Who is it?

3 Min Love


"Girls think they look pretty when they cry, but in reality they don't" Minyoung heard a voice say

Suddenly a finger gently wipped her tear away, but her eyes were still watery and blurry.

She looked up hoping that it would be Youngmin but saw no blonde hair and looked back down sadly

Suddenly a hand popped out to help her up

"Were you hoping for a certain blonde?" the voice asked

She nodded once still looking at the ground, then shook her head

"So  is that a yes or no?"

She just shrugged

"If you want, I could just dye my hair blonde"

She shook her head

"Just look up at me" he commanded

She lifted her head to see Kwangmin oppa.

"Tell me, is there really a difference between us?I mean, we're twins" Kwangmin said

She just nodded again

"Tell me, or point out our differences" Kwangmin said

Minyoung looked up at his face and pinted to:

1)A little mole on his face

2)His lips

3)His eyes

She also pointed out the obvious:His hair

and put her hand on his face

She hesitated  at first, then gently put her right palm on the left side of his face, then traced his jawline.

Finally, she put her hand on his chest where his heart would be, he gasped.

Kwangmin felt that his heart was going to pop out of his chest.

"I never felt that way about her, why now?" Kwangmin asked himself silently

"Maybe it's because she's crying or because she seems so helpless right now" he thought

Minyoung turned around so he faced her back.

She thought she was making Kwnagmin sad and hated to see people any emotion besides happy. So she decided to act happy for Kwangmin.

She took a deep breath, then wiped her tears away.

"So oppa! How are you? Are you okay cause you seem really sad and quiet!"Minyoung asked cheerfully with her happy voice but also with concern...like a little kid!

"But-W-W-Why-AISH!!!Weren't you just crying a second ago?!"Kwangmin exclaimed wide eyed while pointing at her

"Uhm...I don't know what you're talking about?I was always like this, when was I crying?" Minyoung asked tilting her head as she always did when confused

"Ah-but-nevermind"Kwangmin said sighing

"The stars are really pretty tonight!Come look!" Minyoung said completely changing the subject

She grabbed his hand and ran through the garden to an open field (did i mention that Vickie's rich, has a huge mansion, and next to the mansion is a garden which has a field next to it?).................or at least tried to

As Minyoung tried to do so, she was pulled back because Kwangmin wouldn't move.She wasn't very strong so she coulndn't pull him along.

"Oppa!!!" Minyoung complained

Kwangmin still wouldn't budge

He just stared at her

"Please!" Minyoung whinned like a child while giving him her famous puppy dog face

Kwangmin sighed in defeat and ran behind Minyoung as she guided him still holding his hand

'THis girl is not strong but she sure is entergetic!' Kwangmin thought to himself

"Where are we going?"Kwangmin asked

Minyoung giggled

"It's a secret!" MInyoung said as she put her finger on her lips like the 'be quiet' sign and giggled more afterwards

Minyoung and Kwangmin ran through the garden and out to the field

Suddenly hands covered...or tried to....cover his eyes

He tried to remove them but a voice stopped him

"NO!Don't! Just keep walking!"Minyoung said

Kwangmin continued walking

"Okay, now.....wait a few more steps...stop!" She giggled

He turned around

"Now what?"He asked confused about what was supposed to happen

"Look up!" Minyoung said gleefully

"Woah"Kwangmin said in amazement as he stared at the sight

Believe Starry Night Sky

(ignore the star looking things in lines moving across the picture)

Kwangmin layed on his back and just stared up

"Prettiful isn't it?"Minyoung asked childishly and happily sitting crisscross like in kindergarten

Kwangmin snapped out of his trance and sit up

"Prettiful?Why can't you use more grown up words?"Kwangmin said turning to face her

"Uhm, I'm not a grown up. I'm fifteen, I'm not even sixteen yet"Minyoung stated the obvious

The two just stayed out there.

