A kiss in the rain

Shut up and kiss me ♥ one-shot request

Shinye ruffled her hair while she walked to school in the rain.

 It was so not her day.

 Usually, on rainy days, Shinye would be home sleeping like a pig.

'Hmm..' She rubbed her arms against her coat while dreaming about how she would cuddle under her blanket.

'SHINYE!!'  Shinye turned around and saw Jinki runnning towards her like a madman.

Trying to suppress a smile at Jinki's mad bouncing hair, she waved at him happily.

Soon, he caught up and draped his arm across her.

Sparks zapped through her again.

 It always happened Jinki came into body contact with her.

 She nodded politely as she watched Jinki laugh and chat animatedly.

'Shinye? Are you okay?' Jinki flicked his fingers lightly on her forehead when she suddenly stopped moving.

'N..n.neh oppa.' Shinye quickly reassured him.

Seeing that Shinye was okay, Jinki bid her farewell and jogged past her as they reached school.

Shinye sighed as Jinki joined his friends and Chun Ae.

Why did she ever fall for Jinki anyway?

They were worlds apart. Complete opposites!

Shinye was like a dull little blue flower while Jinki was a bright yellow sunflower, the one children would pick off the grass.

Plus, he was popular, and had a girlfriend.

 She groaned, it was just like her to fall for a guy who was off-limits. 

 Shinye pouted as she made her way to the first class, physical education.

Gah, it was definitely NOT her day.

Gruesome laps around the track and snobby cheerleaders that have amazing strength to hit the volleyball at you was not one of her favourite things.

Shinye changed into her clothes reluctantly and went to the sports hall. At least she had that class with Jinki and Yesung.

'10 LAPS AROUND THE TRACK! GET TO IT KIDS!' The coach shouted mercilessly at the bunch of tired kids.

Walking lazily to the track, Shinye noticed that Yesung was waving to her cheerfully as he jogged.

She quickly sped up and ran next to him.

'Morning oppa, doesn't this ..' Shinye yawned as they made one round.

‘Don’t complain Shinye, we still have 9 more rounds. Don’t waste your breathe talking.’ Yesung replied with a nonchalant expression and continued jogging.

Pouting, Shinye kept quiet and jogged with Yesung.

It seemed like 10 laps was too much for the teenage kids as some of them started puking right after they finished jogging.

Flinching at the sight of undigested breakfast, Shinye quickly looked away and saw Jinki.

With Chun Ae.

Her heart cracked a bit.

 It was like someone took a knife and stabbed her right at her heart.

She clutched her beating chest and quickly turned back to the puking kids.

Looking at that was much better than letting her heart get stabbed a million times just at the mere sight of Jinki and Chun Ae having fun.

 Yesung frowned  as he watched Shinye try to stop herself from hurting.

He wished Shinye would stop looking at Jinki for once and look at him.

 He yearned for Shinye to see how he felt, how he had liked her since middle school and acknowledge it.

It hurt him too when he saw Shinye get hurt by Jinki and Chun Ae everyday.  

The bell rang and Shinye stood up and left for her debate class while Yesung watched her petite figure walk away.




Shinye sighed as she was once again one  of the last people to get picked in a team for debate session.

 Usually she didn’t care,but this time it was Jinki and another classmate choosing their teamates.

And he hasn’t chosen her yet.

What surprised her was that Jinki didn’t choose his girlfriend first.

Shinye glanced around the room to look for Chun Ae.

She shrugged her shoulders, maybe Chun Ae was late.

She was the last one already and  it was Jinki’s turn to pick.

 He smiled warmly at her and was about to call her name when suddenly the door burst open.

‘Mrs Kim! I’m so sorry I’m late. But the coach wanted to see me first.’ Chun Ae quickly bowed down apologetically.

Her long black hair covering her face.

Shinye looked back at Jinki, expecting him to continue calling her

But what she saw was Jinki’s face shocked, and hesitating.

 His gaze kept hopping from Chun Ae and Shinye, torned between both choices.

Chun Ae shot Jinki a look and sent a message through her eyes.

 Shinye kept hanging on to the hope that Jinki would call her.

Their eyes met.

‘Chun Ae.’ Jinki tore his gaze away from Shinye and gave Chun Ae a weak smile.

Her whole world just collasped onto her.

Shinye’s torn heart eventually gave way to the boulder of reality and got crushed.

It was finally broken into a million pieces.

Tears threatened to fall as Shinye blocked out all the sound.

She didn’t feel like being humiliated again, and quickly made her escape.

She heard her name being called by Jinki but she didn’t stop running.

Shinye just ran without looking back.

Tears poured out as her heart turned into a little black shrewd.

What a fool she had been, all the time she had been looking at Jinki when she knew she would never get him.

Shinye felt like dying.

 Her eyesight was getting blurry because of the tears.

Running blindly, Shinye ended up in the school garden.

She sobbed quietly.

