Idek what to name this chapter #yolo LOOOOOL

I love you (Sequel to, Dear Daebutt)

Daehyun’s POV

I got dressed in my favorite light blue button up shirt and my sister helped me put on my sleek black tie. “I’m beyond proud of you, little brother.” She smiled and pulled me to my bed and I sat next to her. “You took these last four years seriously and you’ve accomplished great things. I don’t know what your plan is in life but I’m sure you’ll do great things.” I smiled and nodded. “Oh by the way, where is Danni-ah? I haven’t seen her for a while” I froze up and coughed a bit. “S-she’s around” I said. My sister looked at me and smacked my head. “Oh, don’t tell me you lost your best friend!” She glared at me.

“You have been telling me non-stop things about how beautiful and how precious she is to you. You’re a fool Jung Daehyun. You have one last chance today. Go for it, babo.” I nodded and she helped me fix my hair. We quickly drove to the school field where everything was set up for graduation today. My noona went to the seats and she sat in the front row. I went to where the teachers were and we all got in alphabetical order. We got out gowns on and I was going to talk to Danni but there wasn’t any time. After we got seated in our own seats the teachers began to call out names. “Kim Himchan” The principal said and Himchan bowed while receiving his diploma. Next was Danni since her last name was Kim as well. “Kim Danni” I looked up and smiled as she stood up from her seat. Since she left the front of her gown open I could see the beautiful dress she was wearing.

I think Yongguk hyung bought it for her. I rolled my eyes when I remembered how they were such good friends. “Kim Soo Ah” My head perked up and I scoffed. She was wearing a very short pink dress and she didn’t even bother wearing a gown. She put on too much make up and I nearly gagged. I wonder where my common sense was when I was dating her. A while passed and it was my turn. “Jung Daehyun” I approached the principal and bowed while shaking her hand. She gave me my diploma and I smiled in joy. I looked in the crowd and saw my sister and my nephew clapping for me. I smiled at her then went to sit back down at my seat. I began to talk to the guy next to me, Jung Gyuwoon. “Dude this is so boring” I nodded and slipped my hands in my pockets. “Hey you know that Kim Danni girl?” I perked up and turned my head to him. “Yeah?” “I wanna do it with her” He replied quickly.

I balled my hands into fists and tried to breathe calmly. “Listen, you bastard” I began. “If you dare lay one of your dirty fingers on her, I swear to god you better plan your funeral right now.” I said and he stiffened up. “Alright, chill man.” I nodded and sat straight.

After a while the ceremony was over and we were all able to go to our families. I stood up heading for Danni and she approached me too. “We did a good job. It was nice going to school with you, Daehyun-sshi” Was all she said and she handed me a bouquet of flowers with a letter tucked into it. “Babe!” I called out for her like I used to but she was already gone. Suddenly, one of her friends came up to me. Her name was Isabella. “I know how you’re going to react to that letter. Daehyun-ah, call me if you want to talk to her again. Do it soon before it’s too late.” She said and handed me a slip of paper with her phone number on it. I looked at her weirdly but nodded.

I went to a restaurant with my noona and celebrated with her and my nephew. “Hyung! Whats that?” I looked at the letter he was pointing to. “Oh, I’ll read it later.” I think my sister was suspicious so she grabbed the letter Danni gave me and began reading it. “D-Daehyun” She said with wide open. I grabbed the letter from her and chuckled. “Whats so- oh my god” I said and kept reading it. Danni had expressed all her feelings on one sheet of paper. I sat up, making my chair screech across the wooden floor making everyone look at me. “Noona, I’ll talk to you later!” I said and ran out of the restaurant. I pulled out my phone and quickly dialed Isabella’s phone number. “Took you long enough” She scoffed. I ignored her and asked her where Danni was. “We’re at the airport. Our flight leaves in thirty minutes.” I hung up the phone and ran to the airport that was twenty minutes away by foot.

I ran like I’ve never ran before and I dashed into the airport. I looked around and there was a sea of people. “DANNI! KIM DANNI!” I shouted and searched desperately for her. I saw the back of her head and I ran to her, pushing people away and apologizing. She was about to hand the ticket to the man until I hugged her from behind and refused to let her go. “W-who?” I hugged her even tighter and kissed her neck. “I love you, babe” I said and she stiffened up. She put her hands over and I could tell she was crying. I turned her around and smiled. “I don’t know why I didn’t see it earlier. I thought that feeling I had in my stomach was because I was just generally happy. I didn’t know what amazing person I had in front of me all my life. I never want to lose you like I almost did. I’m an idiot but, Kim Danni, will you be my girlfriend?” I asked and an immediate smile grew on her face. “Yes, you Pabo”

I grinned and hugged her. “Go with Isabella to Korea, I’ll meet you there in a few days. I love you” I said and pecked her lips. Her eyes widened. “Y-You’ll go to Korea with me?” I nodded and she smiled. “Okay!!” I waved her off and smiled until she was out of my sight.


*Six years later*
Your POV
“DASOM, JAEHYUN GET YA BUNS OVER HERE!” I yelled at my twins as they ran around the house giggling. “Ah babe, just let them play” Daehyun came and wrapped his arms around me. “Did you give birth to them? No? Then you get no say in this!” I said and he laughed. “No but I am their father” I scoffed and crossed my arms. “Shut up” I said and he chuckled again. “UMMA, AUNTY BELLA IS HERE!” I looked up and saw Isabella and her husband, Jiyong, coming in with Dasom hanging onto her leg. Jaehyun was on Jiyong’s leg. I laughed and we sat down together. Well, I guess I made the right decision in writing that letter to Daehyun then.





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Chapter 1: yayy they end up together xD
well my name is dani so it feels like it's me T^T OTL
Chapter 1: Addfgkkjgss ... ♥ this