Perfectly Broken

Flawed Perfection

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A/N: Hey guys sorry for the slow updates but its Christmas break so I’ll be sure to update all of my stories. :D


    The dark veil of sleep was slowly being lifted as Chanyeol looked around him. His back ached and he realised he was still sitting upright against the wall, Baekhyun sleeping in his lap. The older boys face was contorted into a grimace as his slim fingers clung to the shirt Chanyeol was wearing. With a groan he shifted so that he was laying on the thin mat, Baekhyun resting on his chest. It was a first day, no testing or experiments for him which coincidentally meant his breakfast would come later. A sigh left his dry lips as he stared up at the ceiling, the room still pitch black. “It’s dark…”

    He jumped slightly as Baekhyun shifted in his hold. The smaller boy groaned and Chanyeol knew he was feeling the after effects of the experimentation. Raising his hand he drew a small flame, illuminating the two figures laying on the floor. Stiffly, he rolled over and let the delicate fire burn on the corner of the bed. When he turned back Baekhyun was looking at him strangely, hazel eyes wide. “Did you just make fire?”

    A sigh left Chanyeol’s lips as he looked at Baekhyun. He shifted awkwardly as he nodded. The movement didn’t seem to be enough for the other as Baekhyun moved closer, looking at him expectantly. Hesitantly he held up his arms, the scars still apparent. “When I first came here I looked like you… they did something to me that made it possible for me to make fire.”

    Gentle touches ran along Chanyeol’s arm and he looked up surprised as Baekhyun examined his scars. Dark circles and the dried blood on the other made him look grim and weak but his eyes only held concern for the younger. Chanyeol couldn’t bring himself to look at the other as he knew Baekhyun would have his own trials to live through. His gaze was on his lap as he felt a tug on the collar around his throat. “What’s this for?”

“It’s a shock collar… like for disobedient dogs but way over powered.”

“That’s cruel!”

    Baekhyun looked at him shocked but Chanyeol could only shrug; the collar was the least of his problems.  The older seemed to read his expression and looked down at his own body. He lightly traced over the thick stitches until he touched his throat. He sighed in relief but quickly pretended not to, thinking it would make Chanyeol feel bad. It didn’t make him feel pleasant but Chanyeol wasn’t sad about having a collar and Baekhyun not; he knew the older would be given one very soon and that’s why he felt bad. He wanted to protect Baekhyun because he knew what he was going to face.

   The door clanked and Chanyeol practically threw the smaller man behind him. He heard Baekhyun whimper and clutch the back of his shirt but his eyes were glued to the door. A breakfast of fresh pancakes, muffins and eggs was tossed inside. Chanyeol expected Kangjun to slam the door and leave like he would normally do on the days Chanyeol didn’t have any tests but instead the guard stood in the doorway glaring.

    Crawling along the floor he grabbed the two plates and brought them back to the bed which was in the furthest corner from the door. He sat with his back to Baekhyun and his eyes on the guard as he rapidly consumed his meal. He could hear Baekhyun chewing quickly behind him but all the same he finished before the older.

    When both plates were polished off he tossed them like Frisbees back at the door. They clattered to the floor and the sound echoed along the walls. Kangjun did not look impressed as he glared at the two. Stepping forward he entered the cell and Chanyeol stood also, still keeping Baekhyun behind him. He could feel Baekhyun try to look around him but he stayed firmly planted in his way. “Move 501 we need to take 701.”

“You can’t take him.”

    Kangjun look exasperated as he took out the very familiar remote. Unlike before Chanyeol didn’t back down, instead stood and met the guards glare. The shock was strong and coursed through his body but he managed to remain standing, although unsteady. Baekhyun clutched his arms, taking some of his weight although he wasn’t strong enough to take on the extra pounds.

   Feeling the steadying hands on him Chanyeol found new resolve; he wouldn’t let them torture Baekhyun like they had him. Bracing himself he flung his arm out in front of him. Fire flew from his palm, creating a semicircle between them and Kangjun. The guard jumped back as Baekhyun gasped. Placing a hand on the wall he held himself up as he pointed his hand at their jailor. “I said, you CAN’T take him!”

