
Flowerboy Dorm [English ver.]


Life is not a drama

It’ll be hard to find a drama moment in real life

You’re hoping that something from a drama pop-out into your life?

It could happen at first, but in real life, they’re not always ended with happy endings.



Love is warm. As warm as a coffee when you drink it on a winter day, like it’ll go through your throat and your body until it feels warm. It will be great if you know about coffee right from when it born, then flies to the coffee shop you’re visiting today. After that, it’ll be boiled in a specific temperature before getting crushed and mixed with some hot water. Not just that, it’ll get sweeter if you mix it with one or two spoons of sugar and cream to brighten the color and make it seems prettier. Then it’ll arrive in your mouth, and you’ll feel the warm process of coffee making in the winter.


My name’s Do Kyungsoo. I’m a coffee lover, and cold chocolate milk. I live by myself, not with my family because they’re gone. There’s only my grandma who decided to live peace and quietly in the mountain that far from the city’s disturbing noises. I should live here with my parent’s inheritance - in a two-floored house with 6 rooms – that left by them. The house where my parents and I stayed for so many years. The house that have brown fence which you can jump passing it easily if you’re not scared of Snoopy – a small dog with shark teeth-. Good thing I don’t have to stay here all alone for a long time because some of my friends decided to live with me, and of course pay the rent but with friendship discount. At least, my life’s not lonely anymore since I have the 10 of them.


And this house is the place where my story starts…


Kim Joonmyun, a smart senior college student that likes to call himself the dorm’s leader – that’s how we call the house – or ‘handsome boys nest’ as it called by our neighborhood. He’s a smart guy who loves to smile. He has this angelic aura and many girls loved him. He talks with charismas and always put a wink in the end of conversation. He’s Joonmyun or Suho as we like to call him which means ‘Guardian Angel’ because he loves to check the door and making sure that all the windows locked tightly.


Xiumin, a bunny because of his cheeks and always act…like that – he loves vegetables -. His hobby is disappearing suddenly and can’t stay still. He loves hygiene and sometimes helped me to remind the other about their daily task cleaning the dorm or ‘end of month cleaning task’. For him “dare to get dirty is NOT good”. For him, once you’re dirty then you’re dirty and you must pass his hygiene scans before going inside the dorm. He’s a neat freak.


Kris? He’s a Canadian and a basketball player who always hit the door because of his not-too-normal height. We could say that he’s a giant. You know, we don’t know how many times in these months his head always got bandage on his head because of the door. But good thing he doesn’t give too many protests and wears a helmet until he go through the door <- thanks to Sehun’s crazy idea


Chen and Lay are the quiet duo. Chen always spends his time recording in his own recording studio – bathroom – while Lay is the calm boy who doesn’t speak too much and loved to spend his time in his room, admiring every single purple thing that he owned.


Sehun and Luhan? No need to ask! These noona killer boys really look like a lovey dovey couple! Even though they don’t like to be called a couple, they always do things which are done by couples! Go to the movie theatre just the two of them? Even I often see both of them holding hands when they’re going home from the campus.


The next ones…? Ah! Chanyeol and Baekhyun! The happy virus duo whose always make the neighborhood let out an understanding smile even though I know they’re definitely annoyed by them because they’re too noisy. You know they’re just like some walking sound systems. But they always can make the house lively.


Ah one more boy! Tao! He’s a Chinese just like Kris and Luhan and his nickname is kung fu panda. His hobby is playing with his wushu stick in the backyard. He can never be bothered – except by Kris – and he’s just as calm as the wind. But his eyes always remind me of a panda. Sometimes he can be helpful by getting some clothes that flew by the wind and stuck onto the tree. Neither by climbing the tree or getting the clothes with his wushu stick.


We’re just like a family. We’re close and always share everything to each other. We won’t resist anyone to tell us his privacy, but we’ll always be some great listeners if you need us.





“…Soo? Kyungsoo?”




With my good reflex, I hold Chanyeol’s blazer so I won’t fall backwards, “Yah! Park Chanyeol!”


