Sad Princess

Little Princesses

The next day when you got home from school you found Alessia sitting on the ground and drawing around with her fingers.


“_____ wait for me!” You heard Zelo shout from his door.


So you waited for him and walked with him to Alessia who still didn’t notice you.


“Alessia~ We’re here~” Zelo called her.


But she just turned her head and looked who it was before turning away again.


“What’s wrong with her?” You whispered to Zelo.


“I don’t know. You should know her better…” He whispered back to you.


“Hi Alessia~ Do you want to play?” You greeted her.


“NO!” She answered.


Sighting you took her hand and led her to your apartment where you made her sit on the couch and brought her favorite drink and chocolate.


Meanwhile Zelo sat down on the table and watched how you sat down next to her and waited until she ate her chocolate.


“Do you want to tell me what happened?” You asked her careful.


“Boys are all stupid!” She mumbled and started crying.


You looked to Zelo and sighted. “Do you want to tell me what exactly happened?”


“Jun Pyo just won’t play with me!” She sniffed.


“Maybe he’s just shy… Did you ask him only once?” You continued asking.


“It was embarrassing to ask another time…”  She pouted.


“Why don’t you just ask him another time. Maybe he wanted to play with someone different at that time.” You tried to encourage her.


“Yes he was playing with the stupid Go Mina! But he should play with me! Boys are all stupid!” She complained.


“Eyh! Am I stupid to you? Or am I not a boy?” Zelo  said complaining.


“No, you’re an alien!” Alessia finally giggled.


“Oh, really?” He came to sit down on the other side of her. “Well the alien advises you to just try another time and please don’t think all the boys are stupid ok?”


“Ok… If you say so…” She said hugging both of you.


“And now don’t cry anymore. Oppa will also start crying if you don’t stop soon.” He said her hair.



To bring Alessia on different thoughts you played different card and board games until it was time for her to go to bed.


When Alessia started undressing in her room Zelo quietly said. “I’m out here. Goodnight!”


You chuckled and helped Alessia putting on her pajamas.


“Goodnight Alessia. Do well tomorrow ok. Just ask him again. One day he will play with you.” You smiled at her and kissed her forehead.


Then you left her room and went to Zelo who was waiting in the living room.



When he saw you coming out he made his way to the door. “Now let’s wash your hair!”


You smiled at him and the both of you went to your apartment again. There he washed and dried your hair.  He did it just as gentle as last time.


After that you were sitting on the couch talking about stupid things.


Suddenly Zelo asked: “Can I try something?”


You looked at him questioning. “Huh?”


“Can I try braiding your hair?” He asked excited. “Pleeeeaseeee~~”

You giggled at his aegyo.


“Haha have you done this before?” You asked him.


“Nope. But I want to try!”


“Kkkk  ok just try!” You laughed.


You sat down crossing your legs with your back facing him.

He also crossed his legs and turned to you.


“No how do I start? Can you please explain?” He asked not knowing what to do with your hair.


“Ok now part them in 3 equal parts.” You started explaining.


He did everything as you told him but it was difficult for you because when you braid your hair you did it automatically.


In the end you had something similar to a braid.


Zelo led you to the bathroom and showed you his work in the mirror.


“Oppa it looks horrible!” You complained.


“Sorry… I need more practice…” He said as he opened your hair again and put it up in a bun.


“Now I’m good at doing buns!” He complimented himself.


Then he looked at the watch and said: “Oh I should go now… Do you have anything planned for tomorrow?”


“No… Why are you asking?”


“Just to make sure you are at home and I can take you out. I want to do something…” he revealed.


“Really? What are we going to do?” You asked excited.


“I’m not going to tell you. But it’s also something you promised Alessia.” He smiled before he left you.



You brushed your teeth and went to bed. While lying there you thought: “Something with Alessia… Then it won’t be a date…”






Hi guys~

Sorry for the late update. I really tried... Did anyone notice I updated last tuesday but emediatelly deletet it because I forgot some parts...?

Aaaanyway.... There were more gifs in it but we have really crappy internet at the moment so tumblr doesn't really work...

About that sister thing... I didn't think of it as such a big thing... But because of you I'm making one out of it. HEHEHEHEHEHE!!!



(Is anyone in the mood to kill my italian teacher? A test in the second week?! Is he crazy?!)




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carrotcat #1
Chapter 16: And it's my favourite fanfic <3
carrotcat #2
Chapter 16: I've been waiting for update for so long, sometimes I'm checking but nothing changes T.T please update <3 <3 fighting!!
bedy10 #3
Chapter 16: when is the next chapter coming out ??
Chapter 16: soooo cutee!! thx for the update anyways!! cant wait for next chap :)
BAPismyrice #5
Chapter 11: Not just Jun Hong in shock, but the other two members in shock too LOL
Chapter 16: Aww nervous Zelo ♥
Chapter 16: School has me crazy too author-nim. I had to do three projects for three different classes in one week. HORRIBLE!!! But update whenever you can and Merry Christmas!!!
Yoe_chan #8
Chapter 16: Hahahahaha....
I know that feeling author-nim...
I'm kinda busy too lately coz of school ^^
Chapter 15: author-nim.. u there!?
Tyyboo #10
Chapter 8: Uhm authornim...are u alive :(