   The following shock made him convulse. Doubling over he felt arms loop around his waist as Baekhyun tried to hold him up. The smaller boy wasn’t strong enough with his own injuries and the two fell to their knees. Unlike the other times the current was consistent as Chanyeol clawed at the leather around his throat. “STOP! PLEASE YOU’RE GOING TO KILL HIM! YOU CAN’T DO THIS! STOP! DON’T HURT HIM!”

    Baekhyun’s voice was hoarse and his hands shook where he held Chanyeol. He stood in front of Chanyeol and glared at the man who still had his thumb on the button. Kangjun only smirked and beckoned Baekhyun closer. The flames had died when Chanyeol fell but Baekhyun still refused to move. “Stop hurting him!”

    His pleas were useless as the guard moved forward. He only dropped the remote so he could use both hands to grab the smaller man. Unlike when he took Chanyeol he could sling Baekhyun over his shoulder so he did. The injured boy was too weak to struggle much so the guard easily carried him like a sack of potatoes.

     He looked back down at Chanyeol who was curled in on himself on the floor. Fear gripped at Baekhyun as he saw blood drip down the corner of the tall man’s mouth. He lay motionless and panic soon invaded every one of Baekhyun’s senses. Clawing at the guard with his aching hands he screamed, his voice powerful and loud. “CHANYEOL! CHANYEOL WAKE UP! CHANYEOL!”

    There was no response as he was dragged from the cell. The door was slammed shut, the heavy lock clinking into the place as Baekhyun watched horrified. He tried struggling but his entire being ached and he felt his energy dying. It wasn’t long before he slumped over Kangjun’s shoulder as he was carried up a flight of stairs. The entire facility was a sterile white and Baekhyun’s closed his eyes, hoping to block the blinding shade.

     With his eyes closed he hadn’t noticed when Kangjun came to a door before it was too late. The door was thrown open and Baekhyun following soon after, landing on the floor with a loud smack. A whimper escaped his cracked lips as black spots blocked his vision. On shaky arms he pushed himself into a sitting position and looked around the room. There were frost marks on the observatory window high up and the whole room was frigid. “Stand.”

    The voice shocked him as he turned to a woman. He gasped as he took in her hunched over form. Her arms were covered with a lab coat but her hands and face were horribly scarred. It looked like she had been in a bad fire and he tried to back away from her piercing stare. She walked with a cane, one of her legs dragging stiffly beside her as, what looked like her assistant, pushed in a metal table.

   The woman took something from the table and limped towards him. He scrambled away and fear shot through him as his back met the wall. He stood and spun, yanking frantically at the door handle but it wouldn’t budge. Pain coursed through his hands and his stitches pulled as he banged against the door. “LET ME OUT! LET ME GO!”

     His legs were knocked from under him as the woman hit him with her cane. A loud smack muffled his whimpers as his freshly wounded legs hit against the tile. A disfigured hand gripped his face and forced him to look up as a leather loop was strapped tightly around his throat. His fingers shot up to the white collar, feeling the number 701 carved into its surface. With trembling breaths he looked up to watch the woman limp back to her assistant. When she finished her journey she turned, holding up a remote. “Stand and come here.”

     Baekhyun knew what it was and although he hated it, followed the ladies orders. She took a pair of scissors and Baekhyun’s eyes widened as she approached him. Holding up his hands he tried to defend himself when an excruciating pain shot through his system. His legs wobbled but he managed to stay upright as the woman cut away the shirt he was wearing. Her eyes racked down his body and his hands came up to feebly cover himself. The clicking of her cane echoed in the room as she paced him, inspecting the stitches. “Mijung, sensors.”

“Yes Seohee- I mean miss Kim!”

    The assistant, Mijung, looked up frightened as the woman glared at her. She quickly handed the woman a bottle and Seohee took it. She poured the clear liquid over her hands before using scarred fingers to apply the fluid to her subject. Baekhyun flinched and tried wiggling away from her touch but she kept waving the chain with the remote hanging from it every time he would move. By the end he was covered in sensors hooked up to a machine with a heart rate and blood pressure monitor strapped around him.