“Aish… I’m talking since a year ago and you’re not listening? Great! Ignore me forever!” I rolled my eyes as I hinted some sarcasm in his voice


“Arasseo I’m listening. It’s about Baekhyun, isn’t it?” I could see Chanyeol’s face turned into red color slowly before he cover his red cheeks and successfully makes me shivers in disgust, “Yah! Stop acting like that!”


“So… what should I give for his birthday? I want it to be something special and perfect,”


“Uh-huh do you know his favorite color?” Chanyeol shook his head pathetically, “he loves the color white, so buy him something that related with the color white for him. Easy, right?” Chanyeol nodded his head before continue to eat his lunch


“Whoa! My class almost started! I’ll leave now then… See you at the dorm, Soo!” I nodded and watch him leave into his next class. Me? Nahh… I’m just sitting alone in this quiet canteen and it’s quiet boring


My next class will start 15 minutes ahead but I don’t want to come in time. It’s okay if you come late once, right?


“Ekhm.” An unfamiliar voice surprised me before I sleep in the canteen table


“Yes?” I asked as I stare at his unfamiliar face


“Hey, I’m Kai… I mean, Jongin. I need a place to stay and I guess you have it. I mean, I’ll pay as the deal, and… I really need it right now,” I raised my right eyebrow, trying to understand what he just said


“Uh… Okay, I guess… You know the place, right?” I asked before receiving a nod from him


“Great! Come by near the dinner time and we’ll talk more about it later,” I smiled, watching him keep nodding his head, “So… Yeah, I guess I have a class right now. I’ll see you tonight umm… Jongin, yes?”


He nodded again, “It’s Kim. Kim Jongin,”


“Alright. Nice to meet you, Kim Jongin. My name’s Do Kyungsoo”



My class is finally done and the sun starts to set, so does my eyes. I stretch my body before putting my books and notes inside my bag and headed out from school. I go through the same path just like always, visiting the little bakery to buy some bread for tomorrow’s breakfast. My mind automatically thought about the new housemate that will be our new family member tomorrow, so I think I should buy one more for him.  


“Kyung!” Kris’ familiar voice could be heard clearly by my ears. Just like always, he’s sweaty and he’s carrying his basket bag and his basket shoes bag.


“Are those for tomorrow’s breakfast?” he asked.


I nodded my head, “I hope your Canada syndrome won’t show up tomorrow since I didn’t buy too much bread,” he smiled, showing his infamous gummy and white teeth


“and I guess we’ll have a new housemate tomorrow,”


He seems like he’s falling deep into his mind before answering, “I don’t mind as long as he can socialize with us… it’s not a problem, and it’s your own house so… you’re the one who should decide the people that can live in your house,” I nodded my head, “Ah, one more thing…” I stared at his smiling face


“Make sure the boy is just as handsome as me!” here we go his narcissist joke again


“Canadian…” I sighed


“Yah! Stop calling me with that nickname,” he laughed before I followed his laugh and we laughed together





The annoying voice of my door house bell ringed loudly, stopping me who’s now busying my own self with cooking dinner for 10 humans lived in my house. I think it was Jongin and I really haven’t told anyone about him except Kris. All boys that have been in the dining room waiting for dinner, rolled their heads to the door direction,


“Do we have a guest?” Xiumin asked while dabbed his eating utensils with some small handkerchief.


It’s weird. Snoopy doesn’t barf like he always does every time we have some guests. Could it be Jongin has been eaten by him? Oh no!


“Let me open it,” I hurriedly put off my apron and hang it on Kris’ chair before running to the door direction and opened it. Then, there he is… Kim Jongin. He’s wearing a black t-shirt with his wet hair, and he’s Snoopy’s soft fur. Wow, that’s… amazing! No one dared to touch Snoopy except me.


“Hey,” he greeted


“H-hey…” I greeted back, “Come in! You came in the right time,”


“Who’s that, Kyung?” Baekhyun yelled from the dining room


I dragged Jongin to the dining room, “You haven’t had your dinner yet, have you?” I asked as we arrived at the now quiet dining room. All eyes staring toward us.


