Note ~

Nerd + Kingka = Love?

Hey guys.

I'm ashamed to be typing in this story ofter 2 years.

I had totally forgot about this story and I feel so bad I literally cried.

I'm super duper sorry for leaving you guys here.

I'm going to end this story so you guys can unsubscribe if you want but I will be writing a new story (I promise I won't abandon it like this.)

I have a question though.

For my next story, should I do it exactly like this plot or should I create  a new plot?

Either way I would still be deleting this even though it pains my heart.

I was such a bad writer 2 years ago and i finally became a little better at writing so guys, which option do you want?

1) Continue this plot in a new story.

2) Create a new story

Thanks so much for waiting and I'm sorry for anyone of you guys that has been awaiting my update which never came .


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naznew #1
Chapter 8: why you want deleted this story? you can't continue writing back? jebal, please continue it back/...
Chapter 7: Come back and update soon!!
Chapter 1: Lol the tall guy Woohyun? I couldn't help but laugh
Goldie #4
Chapter 7: Its okay but just remeber youre updating this please!
naznew #5
Chapter 7: Gomawo updating..
its long you still updated this story .
naznew #6
Chapter 6: oh,i get it..kai become a bad boyfriend here..he cheated with ~'s bestfriend..that cruel..
i feel pity to her..his boyfriend cheated with her bestfriend, being isolated by all students...
naznew #7
Chapter 5: I already read this story and i decide to subscribe it because it make me smile...
I love how she do that to woohyun..i hope i can be like her..haha
She had been queenka before? But why she change to nerd? Who bullied her?
Please update again..