    Baekhyun shifted nervously and shivered slightly in the cold room as he the collar. Seohee was limping away with the help of her assistant as he was ordered to remain in place. A turning in his head made him wobble and clutch at his stomach, his breakfast not sitting right. Whimpering softly he looked up with pleading eyes as the two women stood in the observatory, peering down at him through the window.

   Suddenly everything fell dark. Baekhyun stood uneasily in the middle of the room, looking into the void. He couldn’t even see his hands in front of his face. With a weak whimper he fell to the floor, his legs too frail to hold him up. Curling into a ball he held back his tears as he rocked himself. He wanted to be home; to celebrate with his brother, to be with his parents and see his friends. He wanted to take Chanyeol and get them both out of this hell. For the whole day that he was trapped in the darkness his resolve only grew until he was determined to free them.

   A buzz was the only warning before the lights came back on. Baekhyun had to cower and cover his eyes as the lights bounced off the white walls creating a blinding ray. The clinking of the cane alerted him to the women’s return however he did not remove his hands. He could hear the distinct scratching of graphite on paper as they took down notes. He felt the pressure of the woman’s glare as she stood above him. A cry left his lips as she yanked the suction cup-like sensors from his skin.

    The door clanked open and he felt himself being lifted again. Carefully he peered out as he noticed the guard carrying him again. He winced with every bounce as his sensitive body was tossed around. The sensors had left little red marks on him that he knew would bruise but that was the last thing on his mind as he was brought back down to his cell.

   As he was tossed in he heard the clanking of the lock behind him. Glancing around he noticed the room was as dark as the one he had just come from. Dread filled him as he knew Chanyeol would have lit a light or something.

   Scrambling around in the dark he searched frantically until he crawled over to where Chanyeol was laying. Feeling along the taller boy’s body he cupped his face and gasped as he felt something sticky dried on the corner of his mouth. Baekhyun guessed it had to be blood and he quickly grabbed Chanyeol’s slender shoulders, shaking him. “Chanyeol! Hey Chanyeol, please wake up! Come on Chanyeol just make a sound something! YAH! PARK CHANYEOL WAKE UP!”

   A groan came from the form beneath him and he released a sigh of relief as Chanyeol shifted. He helped the taller boy to lay on his back and he rubbed the boy’s arms, trying to comfort him. A puny flame appeared that seemed weak even compared to the others. He glanced at Chanyeol’s face and found it contorted in concentration.

    Without wasting a second he quickly helped the other boy to their makeshift bed and helped him lay down. The cell door open soon after and two plates with steak and mashed potatoes were thrown in. Baekhyun crawled over, still too weak to stand and brought the plates back to their bed. He helped Chanyeol drink and the younger winced as the water ran down his sore throat.

   When the two boys were finished he delivered the empty plates back to the guard who looked less than pleased. He slammed the door leaving the boys in almost complete darkness, the little flame dying quickly. Dragging himself back to Chanyeol he curled up against the younger’s chest. It might be the fire but Chanyeol was incredibly warm at it comforted him. “What…What did…they do.”

   The deep voice was hoarse and faint as Baekhyun peered up at Chanyeol. He could see fear in the younger’s eyes and he rubbed his arm to comfort him a little. “They strapped some sensors to me and left me in a dark room. How are you feeling?”

   A slight nod was all Baekhyun received as Chanyeol trailed his fingers up his arm. His hand stopped at the leather newly wrapped around the elder’s neck. A desperate sound left Chanyeol as he fell back, groaning as he landed on the floor. Laying down beside the younger Baekhyun rested his head on Chanyeol’s arm. For a second he wondered if it bother the taller boy but he dismissed the idea when Chanyeol brought him closer. “I’m fine Chanyeol, they didn’t hurt me. I’m more worried about you.”

“I’m fine.”

