White butterfly

I'll meet You There


~Chapter 17~

White butterfly





“Key?” The boy was just shivering in his arms and his body was not helping. Jonghyun’s body was cold, maybe just as cold as Key’s. The human’s fingers where frozen and unmoving but still he brushed Key’s hair back to kiss his forehead. Slowly he moved Key’s shaking body out of the water. Even if Jonghyun was freezing as fast as the other’s he took the responsibility to get them both out.  

"Key, Key." Jonghyun whispered holding the back of his head. The other just whimpered, finally giving some sort of answer to him, clinging so desperately for warmth. Why did they have to swim after the sun was down? Jonghyun could hit himself. The temperature didn’t make sense though. It wasn't this cold when he took a dip last time. However, that was not what his head should be pondering about; His body needed heat, Key needed heat. His legs were freezing. He could barely make it to the riverbed. He just laid Key down and let his body rest on top of his. Body heat, that was the only think he could think of. His dry clothes would do no good.


Laying gently Jonghyun used his hands to make some kind of friction over Key’s cold skin. The movement seemed to work. The ex-spirit moved his arms, encircling his partner. “I’m getting warmer.” Jonghyun nodded, agreeing with him. He breathed warm breath into Key’s neck, holding him a little bit closer just because he could, because he was allowed. “Never let me go.” Jonghyun pulled back a little, he wasn’t expecting Key to say such a thing, he felt happy. However that warm bubbly feeling disappeared when he saw the tears in Key’s eyes. “Hey, whats wrong?” Jonghyun the tear away before it could fall. “I’m not going anywhere, I don’t want to. I want to stay with you.” He kissed his cheek, trying to comfort him. “Promise it.” Jonghyun smiled despite the mood. He was about to sign of his heart and he was okay with it. It might be a simple thing to say but to mean it, it could be the matter of life and death. “I promise.” He whispered. Not caring that he was now bound. He made the promise, he had gone against his sister’s wishes. But it was okay, he would be happy.


Yet the entirety of the feeling was not understood fairly by the words that they had spoken, the unspoken meaning was clear to them. Key was scared and even if he had not uttered a word about it, Jonghyun knew it. He could read it in Key’s eyes. The boy had been betrayed in his past, Key had just remembered it himself and to let someone in so quickly, Jonghyun knew he was special. However, all he wanted Key to think at this point is that he needed not to be frightened. He was a loyal dog and he needed Key to understand that. So that is why he kissed him. That is why he needed himself and Key to become one.


 And Key let him.  


He let Jonghyun get closer, get connected. He trusted Jonghyun to warm him up as their bodies moved in friction. There was no other way to prove his desires other than making love like they did. Key set his breathing free as Jonghyun let his mouth lose. Spreading his legs wider, pulling him closer. Never wishing more than this, than these seconds, minutes, hours their minds and bodies melted together. Jonghyun could feel the pride grow inside of him, Key trusted him to pleasure him, to let him taste heaven, bringing him with him.


They stayed close even after their breaths evened out. Their eyes where closed as the rested in the aftermath. Bliss; that would be the word Jonghyun would use to describe it, if he could really describe it. He thought that even a word just as perfect wasn’t even close to what he felt now.  With gentle touches he entertained his fingers with soft skin. They were completely warm now. Yet still there was no need to move. Key was supporting a soft blush, his hands pressed against the tanned back of the other. It was clear that he wanted Jonghyun to be right there, not bothered by the weight that constricted his lungs to function in their full abilities. Oxygen was not something he really needed right now, his need from warms was already clenched. His body could rest now. A soft tickle on his hand made him look. A small butterfly had landed on the raven’s finger. A butterfly so white it seemed to glow in the moonlight. It was softly flapping it’s wings resting on the ivory-like fingers.

