Chapter -4- YOU??!!

❤April's Kiss❤

Yui's POV~


I throw myself on my bed, replaying what happened today in my mind, I couldn't stop thinking about Henry, his dark threating gaze, his bleach messy hair, his cute fluffy lips, he is such a great guy! He is handsome, he is nice, and he is in the same school as me!

I rolled on my right side,

I never felt like this before... It's a weird new feeling

And him acting all mean was kind of cute, I know he wasn't a mean guy, I knew he was faking it just to scare me, "I really wish we can be.. friends!" I smiled,


Next Day~


I was walking toward my class, when I felt a hand pulling my wrist, and spinning me around, I gasped in surprise,

Yui: "Zhoumi?!" I blinked,

Zhoumi: "How are you?" he smiled to me,

Yui: "Fine" I lowered my gaze,

What does he wants from me?

Zhoumi: "Are you free after school?" he asked, his lips,

I bulged my eyes,

Is it some kind of prank?

Yui: "Wea?"

Zhoumi: "I was thinking.." he bite his lip,


A voice called from behind, Zhoumi's eyes clinched closed, looking pissed from the voice who called, I turned around and my jaw dropped,

Yui: "Henry?!" I gasped,

Zhoumi: "Talk to you later" he smiled weakly, and ran toward Henry, I peeked at them in the corner of my eyes, Henry was standing there with 6 other guys,

Yui: "So they are friends?" I chewed on my lower lip,

"Hey baby" an arm suddenly wrapped around my neck, and my heart quickly clenched, "Did you miss me?" he asked, and I rolled my eyes, "Yah answer me!" he repeated in a stern tone,

Yui: "Anie!" I whispered, trying to move his arm away,

Changmin: "Wrong answer" he said, shoving me against the wall, I flinched as my back hit the wall,

"Leave her alone" a familiar voice snapped, my eyes scanned the hall way looking for the person who just spoke, and my eyes landed on Henry and his friends, I bulged my eyes,

Henry: "I told you not to bother anyone again" he grinned, his eyes smiling with his lips,

Changmin: "We are friends" Changmin shrugged,

"Friends won't humiliate each other" a tall, handsome guy said,

Yes!" a skinny guy snapped,"

Changmin: "Our friendship is that deep!" he retort,

"Friendship?" another tall guy with bed hair, scoffed,

Changmin: "Yah! Stay out of my business!" he frowned,

Henry: "Is he bothering you?" Henry suddenly asked me, his eyes searching mine, I blushed shifting my eyes down,


Henry's POV~


Oh my god! I know her! But.. where?!

Changmin: "Yah chubby cheeks! Leave us alone! You are the school cute kid, we all know that you can't hurt a fly" he scoffed,

Henry: "That's why I'm talking to you nicely" I puffed my cheeks, using some aeygo on him,

Changmin: "I'm tired, I'm going to my class" he mumbled, walking inside the class,

"Gomawayo" the girl walked toward me and bowed to me, she stood straight in front of me, and I scanned her face,

I'm sure I saw her before!

"It's the second time you helped me" she smiled to me,

Henry: "No problem, you need to be more confident!" I smiled to her, and walked pass her,

Donghae: "Do you like her?" Donghae elbowed me,

Henry: "Bhwo?"

Donghae: "Liking someone won't hurt"

Henry: "I don't believe in love"

Kyuhyun: "We didn't say you looooove her~" Kyuhyun knocked my shoulder with his,

Henry: "Yah~" I scoffed,

Kyuhyun: "Why do you keep convince yourself that love is not real"

Henry: "So you believe in love?"

Kyuhyun: "I'm in love with my Starcraft"

Henry: "Tsk!" I hissed,

Kyuhyun: "Chill! Will ya? We are just chatting" he rolled his eyes,

Zhoumi: "I believe in love!" Zhoumi snapped, and I stopped walking, turning around to meet his worried face,

Henry: "Well good for you" I frowned,

Ryeowook: "Guys, Leave him alone!"

Kyuhyun: "Yeah, he has a baby sitter now"

he giggled and I glared at him

Henry: "Stop it! damn it!"

Siwon: "Aigoo~ I can't wait to see her"

Henry: "Sh won't come!"


Yui's POV~


Yui's Father: "So, you accepted the job?"

Yui: "Neh, she even paid for me!"

Yui's Father: "I can give you as much as you want! Just stop working!"

Yui: "Appa! How many times did we talked about this? I want to have my own money!"

Yui's Father: "I'm your dad, and I'm responsible for your needs, so quiet the job!" he frowned,

Yui: "I won't" I mumbled,

Yui's Father: "Yui! I can't stand the idea of sending you to a stranger's house at this time!"