    The answer was short and Baekhyun wanted to argue but he held his tongue. He could see the weariness on the younger and just rested beside him. Chanyeol’s body heat was both convenient and comforting, so he soon found his eyes closing. He could feel the younger already sleeping beside him as he too drifted off.


“It’s been a month.”


“It’s been a month since you were brought here.”

“Yeah and it’s been four since you have, what does that change?”

      Chanyeol fell silent then and stared at his makeshift calendar. He felt Baekhyun sit beside him and he looked at the older boy. The dried blood had been washed away during their weekly showers and the small circular bruises could be clearly seen on the elder. His stitches were still in but they were healing the work of the scientists well and Baekhyun even had a short buzz of hair growing now. Chanyeol tilted his head and observed his friend closely. “Baek, have you always been blonde?”

“What? No I have black hair… why?”

“Um… well I don’t know what to tell you besides that you’re blonde.”

    Baekhyun moved his hands to his head to feel his growing hair. A frustrated groan left him as he dropped his hands and looked at the younger. With a rare chuckle Chanyeol leaned up and plucked a hair from his head, murmuring an apology as Baekhyun whined childishly. He held up the small hair for Baekhyun to see and sure enough it was a bleach blonde. Gaping he looked from the strand to Chanyeol then back again.

“What did they do to me?”

   The only response Chanyeol could offer was to shake his head and look back at the calendar. He ran his finger along the hundred and twenty second mark on the wall and sighed. It has been a month for Baekhyun and that’s when the easy tests had been changed for him. A shudder ran through his body as he subconsciously reached behind to touch the scars on his back. His friend noticed the change and lightly touched the younger’s back.

“Yeol… are you okay?”

   Snapping his head up Chanyeol plastered a smile on his face and nodded. Baekhyun was not convinced and crawled behind the taller boy, rubbing circles into his back. From what Chanyeol had told him the tests they were putting him through were mentally, not physically punishing. They were designed to practice his accuracy and power but he still worried. “What hurts?”

“Baek I’m fine.”

“Don’t lie to me.”

“I’m not.”

“Yes you are.”

    With a sigh Chanyeol closed his eyes. The older boy knew his friend was finished talking but he was worried. Pushing his boundaries he lifted the back of Chanyeol’s shirt and gasped. Large protruding scars marred the younger’s lean back and Baekhyun bit back a cry as Chanyeol moved away from him, pulling down his shirt in the process. His friend’s eyes were filled with terror and his entire body was shaking as he looked at Baekhyun. “Yeol… what…what did they do?”

    Instead of giving an answer Chanyeol shot forward and brought Baekhyun into a crushing embrace. Burying his face in the crook of the elder’s shoulder Chanyeol bit his bottom lip as he tried to keep from crying. Baekhyun could feel the younger shaking as his shirt became damp with Chanyeol’s tears. He rubbed Chanyeol’s back and hid his face in the younger’s chest; he couldn’t handle seeing his friend suffer. “Yeol I-“

“Baek I’m s-scared… they’re g-going to hurt you and I c-can’t stop it.”

“Yeol, it’s okay.”

“NO! No it’s not…they can’t…I won’t let them.”

   Baekhyun pulled back and made the younger look at him. He wiped the tears still pouring down Chanyeol’s face and sighed. Every time the guard came for him, Chanyeol would try and fight but he only wound up getting himself hurt and Baekhyun didn’t want that. Chanyeol had been through enough and didn’t deserve to take his pain as well. He wanted to protect the younger. “Yeol listen to me. You can’t protect me and keep yourself safe at the same time. Whatever happens I’m strong and I’ll get through it.”

“You shouldn’t have to.”

“And you shouldn’t have had to either. You were all alone but I have you by my side to help me. I’ll get through it, please don’t get yourself hurt because of this.”

   Reluctantly Chanyeol nodded just as the door opened up. The breakfast of bacon and eggs with a side of fruit was tossed inside as Kangjun waited at the door. The two ate quickly and Baekhyun stood to follow the guard. Unlike the other times Chanyeol remained rooted to his spot on the bed. His long arms were wrapped tightly around his legs as he watched his friend go. His body was shaking as Baekhyun flashed him a reassuring smile and left the cell, the clank of the lock echoing behind him.

