. Woohyun chuckled at the sight of the interaction. 
"Let's get back inside, okay?"
The party went on till midnight and everyone started packing up to go home. Since Yoon rented a place to have the birthday celebration, they would all have to leave for home.
"Yoon! Stop recording! I look like arse!" Woohyun covered his face while trying to get into the car to drive his parents and Yoon back home. 
"Oh, you look fine as ever!" She chuckled. 
Soon, they were driving in the dark to reach Seoul. Woohyun couldn't see much in the darkness so he drove as carefully as he could.
"You sure you don't want me to drive instead?" Woohyun's Dad asked.
"It's okay! Besides, you look tired," he responded.
In the distance, his other drunk friends were driving recklessly, hitting curbs and driving everywhere. 
All of a sudden, Woohyun made a sharp turn and the car tires screeched  and Woohyun out. 
He woke up with blurry vision. All he could see was a bright light before losing consciousness  again.
He woke up. With a headache. He winced at the stinging pain. 
"Woohyun, are you okay?" He turned to see a friend with a pale face.
"Where.. am I? Where is Yoon..? Where is my parents?" He asked. His friend became silent.
"Say something!! Where are they?! This freaking headache is hurting!!" He yelled.
"I... I.. am sorry! They didn't make it out safely.... They passed on immediately after the car crash. I'm so sorry, Woohyun.."
Woohyun shed a tear and soon, his cheeks were wet from tears and his eyes started to get very watery. He stopped the video and wiped his tears. He pulled the covers and whispered to himself,
"Happy Leap Year. And Happy 6th Birthday, Nam Woohyun."
End x
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Chapter 1: Thats sad!!! NO NAMU!!! YOU HAVE ME!!!