Part 1

Sassy Six Flowers

Chapter 2: Finding New Members


“Making a new club isn’t easy.. I think that you can choose some clubs as Making Cake Club, Dancing Club or whatever..” Mr. Principle was telling about the forest without minding at us. I almost broke my ears because of his annoying.. Did he understand us? =_= just sign a bit on the paper, it will be alright.. no need to tell us like that -__- He was too boring or I will tell Hyomin’s dad kick him out..


Suddenly Hyomin hit the desk nastily and it made the principle shark a bit too..

“You are so boring, I don’t purpose to make robbing group why so difficult?” Hyomin asked him

“But Miss..”

“Why they can make club? And why can’t we? ” Hyomin continued..

“Miss. Please listen to me.. generally the school limits only 25 clubs and now it’s already been full”

“It’s easy, just delete one and add our club..” Hyomin smiled

Great Job My friend hehe xD

“But those clubs, have many members and your club has only three members -__- I have to make fair to them..”

“Cih.. Do you believe I will report my father about you?” Hyomin pulled his tie angrily

“Oh No, Miss Hyomin.. so now wait… Emm if you can find 6 members up to join your club..”  he said quickly

“Yah~ if you were easy like this, why need me threat to you? Cih..” Hyomin smiles happily

“So, what’s your club?” he asks us

“Disciplinal Girls Club” Hyomin smiles




“Disciplinal Girls Club” is though by our idea and it could control everything in our school.. where is messy, we will try to find solution Yah.. we seemed like polices in our school… lol

All everything which contact with our school, it’s our business. It’s not only for students, but it’s also a rule for teacher too hehehe..

“Cih.. that why crazy principle approved with us, in fact those students have already joined club all.. so how can we find more members?” Hyomin yells loudly after she read the list club of those students.

“Yah.. How can we find three students more? it will be, if untrue event would happen.. I really want to box that silly principle so much” Tiffany said angrily

Suddenly I saw a name which hasn’t noted in list club yet. But she is Ham Eunjung…

“Hey one more..” I called them

“Ham Eunjung? I think you should continue your dream.. she is very cold and she’s never joined with people … as I can see she’s never talked to another people yet since she came in to this school.. Do you think she will join our club? Or even she joined our club but we are still not enough..” Tiffany said

Yii.. she always felt down before act =_= However I won’t give up before the war.. I will try to find any idea to make this group successfully.. wait and see..


After leaving our subject in the evening, the sky which has a goal color as sunset made our view in the school was very beautiful.. I love my school.. I love my friends.. and I will do everything for what I love..

After everyone left the school all, I also left after them too. When I walked across our sport area, I was stopping because of some noisy was in sport area. I walked slowly and came to see what was happened in there.

What I saw, was Eunjung. She was playing basketball wonderfully. By her steps when she was playing it, it seemed show all her energy  and then she could throw ball to the basket simply.. I couldn’t believe in my eyes because her ability was powerful.. Yah~ Ham Eunjung… I will note her for my club hehe.. let’s test her ability a bit…


“Help me.. help me.. everyone help me…” I only shouted out and ran away from many men who were running after me. Ah.. don’t think too much.. I was not poor until ran out like this. In fact I wanted to test Ham Eunjung, and then they were my bodyguards all.. I really wanted to know How will Ham Eunjung fight with them..

“Come on.. You can’t run anymore..” I faked as they could catch me..

Yah.. Eunjung was also here and she was looking at us too… come one help me hehehe xD

“Help me please.. Help..” I asked her for help

“Get off her..” it wasn’t Eunjung’s voice but it was a man.. and then that tall man came to box my bodyguards all… aigoo.. this man was breaking my plan >.,< ah.. Eunjung who began to help me at the moment, walked away simply.

How messy it was! I looked at my poor bodyguards angrily.. that man hit them until they fell down all..

“You are men, why are you catching a girl like this?” that man blamed my bodyguard

“Miss.. Help me.. T_T” my bodyguard asked for help =_=

“Wae.. Mr..? Are you crazy? That you hit my bodyguards till like this?” I blamed him angrily

This man was really crazy >.,< he knew too much about another’s story :3

Suddenly he turned face to me, Emm he could keep as a handsome man even he wore glasses. He’s tall and it seems 1.80 cm.

“What? You asked for help, didn’t you? Why am I wrong?” he looked at me palely

“Did I ask you? I asked my friend for help not you.. aigoo.. How can you come here crazily?” I blamed him

“Huh? Helping people also choose helper? This, I tried to help you..”

“Yah~ You are trying to break my plan it’s true.. and hit my bodyguards like this..”


“Yah.. I’m hot now..” I walked away a bit and turned back to call my bodyguards

“Why don’t you wake up? Or you want to sleep here? Crazily ..” I shouted at them

“Wait for us Miss..” they ran after me

“I still don’t understand about this -_-” that man talked to himself


Next chapter, Sandara and Bommie will be appear ^^;

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Seoulqueenka #1
Chapter 3: Please update I have been waiting for you to update for a few months
yasminajung #2
can't wait the next chapter...
update soon please...
1124 streak #3
Chapter 3: Pls update and where is Eunjung author
yasminajung #4
Chapter 3: aigooo where is eunjung....
update soon chingu
Mean ney tha mix ng?
ey ya rerng tmei lhot ahlov lol
Chapter 2: woah, i Like Jungie's character here,,
she's so cooL,, ^o^
waitng your update chingu,,
Chapter 1: Banana gangster!
Sound interesting
Bommie and Dara. Park sisters
CoolPrettyGirl #10
ok then I will wait an update!