    Baekhyun followed the guard this time up two flights of stairs instead of one. Clenching his hands by his side he kept telling himself to be strong. He had to be strong, for himself and Chanyeol. The younger had gone through this all alone and Baekhyun held to that fact, knowing he needed to be there for Chanyeol.

    He followed the guard until he reached an eerily familiar room. Before he could escape Kangjun wrapped his arms around his waist and threw him over his shoulder as if he weighed nothing. Baekhyun kicked and hit the man but it was no use as he was soon strapped to the metal bed. A scream tore from his chest as he thrashed in his bonds but to no avail as Seohee entered with her assistant. Her cane tapped against the floor as Mijung quickly set to work. She got the mask over his face, blocking him from the sterile smell but soon everything had gone dark.


    The pounding in his head was nearly unbearable as he woke up. Baekhyun looked around the new room. This one was smaller than the ones before but was the same blinding white as the rest of the facility. Pushing himself off the floor he was surprised to find that he was alone and began to look around the room. It was barren with no distinct features so he sat back in the middle of it and sighed.

    His entire being ached as he looked himself over. Freshly dried blood made his skin sticky but the stitches had been removed and he was grateful not to see the black lines marring his body. His thoughts circled back to Chanyeol as he curled into a small ball on the floor. Baekhyun hoped the younger was alright, that he wasn’t being put through hell. Slender fingers balled into fists on the tile as he screamed. His shoulders shook with the effort to keep in his tears but it was useless; he wanted to go home.

    Staring at the floor his breath caught in his chest as he touched the tile. Scratch marks were engraved in the floor, as if someone had clawed at it in pain. His fingers ran over the slender markings as he mimicked the action. Sluggishly, his hand clenched and dragged along the tile, following the pattern of the markings. Judging by the distance between them the person’s hand was too small to have been Chanyeol and Baekhyun felt sick. They weren’t the only ones this had happened to.

    The uneven tapping of a cane made Baekhyun look up at Seohee and her assistant. His yes travelled down and his heart pounded in his ears as he saw what she was holding. It was a leather handled whipped and he let out a soft whimper at just seeing the weapon. His body shook as he remembers the scars on Chanyeol and now he knows why the younger was so afraid. “Produce light.”

   She flicked the whip, the terrible lashing sound echoing in the room and even Mijung flinched. Baekhyun was scared and lost and didn’t know what to do. He touched the carvings a final time and drew strength on the fact that there were others, he needed to protect them. Shakily he stood as the lights dimmed. “701, produce light!”

   Her voice was cold and edged as he held out his hands. He focused on pushing the darkness away, imagining light coming from his hands. The sound of the whip echoed in the room as his collar hummed and he furrowed his brow. His eyes were focused and his head ached with the concentration but he just couldn’t produce the light.

    Sharp agony shot through his body and he cried out, crumpling onto the floor. He clenched his fists and grit his teeth as he felt the freshly made laceration tug. Warm liquid trickled down his back and his vision hazed. Pain blinded him for a second as he collapsed on the floor. The edge of his vision was dark and his hands twitched along the floor as the lights came back on.

   Throbbing pain shot along his back as he was picked up. With each step his body jolted and tugged at his new wounds which caused him to cry weakly. Two floors down and he was tossed into the familiar cell, giving a weak cry as his back made contact with the floor. The clanking of the bar was actually a relief for him as he was bathed in the comforting orange light of Chanyeol’s flame. “BAEK!”

   The voice broke him from his haze as he glanced blearily up at Chanyeol. The younger had rushed over and checked the damage done. Baekhyun whimpered with every little move as the fabric of his shirt irritated his lacerations. “I’m so sorry Baek please bear with it.”

   At this Chanyeol lifted the older who nearly passed out from the pain. A gasp left his dry lips as he clung to Chanyeol’s shoulders. The younger apologised profusely as he cradled Baekhyun to him. He brought the older to the bed and lightly set him down on his stomach, careful not to irritate his back as much as he can. It wasn’t long until Baekhyun had fallen asleep, curled up on Chanyeol’s chest and the younger even refused supper, not wanting to leave his friends side until he too fell asleep.