Yui: "They live in the same neighborhood!" I puffed my cheeks,

Yui's Father: "Aish! Why are you so stubborn?" he groaned,

Yui: "Appa, Stop worrying about me, I'm matured enough to take care of myself" I grinned,

Yui's Father: "Ok" he sighed, "So.. how old is he this time?" he asked, and I cleared my throat,

Yui: "Erm.. eight" I stutter,

Yui's Father: "Whoa! He is old! Does he really need a babysitter? He is not a baby!" he scoffed,

Yeah, will if he know that he is eighteen, he would kill me!

Yui: "I can handle him"

Yui's Father: "Kids at this age are very naughty" he warned, and I blinked, "They never listen to the grown up, And they have a bad attitude"

Yui: "It's ok, I can handle him"

Yui's Father: "They won't sleep early and they will keep eating candies and never listen to you"

Yui: "Appa~"

Yui's Father: "They are very annoying! And they will give you troubles"

Yui: "Appa It's 9 I'm late!" I said in a hurry,

Yui's Father: "Arasso" he sighed, "Take care"

Yui: "Neh"


Henry's POV~


I watched Umma pacing the floor, I was grinning like a crazy boy,

Henry: "She won't come" I bite a smile,

Mrs. Lau: "Shikkereo!" she retort,

Mr. Lau: "Yeobow, we are late!" Appa walked into the living room, fixing his tie,

Mrs. Lau: "She will be here in any minute!"

Henry: "She won't come" I shrugged,

Mrs. Lau: "What did you said to her?" she asked, crossing her arms,

Henry: "Nothing, But which girl would come by 10 at night to babysit a grown up man! She would be crazy!"

Mrs. Lau: "Psht! Man?" she scoffed, and I frowned,

Henry: "Umma! I am a man!"

Mrs. Lau: "You are just a kid in a weird age, boys this age are complicated, It's like they are having their period in this time" she chuckled,

Henry: "Umma!" I whined,

Mrs. Lau: "You are still a baby! You likes singing, dancing, hanging out with friends and studying"

Mr. Lau: "No girls" Appa added, wrapping an arm around Umma's waist,

I raised a brow,

Mr. Lau: "I had my first kiss with your mom when I was 16! And I had my first night.."

Henry: "NONONONONONO!!" I starts yelling, covering my ears,

Mrs. Lau: "I'll reward you tonight for making me remember those days" she winked to him,

Henry: "Eww!!" I snapped,


Ding Dong~**


I bulged my eyes open, and my heart raced,

Mrs. Lau: "Oh! She is here!" Umma chirped, I jumped toward her, pulling her arm,

Henry: "Umma! Please don't do that! I'm grown up! I don't need a babysitter! My friends will laugh at me!" I begged,

Mrs. Lau: "I won't tell anyone" she rolled her eyes,

Henry: "Yes you will! You told Kyuhyun's mom!" I complained,

Mrs. Lau: "Treat her will, and don't scare her!"

"Annyeong Hasseyo"

I widened my eyes, looking at the front door were Appa just opened it,

Mrs. Lau: "Whoa~ such a beautiful young lady!" Appa sang,

Henry: "Umma~" I gave her a puppy eyes, and she rolled her eyes ignoring me,

Mrs. Lau: "Yui! He is all yours" she said, taking her purse,

Yui: "N.. Neh.." The Yui girl bowed, I glanced at her from the corner of my eyes, she was wearing a white jumper and a red squared skirt, with a long black socks,

Psht! Old fashionable!

Mrs. Lau: "We will be back by 2, and my husband will drive you home" Umma smiled to her, "Take care of him, and don't let him escape from the house!" she told her, while glaring at me, I rolled my eyes, and she left the house,

Yui: "Thanks Oppa" she suddenly bowed,

Henry: "Eh?" I blinked,

Yui: "I know you helped me today, hoping I'd return the favor by not coming today"

Henry: "Wait wait wait! What are you talking about?!" I raised my eyes brows,

Yui: "This morning, in the school" she said, and my jaw slowly dropped, "Changmin" she added, and I bulged my eyes,

Henry: "YOU?!!" I gasped,

OHMYGOD!! She is thaaaaaaaaat girl! She is.. in my school.. ..!!


Hehe! He finaly found out XD

I hope you enjoy reading this chapter :)

And please Comment & Subscribe :D

I Love You~

Bye ^^

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Chapter 12: OH MY GOD! WHAT HAPPENS If.. if.. like.. it actually... works.. and uh hmmh you know...
aldebaran_hun #3
Chapter 12: This is so cute. I love how you describe them. :)
(BTW. Thx again for your recommendation. ;))
Chapter 11: Yea, good job Henry! But Zhoumis sweet to her so.... Hm... Thanks for the update!!:)
Chapter 6: this story is so cool!
aldebaran_hun #6
Haha, this one really looks so funny! :)
Chapter 9: I decided to read this tonight instead of tomorrow... And I usually don't read fanfics with OC's but I really like this one:)