“Jonghyun, look.” He brought the hand slowly between them as Jonghyun started to pull back. The puppy eyes sparkled, Key looked so cute right now. The butterfly was pretty but the boy was beautiful. The butterfly seemed to fascinate Key though as he let it walk all over his hand. “She feels warm.” How could the six little paws moving on the skin Jonghyun wanted to kiss, feel warm? With a little gasp from Key, the butterfly took its flight again, leaving sparkling dusk in its wake. The raven’s eyes twinkled as they followed the insect until it head off the line of sight. “It is strange to see a butterfly that colour, especially at night.” Jonghyun commented. Key’s attention fell back on the puppy-lookalike.  “What is a butterfly?” Key asked as an innocent kitten. Jonghyun blinked, “A butterfly? It was the thing that you just held.” The raven nodded understandably. “Is that how you call them? We call them souls, it is the final form before they leave to the other world.” Jonghyun didn’t know what to say, it was past his understanding. But he had gotten used to the fact. Not everything was meant to be understood by a simple mind like his. So he just turned their bodies so that Key was on top. There stud no wind but still the human hoped that the raven wouldn’t feel cold. Jonghyun didn’t need to worry though. Key had a content smile on his lips, his head resting on the other’s strong chest. The brunette smiled, maybe he could rest his eyes too, for a bit.


“Strange things are happening.” Yoona said. The water nymph was holding on to her friends. It must be hard on them, walking so deep into the forest; it could be the death of them. Taemin rose an eyebrow, was there more to the story than what he already knew? “What do you mean?” The fairy’s wings fluttered in a nervous manor. “There was a presents the other day. An energy, yet there was nothing to see. It touched us.” An energy, near the river, Taemin was there not long ago, he felt it to. “I might know who it was.” The nine nymphs stopped in sync. “Who? Please tell us, we are greedy in curiosity!” Taemin smiled a sad smile. “It’s the one you took from me.” He whispered, hating himself for sounding so weak. Jessica touched his shoulder and Taemin was strangely comforted by the cold touch. “Fate let us have him, we would have much rather watch you two a bit longer.” Taemin shook his head and started to walk again.

“Time is a slave to no one, we can only move one way.” He smiled back when the ladies were still standing there. “We are greatly sorry for your loss.” The young fairy shook his head. “I still see him, he comes for me when I close my eyes, that way I don’t have to miss him.” Taemin knew that he was destroying himself if he let Minho in his head like that, yet he couldn’t forget him. But there was a reason for that. Minho had trusted him with his mission and until Taemin was done with that task he was not allowed to forget him. Minho’s soul was restless, it was to Taemin to ease it. “Ladies, lets go.” He tried to show one of his charming smiles not caring if it came off horrible and fake. The nymphs followed without a word.


Someone was squeezing his cheek. Jonghyun ignored it. But a light giggle made him smile despite himself. Key was entertaining himself with his face. Stretching the cheeks and pushing them together. “fwaht dwo you fink you ware dwoing?” Jonghyun asked in distress as he was forced to display a horrible fish face. “Your cheeks, they are so much fun!” Key giggled again, sticking out his tongue just to prove his point. Jonghyun freed his cheeks by rolling them around forcing Key under him. “You think it is funny?!” he faked anger. The surprised kitten blinked, his hands curled over his chest. He just looked so adorable. Jonghyun let out a booming laugh and rolled off him. Key shot up just after that, pouting like a fuming feline. “You really scared me!” Jonghyun had to dry his tears and pulled Key into his chest. “Oh, but you were so adorable! I’m sorry.”

“Jong?” Key asked, unmoving from Jonghyun’s chest. “Can we go exploring again?” The grumble in Jonghyun’s chest grew, he chuckled forcing Key to look up again. “What is so funny?” Jonghyun just the other’s black locks. “Nothing.” He replied simply, was he not allowed to have no particular reason to smile? “Well?” Jonghyun was pulled back from his thoughts. “Sorry?” Key just stud up and started to gather his clothes. “Just get up, sleepy.” As if shocked by a lightning, Jonghyun got up and followed Key’s example of clothing himself.