“Guys, this is Kai. He’ll start living in our dorm since… “ I glance at him, “Today?” he asked


“Yeah… Today,” I nodded my head. All eyes were staring at us like we’re some freshly baked meat, ready to be eaten. Tsk… Not a good sign maybe?


“LET’S EAAAAATT!!!” Chen shouted before opened the pan cover, revealing the curry cooked by Xiumin, while Sehun and Chanyeol dragged Kai to sit between them. Thanks God it went well


“Anyway, how did you pass that dog?” Luhan asked while feeding a hungry Sehun who sat besides him


“Yeah, good question Luhan-hyung! I even don’t have any courage to walk near him,” Chen added, making the other laughed.


“I just loved dogs,” Kai replied while smiling


“W-what? You look like a dog?” Tao asked innocently. Well, he’s Korean isn’t too well but it make us laugh



I my room’s lamp and I cleaned up some of my books that scattered around the floor. I tidy the empty bed that will be used by Jongin since today. I stared at that bed. The bed that reminds me of a girl that have always be by my side since I was a kid. The door’s voice realizing me from my small flashbacks and there I see Jongin standing in front of the door.


“You don’t bring anything?” I asked as I put some of my books on my study table


“I just wanted to move in quickly. I’ll bring my things tomorrow,” I nodded my bed before putting on a blue spring bed on Jongin’s bed, “just sit on my bed first. Let’s say it’s a special service from the house owner,”


He sat on my bed while watching me… I guess? Since I could feel his stare burning holes into my back, “Listen, about the payment… I can’t promise that I can pay it right on time, but I’ll pay it,”


I followed him by sitting on my bed, facing him. I smiled at him, “It’s fine, I’m not doing any business anyway… I’m just looking for friends,” this is exactly what I said to the other 10 creatures living in my house.


“So… you live here by yourself?” he asked and I nodded my head


“There’s no special rule in here, and I’ll always cook some foods if you’re hungry,” I smiled, “Oh… I hope your portion not as big as that giant’s food portion,”


He raised his eyebrow in confusion, “Excuse me…?”


“I mean Kris,” I answered quickly and he smiled making his cheekbones raised high and revealed his brown orbs, “Alright then, you can take a shower then go to sleep remembering your sweaty condition when you came here, you must be tired, huh? I’ll borrow Sehun’s shirt for you,”


Jongin nodded his head before I left him to Sehun’s room upstairs. I can hear giggling voice from inside his room and of course that must be Luhan’s. The giggling and laughing voice stopped immediately when I knocked the door gently,


“Sehun-ah, can I borrow your shirt?”


Oh my God. I shouldn’t explain what I see inside that room seriously but I’ll explain it anyway. Sehun’s hovering on top of Luhan, and Luhan’s head is in between Sehun’s not-so muscular arms,


“Yah! Hurry up!” I grumbled. Sehun run to his closet hurriedly and picked a t-shirt and a training pants from inside it,


“You should knock first, Soo…” Luhan mumbled shyly with his red face, I guess it’s from embarrassment


“I already did, but you two seems can’t hear the knocking sound. Well, you can continues but make sure we won’t hear the noise from downstairs,” I said before closing the door and went downstairs to my room


Jongin was just finished his shower and he’s standing in front of the bathroom door; . Just like Kris, Tao, and Lay did every single day.


“Here’s your shirt,” he picked the shirt and pants from my hand and followed me up to our room


“Umm… You don’t mind, right?” he asked. I blinked confusedly before realizing the meaning of his question


I nodded my head quickly and hide under my thick blanket, waiting for him to finish wearing his clothes.


“Kyungsoo, Jongin! Don’t forget to lock your windows!” Suho yelled from… I don’t know, maybe his room or living room?







“Is there any interesting story today?”


“Hmm… Actually yes. There’s a new guy in my house. His name is Jongin and he can play with Snoopy without fainting or bitten by that cute dog!”


“Really?! Then he must be a gret namja!”


“Hmm… I don’t know. When I first saw him, I thought that he’s carrying many problems,”


“You should know him more, Soo! Then you can tell about it to me,”


“Yah! Since when are you becoming a gossip queen, huh?”










“Hmm? What is it?”