‘I’m so pathetic. Liking someone for six years when he doesn’t like me back.’ Shinye cried harder.

‘You’re not pathetic.’

Glancing up, Shinye saw Yesung looking at her seriously.

‘Wae?’Shinye blinked at him as she quickly wiped off her tears with her arm.

‘Don’t cry. Don’t cry because of Jinki anymore.’ Yesung grabbed her arm.

‘Oppa..’ Shinye’s eyes instantly became moist again.

‘Shinye, be my girlfriend’ Yesung kneeled down and looked at her with hopes filled in his eyes.

Shinye gasped at his sudden question.

She didn’t know what to say.

‘N..neh.’ The word just slipped out of Shinye’s mouth even though she knew she was not ready for another relationship.

Yesung broke up into a wide smile, showing his pearly whites while Shinye just smiled weakly.


Yesung wrapped his arms around Shinye as Jinki just glared at them unconsciously.

‘Yeobo, stop staring at them already, look at me.’ Chun Ae held onto his arms desperately.

Shinye blinked and quickly hid her face in Yesung’s neck.

‘So you and Shinye huh?’ Jinki said menacingly.

‘Yea, why? Do you have a problem?’ Yesung glared back at him.

Turning away to focus on the whining Chun Ae, Jinki thought about what Yesung said real hard.

Why did he care so much anyway?

He had the looks, the now-very-annoying girlfriend and the popularity.

So why did he care so much about Shinye?

Shaking his head, Jinki ignored the obvious answer that was hiding at the back of his head;

It was the last period and the students were getting very agitated.

They couldn’t wait to get out of their boring chemistry class and the mousy teacher who was droning on in the front.


All of them charged out at once leaving the poor man all flustered.

‘Let’s go to the carnival okay?’ Yesung asked Shinye happily.

Hearing that, Jinki quickly invited himself and Chun Ae along.

They changed out of their school uniform and left for the carnival.


‘Aisht!! It’s raining!’ Chun Ae gasped as her make up started running.

They grabbed a partner and split up into twos.

Shinye didn’t know how had grabbed her but the rain was getting very heavy.

Little droplets crashed onto her, soaking her clothes.

When they had reached a shelter, Shinye tried to squeeze the water out of her damp hair.

‘Thanks Yesu-‘ Shinye’s words got cut short when she saw Jinki instead of Yesung.

Jinki just nodded miserably at her.

They waited there awkwardly while rain continued to pour down heavily.

‘Shinye.’ Jinki started out solemnly.

‘Yea?’ She waited for him to continue.

‘Don’t date Yesung anymore’


Shinye felt furious, who was he to tell her not to date anymore?

Did he own her anyway? Fury burned inside of her as she jabbed Jinki hardly.

‘You’re not the boss of me. Even though I like you, you cannot order me around!’ Shinye waved her hands around angrily.

She gasped at her confession and quickly ran away.

‘Shinye!’ Jinki called out and chased after her.

He wrapped his arms around her as she struggled to get away.

‘Do you really like me?’ He looked her in the eyes.

‘What do you think? All these years, I’ve wasted them on you! When you won’t even like me back!’ She cried silently.

‘I’m really pathetic.’ Shinye whispered to herself.

‘You’re not, I am. I’m so stupid that I didn’t even realise my real feelings. I like you Shinye.’ Jinki hugged her harder as the rain poured even more heavily.

Those words, it seemed like heaven to her. Did he really just say that?

‘I really do Shinye, I---‘ Jinki continued when suddenly Shinye kissed him.

The rain didn’t stop, but they didn’t seem to care.

All that matters is that they were finally together.

Two soulmates, united as one.


awwwwwwwww im so sorry unnie T.T i clearly at writing one-shots~ i should stick with writing a full story. *bows down* this one-shot seemed like to me. but i tried my best. and i doubt i will be doing anymore one-shots seeing the end result of this one..

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11 streak #1
Giiiiirl these are so cute :3
Chapter 1: Cute. <3
But poor Yesung and Chun Ae.
keyshineeluver #3
how adorable! <3 :')
akared #4
simple...but it was nice!!!!!!!!<br />
seineily #5
so cute!! :)
This is so cute story, Onew is so >///<<br />
But poor Yesung ;_;
junhuidu #7
I know I'm probably the only one who feels this way... But I'm a little mad at Onew for just cheating on his girlfriend like that :/ If he wanted to date ShinYe then fine, but he could've just dumped her first... And poor YeSung :/ <br />
<br />
I guess it can't be helped though. Love is a socially acceptable form of insanity xD I enjoyed this, good job :)
Aww...not the ending i predicted...poor yesung...<br />
but it's still her choice...<br />
it's sweet...^^
If I was shinye, ill prefer yesung lol. But it was her personal preferences..<br />
Like the jogged since idk why lol :)
nightdreamer95 #10
cuteeeeeeeeeee<br />