Chapter 4

Hello, Stranger!



The sun's rays beamed throughout the room. The sound of the birds chirping echoed across the vast field. The gentle breeze of the wind dampened on my skin. I got up from lying down in bed and opened the curtains. It was a brand new day.

I took a quick shower, proceeded to the dining room and perhaps take my breakfast. On my way, that guy was still sleeping soundly in the sofa. No wonder, its still 7:00 am.

I let his presence pass by my eyes and hurriedly cooked a simple meal. An omelet and ham. After a couple of bites, I rinsed my plate and left it in the sink.

"Where's my breakfast?" A voice emerged and it took me by surprise. 

I jumped from where I was standing and spoke, "Phew. Will you please stop appearing all of a sudden? You're giving me reasons to die..." I don't know how my face looked like but his 'sudden' appearance really disturbed the calmness of my mind.

"Was I that shocking?" He yawned and sat on the chair. He then lifted up the food cover and found my leftover omelet and ham. After seeing the food, he stood up, grabbed a plate and a pair of chopsticks.

"I'm going to work so eat your breakfast and behave okay?" I grasped my coat and stepped out of the door. But before fully closing the door, I yelled, "You can do all what you want, just don't touch my stuff okay?" Oh wait. Everything here's my stuff anyway. Aissh, but it looks like he doesn't care anyway.

-Stranger's POV-

After finishing my meal, I disposed the plate to the sink and washed my hands. As I stared at the dishes, it occured to my mind that I should wash them but the fact that my right hand is still not in a good condition prevented me from doing so. I plainly ignored it but instead, threw myself to the couch and blankly looked at the ceiling.

Just then, I realized that I was bored after all. Then I thought of one thing to do. Using my left hand as the only functional hand, I twisted the faucet open and water started running. I placed the plate on top of the table and started scrubbing the sponge on it. I did it repeatedly for like 30 seconds in a circular motion and I did not realize that I already finished all the plates. 

All that was left was the rinsing part. So I took a basin and filled it with water, then one by one, I soaked the plates with the use of my hands and placed it to the dishwasher thereafter.

Phew. I never knew that washing there 5-6 pieces of diningware would took me half an hour and heaps of sweat. But its okay, boredom totally left my body and a sense of achievement overcame me.

I came back to the living room, leaned my back and relaxed for a while. I closed my eyes, trying to think the next thing I should do. But my mind was all empty, and Mr. Boredom is slowly taking over again. 

This won't do. I have to do something unless I'll have to lamely sit and sleep again.


"You can do all what you want, just don't touch my stuff okay?"


Bravo. Now I found a boredom reliever. 

A smile, more of a mischievous smirk formed on my face. And yes I did exactly what I was told to- to do all what I want, but completely ignoring the- just don't touch my stuff.

I roamed around the living room, trying to decipher the hidden meanings of each object I see. Everything was so girly, well she was a girl after all.

I became bored so I decided to step in her room. I knew that I was breaking an ultimate law, but I disregarded the possible consequences.

First, I laid myself to the bed- feeling the softness and comfort it brings. All this time I've just been sleeping on the sturdy, stiff couch in the living room so it gave me a reason to be amazed. 

I glanced around and a certain thing caught my eyes. It was a light colored fuschia pink dresser, or more like a desk. A portable macbook, picture frames of her face, and other certain accessories were placed on top of it. I stood up and examined everyone of them. Then I pulled the main drawer out and a photo album appeared across my sight. I did not hesitate a second and picked it. I sat down on the bed, positioned myself in an Indian pose, and started scanning the album.

There were her childhood pictures, her parents and every other crazy thing that she had done.

Soon enough, I did not realize that I was already laughing and smiling over her damn, crazy pictures. One where she was captured in the camere being changed with diaper. Second was when she ate ddukbokki and the sauce was messed up all over her face. Third was when she was playing with a dog and even got on the cheeks. Fourth was when she tied her hair like a medusa, and pretended as if she was a goddess.

I then found my stopmach wrapped in my own arms and my eyes filled with clouds of water because of the insanity and craziness of her pictures. But all of the laughter inside me faded when I flipped onto the next page.

A polaroid photo slipped through my hands and I turned it up to get a clearer view. There was a portrait of a girl and a semi-aged man beside her. They both staged a peace sign and a white piece of clothing was vividly seen on them. They appeared to be in a night-out restaurant and behind them was the lush and colorful Han River.

I was able to identify the girl. Her long brown hair, crooked smile, dark, circled eyes were clearly familiar. I am a hundred percent certain that this girl--- was Park Jiyeon. That's what I read whenever she has her white uniform on.

But a huge question mark is tingling in my mind.

Who is this man?

Nevertheless, I kept the photo and slid it into my pocket. All of a sudden, I lost every piece of happiness and boredom consumed me again. 

So I put the photoalbum back to the drawer and closed my eyes while lying on the bed.

-Jiyeon's POV-

After a day's work, I returned home later than usual. It was already past 8:00 pm when I stepped in the house. I took off my coat and headed straightly to my room.

