A Wish For The Second Chance

The Second Chance[Sequel to "With my eyes"]

Kim Byeol gently opened his yes. He jolted a little.

Another Nightmare, another confusion.

A nightmare that seemed to had hunt him for years now. It started when he was just a little boy and it happened continuosly until now. Same people images, same happenings, same dreams.


In his dream, he sees a man that looks exactly like him crying over someone, that also looked exactly like his current boyfriend(or he calls it girlfiend sometimes), Yi Dan. This confuses Kimbyeol. The spectacle on his dream never happened in reality, but why does it keep on repeating again and again? Its like, giving him something or a hint that this dream had something important.

But what? It made him crazy. Crazy enough, that it would even ruin his and Yidan’s moments everytime they would meet or date.

Everytime Kimbyeol would look into Yidan’s eyes, his chest would suddenly tighten. Cus everytime they would have eye-contact, he would immediately remember the same guy that he was crying for, in his nightmare. He was worrying that this might be a death-sign or something. And it scared him to lose Yidan.

That pushes Kimbyeol to marry Yidan in a sudden time. Yidan was at first, surprised but the happiness had taken over him as he tearfully replied, “Yes!”

And from the day they married, the nightmare had stoped.

   ~cus.. The Second Chance, was achieved.~



Kimbyeol never realized he was rather gay until he bumped Yidan on his way home. The first time they had stare at each other, was also the first time that butterflies visited and roamed on Kimbyeols tummy. A Love-at-first-sight, it is.

   ~where.. The Second Chance, started.~



Kimbyeol was relieved. The dream had never visited him again right after the night of wedding where he and Yidan united as one.

   ~simply because.. The Second Chance, was pursued.~



It was already night. Crickets are only to be heard, and shadows are only to be seen. The two clinged to each other, drifting into dreamland. Little did this two Innocent-being know, they had already lived two hundred years ago, as Kikwang and Yoseob. This two had reincarnated, for Kikwang’s last wish before he left the world.

 A wish for another life.

A wish for the second chance.










I know ! It was too short for a oneshot! But This fic is only to give the “With my eyes” a justice.

Haha. Yeah a Justice. Especially to those who weren’t so satisfied with the ending.

It may not turn out good. But I don’t care! What mattered the most is, I was able to make it’s sequel.

This is especially for BlingBlingKey and KeyOppaSaranghae ! My cheerleaders and those my favorite authors. Also ofcourse, SoaringCliche ! Oh please ! Who wouldn’t Idolize this authors? The Search For love? Ugh. Take it to the Oscars! ! F3 Rulers of the school? took shakespeare in standing ovation ! Angel in Disguise? Please lay the Red carpet ! Award winning!

And Oh wait. How about bloodymemory? The one who was the first to comment, in my “Our Short Story”! Prom Night? Duhh. Absolutely epic in a perfect way! Also to Krazykat14 who was the first to comment in “Like father like son.” THANKYOU SO MUCH. IT MEANT A LOT;)

To Yatamin_Shin who was the author of Memories to Come, Blockbuster hit! Thanks for your comments.

And did you read bluetwilight’s Countdown? It brought the theatre, stampede! Yes. Haha. Thanks to you also.

By the way! to BabeThi, Im currently doing your KISUNG REQUEST ;)) It’d be titled as “.” It was actually a kiseob that I didn’t post yet, so I decided to make it kisung for you.

And to the humans that subscribed and will subscribe and comment just like AR1097:)

YOU GUYS ARE MY BOSS’ES! Please make a request, and I would gladly took it, YOUR HIGHNESSes!


I talk like Im dying. But ofcourse not! I was just spending the opportunity to acknowledge everyone who had supported me. And to those silent readers ! I BOW MY HEAD TO YOU !

You guys, helps to add the views! THANKYOU SO MUCH . (But better if you guys comment:D)


“Yes, sir!” My first chaptered fic. I really hope you’d still stick on me until the end.

Loving you,


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Chapter 1: Super short but it mended my broken heart
Chapter 1: Wow! This sequel is pretty good! I love it! *^*
YAY, KiSeob kinda Happy End~! *^*
At first I was like "what?" when I saw it was a sequel from "With my eyes". But you really did a good job! I'm proud of you!

OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'M SO TOUCHED!! T^T I FEEL SO BLESSED! *sobs* *hugs you tight* I love you!!
ILoveKorea100 #3
Chapter 1: great!you made a sequel!

I love you 4 dat;)
your great