Why am i feeling this way....?

Don't play me please...
You both met a year back at school and from the first moment you saw him you were imminently attracted to him. not in the way that you wanted him to be your boyfriend or anything but rather in the way that there was something about him that you were curious about, something that made you want to be around him for no reason. you don't really know how it happened but that very first day you both became really good friends and started talking to each other freely, he even told you to call him 'oppa' within a few minutes of talking. it was a staring feeling even though you had just met him you felt like you had always known him. you always knew what to say to him and you were completely comfortable with him. withing your first week of knowing each other you both had a lot of constant skin ship, not in a ual manner or even in a cuddly manner, no you and Zelo were always so ruff with each other. you would both play and practically roll around in the dirt wrestling with each other like little kids. With Zelo you never acted very cutesy trying to get him to like you or anything you were just your normal self; loud, fun loving, silly and somewhat immature. and he was the same, he always made you smile and laugh till your sides hurt. i suppose that's why it didn't take long for you to completely fall for him... just a few days, that's all it took for him to have you rapped around his finger. Although you wouldn't admit it for quite some time. you weren't the kind of person that liked people often or almost at all, yes you had your fair share of boyfriends but they were just relationships that never really lead to anything. you had only loved one person in you whole life and her name was Tina. She made you happy so happy but after a series of unfortunate events she broke your heart. but that's a different story, you were over that now completely healed but because you had only loved one person your whole life and it was such a long time ago you didn't really remember how it felt to be in love or to in the very least like someone. so when you started having feeling for Zelo it made you terribly confused and you simply had no idea what to do.
         It was a very hot sunny day and you and Zelo were sitting at one of you school benches after school waiting for your mother to pick you up.( Because you are an only child with no father you would always wait 2 hours after school for your mom too get off work so you wouldn't go home to an empty house.) Zelo has been keeping you company for the past few weeks so you wouldn't be so lonely after school.
" so you really rather be a dog than a wild horse?" Zelo asked you i a shocked tone. You and Zelo were having another random conversation like always.
"yes " you replied
" but why!?!?! horses are so great! they run incredibly fast and they can live in the wild with other wild horses, common that's awesome, while dogs, yeah they run fast but not like a horse and they can never be as wild as a horse! why would you want to be a dog?" he asked
"Becausseeeee, dogs are loved by everyone and they can get away with anything as long as they give a cute pout" you replied simply
"not like you don't already do that" Zelo murmured
"mmm ok so what would you rather be an owl or and eagle?" you said, and you got up from the bench and started plying with the branches of the tree in front of you.
" Defiantly and eagle!"
" what? why a eagle owls are much better they can see at night and scare the heck out of everyone!" you said as you clung to one of the tree branches.
"Ashhhh all you want to do is disagree with me don't you!" he said.
" No she just has always loved owls." Said Tina as she poked your sides making you let go of the tree branch. You didn't notice when Tina was walking towards you, So you immediately blushed at her sudden presence. You knew you were over her but for some reason she still made you very nervous, maybe because she was your first and only love so far.
" you still remember that?" you asked in a low voice.
" Of course i do. I remember everything about you, even if we haven't been together for years" she said the last part of the sentence slightly lower than the rest. " I also remember how ticklish you are" She said as she suddenly attacked you and started tickling your sides making you scream with laughter. you tried to her to stop but hopelessly failed. she was always a lot stronger than you. She got you and laid you on the grass still tickling your sides. You laughed loudly and tried tickling her back the way you used to years ago. You had forgotten Zelo was there for a moment and enjoyed the very very unexpected playfulness from Tina. You and Tina never really spoke much because of how badly things had ended.
*honk honk* Tina finally stopped tickling you and stood up. " hahaha i missed playing with you like that, Minmin " she said as she helped you up and began to walk towards the honking car ( which was her mom, there to pick her up). "see you around Minmik take care"
"B-b-bye, Tina" You stuttered completely shocked with what just happened.
When Tina finally drove away you remembered how you were so completely in love with her once. You sat down on the floor leaning on the wall while thinking. You weren't exactly sad because of old feeling coming back or anything but rather confused because she hadn't acted like that with you since you two broke up. Suddenly you felt and arm slide around you shoulders, surprising you out of your thoughts. You looked up at the owner of the arm and suddenly remembered Zelo was there the whole time. You could feel your face getting red because of his warm touch, and you hid your face from him. Zelo probably thought you bowed your head to cry, because he puled you into a soft hug ad said. "Minmin, don't be sad. i know you loved her and everything but don't be sad please.you always say things happen for a reason remember? so please don't be sad" Zelo said basically pleading.
You smiled into his chest and almost started laughing. You weren't sad just surprised, but you thought it was the cutest thing how upset it made him and how hard he tried to comfort you. You knew you should tell him not to worry, but you didn't want him to let you go. His hug was so warm and sweet, you didn't ever want to let go.
"it's just those memories that get to me sometimes, you now?" you lied to him hoping he would keep holding you.It worked because he healed you tighter and said " awww Minmin please don't be sad. Common please."
"why wouldn't i be sad?" you asked pouting, while gently pressing your cheek against his firm chest. suddenly Zelo grabbed your shoulders pulled you away from him enough for you to look him in the eye.
"Because now i know something new about you" He said to you with a smirk full of mischief.
Your eyes widened when you felt Zelos hand travel to your sides and started tickling you mercilessly.
"HAHAHA OPPA STOP! HAHAHA!" not listening to your desperate pleads he kept on tickling you till you squirmed so much you layed on the floor with Zelo on top of you still tickling you.
"OPPA HAHA STOP " Zelo finally let go of you and layed down next to the panting you.
"hahahaha, still sad?" he asked smiling at you. In response you looked at him with a somewhat trying to act made yet pouting expression. He let out a little laugh at your expression pulled you into another hug.
"don't act like you didn't like it, hahaha" He said playfully.
Suddenly you really felt breath less.Being there, laying down on the grass with Zelos arms around you, you didn't know what to make of it...... you were never like this with your other guy friends. Your heart was pounding and your head was spinning. 'Why am i feeling like this?' you wondered. ' it can't be because Zelo is hugging me is it?...... no it can't be we hug all the time and i never feel like this, it was probably just the tickling that got me out of breath......but i don't feel tired, and i suddenly feel nervous..... o.o !' You suddenly bolted up and sat against the wall again leaving Zelo lying on the floor confused. You don't know why but you knew you had to get away from Zelos touch. After a few moments Zelo got up and sat next to you. " Does it really make you that sad? Seeing her again?" Still thinking  you were sulking because of Tina. 
"no, it just caught me off guard, you know? Hahaha but don't worry i feel all better, thanks" you said to him smiling. "you're welcome, and don't feel sad about her ok? Always remember ' When someone walks out of your life it's just so someone better can walk into it." you stared him for a while as he stared a the floor then he looked up at you with a sweet smile on his face, that made you want to melt.
" Why am i feeling this way .. what should i do" you thought to yourself.
Hi Hi everyone. This is my first story ever! I tried really hard to put everything together correctly and to make a cute story. I already have the next chaper planed out so i will update it quickly. Please comment telling me what i can do better :] 
I did my best so hopefully you all like it C:
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Chapter 1: ;O; Very cute, I can't handle (: Tehee <3 Update soon ~