"Hey.. Did you eat already?" I muttered as I changed my clothes.

There was no response.

"Hey..." I spoke again.

But there was nothing but silence.

So I went out and proceeded to the kitchen. 

"Hey you... Did you eat-" 

I was not able to finish my sentence when I saw a cracked egg shell on top of the dining table. There was also a cleaned up plate on the sink together with a spoon and fork. So I guess he ate already.. with fried egg.

"Hey! I bought food.." I roamed around the living room but there was no sign of him. "Where is he?" I thought.



At last, I retorted to a decision. I went out the house and started looking for him. I went to every street, corner, and any possible convenience stores. But all seemed to be no place for him. I couldn't find him after all.

I took a stop at a nearby park and sat on one of its benches. I took a hold of my breath and relaxed. Everything seemed to be so peaceful and silent, but when I saw a shadow of a man swinging and the sound of a rusting iron in the course of friction, it broke my "peaceful" impression of the place.

Oh? His figure is completely familiar. His brown hair was swiftly flipping against the wind, his head tilted to the heavens, and his hand holding onto the one side of the swing coordinating its movements to his feet. 

I went near and sat beside him.

-Stranger's POV-

I solemnly looked at the stars which were twinkling brightly in the sky, while giving myself a light swing in the park. There was no one around, and it so gave me a reason to seriously think things through.

"So you're here..." A soft voice came into my ears.

I looked at her and displayed a not-so-shocked emotion.

"You're shocked that I found you right?" She said.

I simply shook my head, and stared at the stars again.

"I bought you food..." She muttered.

I did not spare a word.

"Why are you not talking?" She annoyingly said.

But then, she failed to hear a response from me still.

"HEYYY! I'm talking, you know? Can't you at least say something?"

I just continued looking at the stars, completely ignoring her questions.

"Okay fine. I have just wasted my efforts in finding you." She stood up and was about to walk out.

"Do you know... how much my hand... means to me?" There. I finally spoke.

She stopped her pace and looked at me with curiousity. "Its not like its only important to YOU. I guess everybody else's hand is important to them."

"No.. Its different with me."

"What different are you talking about?" She sat down on the swing beside me.

"Look at the stars..." I said while pointing at the sky. "They're like my hand... They give a bit of light enough to brighten my darkened world."

"Ooooooooh. So?" 

"Nothing. Its just that... my hand keeps my life going."

"Uh huh. So, are we just going to sit and emote here?" She lightly tapped my injured right arm and of course, it gave a hinch of pain. "I -BOUGHT -FOOD. Come on let's eat!"

Then, she ended up dragging me back to the house.




After taking the supposed to be dinner but fell into a midnight snack, I took a scan of the books in the sofa. Then just 10 minutes after, I started yawning. 

Finally, I decided to sleep.

-Jiyeon's POV-

My eyes naturally opened themselves just exactly as 6:00 am. I the lampshade and momentarily closed my eyes again. I felt that there was a need to change my position so I shifted my body to the other side.

After giving up, because I cannot help myself to sleep again, I opened my eyes. But what I saw was beyond all expectations. 

I jumped out of the bed as soon as I saw his face in front of mine, just 2 inches away. He was soundly sleeping, with a face angelic as ever. He seemed blameless and innocent, but why do I have this heart racing? 



A/N: OKE I'm back. HUHUHU so sorry for the very crappy, late update. Hope you liked it! Comment | Subscribe

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Linhjin_0511 #1
Can I translate it into Vietnamese?
JansJY08 #2
Chapter 30: Thx for the update!! At least now chanyeol knows abt the name exchange. Hopefully he can help n nothing bad will happen to jiyeon. Hope the last chp will b long n exciting one to end the story well! Waiting for that! :)
Beauty28 #3
Chapter 31: Thank you for finishing this story. happy ending for myungyeon.
baekhyuni #4
Chapter 30: Thanks for your update, it makes me happy read about myungyeon moment. Oh god, i hope Kai wont hurt jiyeon, i thought he also falls in love with jiyeon and try to steal her from Myungsoo. It's good that chanyeol is already knows, atleast ge will help myungsoo to protect jiyeon. Nice update author nim, i will wait your next update
Beauty28 #5
Chapter 30: oh god why does he have to include jiyeon I hope she okay.
JansJY08 #6
Chapter 29: Omg!!! Thanks so much for the update!! Hehe. It's been quite a while. N the chp is really sweet. Love it! Myungyeon showing affection n all. Hoping it'll stay that way but i know it'll b hard since there's still bad guy ard. *cough*the real Kai* haha. Update more soon. :) So glad u've updated!
Beauty28 #7
Chapter 29: Gosh, have been waiting for you to update.
moon_babydino #8
auhtornim please update ! huhuhuhuhuhuhu T____________T
myungyeon #9
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 28: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! Omggg... exagge to say this but im screaming here like an idiot ! lol ..DAMN IT I LOVE THE LAST PART !!! <3333333 PLEASE AUTHORNIM MORE FLUFFY MOMENTS OF MYUNGYEON!!! xD