“Where to?” Jonghyun tapped his chin when the question was asked to him. “You know what? I want you to meet someone.” Key blinked, “Who?” The human took the smaller hand in his and started to walk parallel to the river. “We are going to look for my friend!” Jonghyun smiled, walking in the direction he had never been to, he just looked where Taemin always disappeared too, up river.


“How much longer?” Key started to whine a good ten minutes ago. The sun had already risen and was starting to fall again. Jonghyun just shrugged. Did Taemin really walk all this way all the time? The human just chuckled as Key once again let out a whimper. “Come here.” He bend down to let Key on his back. If he was going to whine the entire time, Jonghyun might as well get some kind of skinship out of it. Without hesitation, Key climbed up, resting his cheek on the back of his head. This was much easier then carrying him bridal style any way.

“Jonghyun, What is that?” Jonghyun looked up to where Key was pointing at. Past the trees, there were no trees anymore. It was not a clearing like they knew were all over the woods. It was not green, it was not even the blue of water. It was black. Jonghyun walk closer, past the final trees before the full impact hit them.




A graveyard of the forest. As far as the eye could see, there was no plant blooming. It was just all burned.

“Jong, I don’t like it…”


Golden eyes narrowed, they walked in the trap he wanted them to walk into. Now it was time to see what his other pawns were doing. He searched for higher ground, letting the trees guide him to the sky. Light brown hair flew in the wind as it past him. A bird came to him. “How is Taemin?” The crow just cocked his head, but the god-like creature understood. “Wind, heed my cry. Carry my message.” The man held out his arm and the bird landed on him, his claws cutting into the flesh. “Bring him here.” The bird let out a cry, his feathers turning into dust. The wind picked up carrying the last remains to their final destination. Golden eyes grew again, looking farther than mountains before throwing his cloak over himself again. His body too disappearing without a trace. 

















Aigooo~~~Jongkey is happy but then I have ruin it XD

Sorry for being late! I had to go see SuJu... AND IT WAS AMAZING!!!!! IUAGAWGDAF. I got front row and touched Donghae~~~agurejanklrgbaerd

Pictures? They will come later! I'm lazy!!!

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Chapter 22: I think I understood the whole concept. Thank you for writing such a deep beautiful story. I really appreciate it. It's true that stories like these aren't here. I really loved and enjoyed reading this. It's sad that they had to start all over again. But I loved the way it is and the way it ended. I can see how much effort you put in to this. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story. /hats off/
herejusttoread #2
Chapter 22: This is the most deepest story I read. It's like I could feel the character as well as the author. I can't pinpoint how i feel, I love it and theres so much emotion in it . I will always comeback and reread it
Chapter 22: Wow it made perfect sense from the very beginning! ♡
fantasy is not really my ultimate genre, but this was catchy and I'm so glad I read this!
And kinda funny-- that where Minho picked Taemin up and Taemin says I dont weigh at all~ //I Swear I've seen a dream like that. //

And oh you authornim. ... why did you do this to JongKey....you could''ve brought them back... T.T
Anyhow I loved it!
Abhirami #4
Chapter 22: So.. yeah. Years ago I saw this story, read a few chapters and then left it for some reason I can't remember. But something brought me here again today and this time I finished the story in one ago. What can I say, this is a really unique story and I'm glad I decided to read it again. Kudos to your imagination and it was well written as well. Thanks for writing this...
Chapter 22: I'm not usually a reader of stories like this, because they usually confuse me. But even though I got a bit lost in a few bits, I still really enjoyed this ^^ You've made me want to read more stories like this ahaha~ Such a good read! ^^
minhoandtaemin #6
Chapter 22: i am so crying right now because this is the end

l love this story
minhoandtaemin #7
me to ????
Chapter 22: I still dont understand.
Chapter 22: I still would love to read a sequel to this story. :)