“I’m bored. It’s getting lonely here,”


“I’m sorry I can’t always be here for you,”


She smiled and a gust of wind blew, making his middle-long hair seems like dancing. She looks… Beautiful





I hurriedly get in my sitting position with my still closed eyes and try to grasp the ringing alarm clock. I glanced at Jongin who’s still asleep and a spring bed that has been thrown to the floor, decorating my tidy room this morning. I shook my head as I keep staring at the spring bed before getting up and washed my face hurriedly. The sun hasn’t rise yet and my soul is still in the dream land, riding some fluffy unicorns on the pink clouds full of rainbows. Feels like I want to go sleep again…


“Kyung, you’re awake?” Xiumin walked downstairs to my direction and helped me preparing the 12 bread I just bought last night.


“Yeah, you too…” I mumbled sleepily.


Xiumin helped me preparing breakfast for everyone then he disappeared to the upstairs world to wake up the lazy buffalos in there. My part has been done since Suho and Kris can woke up by themselves, so does Lay and Chen. There’s only one left. Jongin


I walked into our room slowly to wake Jongin up, and there he is. Still sleeping peacefully although his bed seems a little bit messy. I sat on the edge of his bed and shake his body up,


“Jongin, Jongin… Wakey, hurry!” he mumbled some incoherent words before rolling his body and sleep again, “Hurry up, or your bread will be eaten by the giant!”


I moved my body closer to his and my face close to his, “Jongin…” his eyes are opened suddenly making me surprised and fall onto the floor while gasping


“H-hyung! Gwaenchana?” he helped me hurriedly before laughing. I laughed too and in a second, we’re becoming some retarded laughing machines


“Hey, is there something happened in here?” Baekhyun and Chanyeol peeked to our room


“It’s nothing,” I answered and getting out from our room.


Most of them – Kris, Suho, Sehun, and Luhan – have already changed to some fresh new outfits while the other still wearing their pajamas.


Chen, Luhan, Xiumin, Suho, Lay, and I went to the campus first since we have some morning classes, while the other still in the dorm, watching tv and chatting loudly in the living room. I’ve reminded Jongin to feed Snoopy since he’s the only one who can get close to Snoopy without making me worried.






S' blabbering diary journal note story ♫


Tadaah! Finally I'm done with the first chapter yay! I've been busy with school etc etc so I can't write this fic, and you should know how much I hated my brain. It gives me many plot for a fanfic and I couldn't get rid of the ideas. So you know what I did to keep with the idea but deleting it from my mind? By writing it in my phone. Notes application is just awesome as - oops sorry. There's 50 ideas that I've wrote in my phone but only 20% of it have been used for my fanfics. Pathetic? I know. Thanks to my brain, I'm working on 3 fanfics right now: a one-shot (or maybe two shot idk), this awesome fic, and the failed INFINITE fic orz. But I tried to update those three at the same time. Even though sometimes I should choose which ideas should I use for the next chapter of this bla bla bla fic lol.


Oh anyway, I'm sorry to lutvia-noona I changed some of the dialogs or even the monologs orz orz. Sometimes I just can't the perfect english words for your story so I ended up by messing those words and making it it longer but easier to read and write lol (you get what I meant? no? me neither). But then, I really enjoyed translating this story so much! You know I loved to write the Kris and Kyungsoo father-son bonding time when they were just bought some bread for their housemates. No srsly they're cute in here haha.


Okay enough with my stupid blabbering or whatever you called this 3 paraghraps of S' unimportant notes... or maybe story... or diary... or journal idek what is this. Oh, forgot to tell English is NOT my main language so please bear with the mistakes I made. But then, I receive your 'fixing your grammar/words' comment. I just loved comments hahaha. So long ers peeps!



Cute flying kiss by Kim Minseok a.k.a Xiumin a.k.a ni men de Baozi a.k.a Hamster a.k.a Kim Jongdae's soulmate a.k.a. EXO's oldest brother


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Chapter 1: Wow! What a goid beginning. Update soon please. :)
MoshieMilk #2
Chapter 1: Update soon ! Iam so curious about the She ! ♥♥♥♥
Yeaaahh!!! :> hwaiting!!! :)