    The scrape of metal echoed in the dimly lit room as Baekhyun scratched in the one hundred and fifty second mark. It had been two months for him, five for Chanyeol. He sighed and crawled back to his friend laying his head on the taller man’s lap. Chanyeol looked down and ran his fingers through Baekhyun’s unruly blonde hair. A small smile graced his lip as the older nuzzled into his hand.

   The peace they had was soon shattered as the door was thrown up. Their breakfast of oatmeal and toast was tossed to the floor and the two quickly ate the food. It was a second day so Baekhyun stood with a groan, his back now resembling Chanyeol’s. He could hear the younger’s faint protest as he stood but he waved him off. He turned to follow Kangjun but he stopped in his tracks as the guard spoke. “501 you come also.”

“What? He went yesterday, no!”

“Baek, its fine.”

    Chanyeol rose and made his way to the door, his movements lethargic. He watched the guard warily as Kangjun swung the key chains that had both of the remotes to their collars. Baekhyun stood close to his taller friend but didn’t touch him as he could feel the guards piercing glare on their backs. They made their way up the two flights of stairs and up into the familiar room. Baekhyun glanced at Chanyeol as the younger looked around him, taking in the small room.

    Suddenly the lights shut off and Baekhyun reached for Chanyeol. His fingers grazed the thin fabric of the younger’s shirt as Chanyeol was wrenched from him. Stumbling where his friend had been Baekhyun frantically searched in the pitch black, the darkness seeming to absorb his screams. Pausing in his search he tried to calm his breathing and peaked his ears, listening for any sign. His breath stopped as he heard the cocking of a gun. “B-Baek.”

“701, we have placed a loaded gun to your friends head. You must produce light and find him in the next two minutes or we will pull the trigger.”

    Baekhyun’s dropped to his knees as he stared into the void. His hands shook along the floor as images of Chanyeol bloody and shot flew in his mind. A whimper left his lips as he began to shake and looks around the darkness, his breathing becoming erratic. “WAIT! No I can’t! Stop please! I can’t produce light what are you talking about? You’re crazy!”

“BAEKHYUN! Calm down, it’s okay. Just concentrate and breathe. No matter what happens, it’s okay.”

    Tears streamed down his cheeks as he heard Chanyeol’s voice. Clenching his eyes shut he begged, his voice soft and quivering for something to happen. He wasn’t sure what to do but he had to save Chanyeol, it all depended on him. “One minute.”

   A gasp escaped his lips as he heard a deep whimper from somewhere in the room. He couldn’t place it but he reached out towards the sound. Stretching out further he imagined the darkness being pushed aside so he could find Chanyeol. Tears of frustration and panic ran down his face and he cursed. Closing his eyes he blocked everything out; he couldn’t hear the intercom or even his own breathing. Imagining the darkness moving away from him. Pushing out with his hands he felt the claustrophobic feeling leave him and he opened his eyes.

    His breath caught in his lungs as his skin was practically glowing. Piercing light illuminated the room and in the far corner the man holding the gun to Chanyeol’s head was shielding his eyes. Baekhyun shot forward and dragged Chanyeol away from the man, adrenaline making it possible to move the taller man. Looking back to his hands he noticed he was still beaming and he shook them to try and turn it off.

    The door opened and Baekhyun whipped his head to the guard now wearing sun glasses. Kangjun walked passed Baekhyun and yanked Chanyeol to his feet. The younger still had his eyes covered as the guard pushed him out the door with Baekhyun following. They went down to their cell and Baekhyun still hadn’t stopped glowing as they were shut inside.

   The usually dark cell was lit up brightly as Baekhyun tried to turn it off. A frustrated cry left his lips and he slammed his fists on the floor. He felt a hand slide to take his and he looked up at Chanyeol. The younger was still covering his eyes from the light but he squeezed Baekhyun’s hand comfortingly.