After a couple of hours, it got cold and Minyoung started shivering and tried to keep warm.

This did not go unnoticed by Kwangmin

"Let's go back"Kwangmin said softly as he stood up

"But your s-s-so happy h-h-here"Minyoung said

Suddenly it started to sprinkle and that soon turned into rain

Kwangmin looked at her

"Kay, fine, we'll go" she said as she stood up pouting

Kwangmin took off his jacket and put it on Minyoung

She looked up

"Oppa, this is YOUR jacket"She said as she started taking it off

"NO!"Kwangmin practically roared

Minyoung seemed scared because she had never seen this side of him

"I mean, you need this more than I do" Kwangmin said as he looked away from her scratching his neck

The two then made their way back to the mansion


"Hey! Has anyone seen Minyoung or Kwangmin?" Sooyun asked

"No" everyone said

"It's best we don't bother them, who knows what they're doing together"Eunmi said

"How do you know they're together?" asked Donghyun

"I don't. I'm just guessing that since both of them are gone, they're together" Eunmi answered

"Yeah! Remember last time Youngmin and Vickie were gone? The next morning we found out they were boyfriend and girlfriend!" Minjung stated

Vickie's heart started pounding hard and it hurt.

And not for a good reason

"Why does that sound like something Youngie(Minyoung look @ foreward for nicknames) would say?" Eunmi said

"I miss you Youngie!"Hyesu said faking a cry


Everyone turned their head to see a soaking wet Minyoung and Kwangmin

"Told ya so" Eunmi sang

"Are you two going out?" Minjung asked

"WHAT?!" Kwangmin and Minyoung said at the same time

They looked at eachother

"HIM/HER!?" they both said again pointing at eachother

"NO!!!" they said again

Vickie suddenly felt better and felt at ease

"Why is she wearing your jacket hyung?"Minwoo asked oh-so-innocently

"Oh! Uhm, it started raining while we were out there and she was cold so I let her wear it"Kwangmin said

Minyoung saw Vickie and Youngmin sitting together and Youngmin's arm was around Vickie.

Her heart dropped.

"Right"Kwangmin said looking at Minyoung

Minyoung wasstil looking at the couple

"Minyoung!" Kwangmin said loudly

She snapped out of her trance(or whatever it's called)

"What?" she asked


"Oh, um...right" Minyoung said

"I'm gonna go to bed first if that's okay"Minyoung

Everyone nodded while some people said whatever and two couples(Minwoo and Eunmi & Vickie and Youngmin)

Minyoung left.

"I'm gonna go too" Kwangmin replied before leaving hurridly

Minyoung took a shower.

On the way to her room, she saw that Kwnagmin had also just got out of the shower.

As they passed eachother, they paused for a good ten seconds or so

"Are you okay?"Kwangmin asked her breaking the silence

Another 15 or so seconds of nothing but silence passed until Minyoung hurridly ran to her room tears already starting to form

She ended up crying before she got to her room.

Kwangmin stood outside her door until his hyungs and dongsaengs and unnies saw him

"I-I-I-I was just p-passing by"he said with an akward laugh before walking away

After he left, everyone went and put their ears on the door

They all heard crying.

Minyoung cried all night long and couldn't forget what happened today at the bennch in the morning


You're all gonna have to wait to see what happens, sorry!Mianhae!Thankyou for reading!



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omg!! so ninja with duct tape and hand cuffs!!! XD<br />
O_O nosebleed! XD<br />
update soon please
lov4ever #2
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
ur sooooo late unnie
omg omg omg I FRIKIN LOOOOOOOVE THE PICS>.<<br />
hahahaahahahahahaaahah love the spotlight thing!!
haha! vicki you're their ticket to life! XD<br />
update soon please
love it! XD<br />
made me crack up the whole time!<br />
update soon please
hahaha me likey!!<br />
they are soo ninja!! XD lol..<br />
minwoo is soo mean to his sister!<br />
update soon please