    “I’m sorry!” Baekhyun yelled frustrated as he saw Chanyeol cowering from him. Pulling his hand away he gripped his knees and rocked back and forth as sobs ripped from his chest. He couldn’t control it and it was hurting his friend. Baekhyun screamed in frustration as his chest ached as he tried to calm down. The light became stronger and stronger the angrier he got but he couldn’t help it. All he wanted to do was to protect Chanyeol but now what they had done to him was causing the younger pain. “I’m a freak! I’m a useless, pathetic FREAK!”

    Strong arms wrapped around him as he was pulled into a warm embrace. Gripping onto Chanyeol’s shirt tightly he sobbed into the thin material until his voice had gone hoarse and his cries were nothing more than hiccups. The light emanating from his skin dimmed and he leaned into the younger, mentally worn out.

    Chanyeol lifted him and brought him over to the bed. He kept Baekhyun in his arms and close to his chest as he kept him calm. The grip on his shirt loosened as the smaller nuzzled against him. He was careful as he pat his friends back knowing the other still had some fresh lacerations. Chanyeol was tired and drained himself but he still supported the other as he closed his eyes. “Don’t ever say you are a freak, you’re perfect.”

    Baekhyun’s breath hitched as he looked up at the younger. His mind was a mess as he tried to think through his weariness. Putting his hand on the arm wrapped around him Baekhyun squeezed lightly. Chanyeol hummed and looked down at him, eyes lidded with drowsiness. Examining the younger closely, Baekhyun took in the warm brown eyes and ears that stuck out just a little too much. He noticed the slight twitch of Chanyeol’s eye and his short black hair. Turning to the makeshift calendar on the wall he couldn’t imagine all that the younger had been through and Chanyeol thought he was perfect?

    Leaning back he gave a tiny smile as Chanyeol got the hint and laid down. He took his usual position, resting his head on the younger’s chest as the taller man curled around him. The heat was comforting and chased away the claustrophobic feeling the darkness gave him. Looking up in the darkness Baekhyun began to glow lightly, just enough to illuminate Chanyeol’s face. His friend was looking at him curiously as he propped himself up. Leaning up on his elbows he wondered what would have happened if he hadn’t been able to produce the light. Baekhyun didn’t know what he would do without Chanyeol here. Biting back the tears that threatened to come once again he leaned down and softly pressed his lips to the younger’s. “Thank you.”


A/N: wow so that was the longest chapter so far. I’m sorry it took so long but I’m on Christmas break so I’ll try and get another one up before the holidays end! I hope you enjoyed it and please comment to tell me what you think! I’m curious. :3 Anyway HAPPY HOLIDAYS! ~Mick.

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Flawed Perfection: Halfway chapter being beta read! Should be up soon, I hope you like it. ^.^


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Lichtstrahl_ #1
Chapter 10: Love this omg ! This is so cool XDD
Lichtstrahl_ #2
Chapter 1: Bald chanyeollie ? T*T
Chapter 10: YAY HAPPY ENDING! They can live in peace now ♡♡ \(^-^)/ I loved this story alot!!
Chapter 8: ok, so suho's reaction was kinda like a 'what-the-'-moment.. o.O i'm seriously confused!! O____O
but, it's nice you updated~! ^^ i enjoyed~ ;D
and sorry you had to buy a new computer.. :/
Chapter 8: YES AN UPDATE!!! XD i was excited when i saw it :) keep up the good work its AMAZING!! :D
Chapter 7: My god this is amazing!!! Please update soon :D
Chapter 7: holy crap
thats what i thought during the whole chapter
(sorry, this comment is really useless)
Aryetty #8
Chapter 6: Yay!!! I'm soo glad that they escaped and all of them are fine! Thank you for the chapter!!
Aryetty #9
Chapter 5: Oh i can't wait for the next chapter :( I hope they'll escape soon and that they'll find the others too
Chapter 5: this was so beautiful.. thank you very much!!
please just continue the wonderful work! :)
and, a happy new year!! though i don't know if it's new year already.. ;D
love chu~ :D HWAITING!!!