Getting in my way

Don't Mess with My Man

Sehun and Jongin were at a cafe, sitting at one of the outside tables simply enjoying the nice sunny day in each others company. Sehun smiled at Jongin's words just as his fingers went and wrapped around the cup of his drink, his favorite, bubble tea. Just as the straw had slipped past his lips a body had appeared at their table. the contents from the cup through the straw into his mouth, Sehun looked up at the person who he immediately recognized.

"Oh hey Chanyeol." Jongin greeted while Sehun just waved at the tall lanky man.

"Did you guys get back together or..." Sehun raised an eyebrow and titled his head a bit in confusion at the tall mans words but Chwnyeol was known to say dumb things and maybe this was another one of those times. Jongin looked more angry than confused because he could see the way his friend was eyeing his boyfriend and Jongin was admittedly the jealous type.

"What are you talking about Chanyeol? Sehun and I never even broke up." Jongin eyed the man like he was crazy for even suggesting they broke up with his statement.

"Really, that's not what Kyungsoo said." Sehun had suddenly decided that he had enough bubble tea, his stomach all of sudden felt full. Kyungsoo was Jongin's ex and apparently he was still hung up on Jongin which Sehun found not only strange but pathetic because they broke up six months ago and based on what Jongin has told him, their relationship wasn't that good from the beginning, they weren't really a good match for one another but stayed together for as long as they did to see if it would work: it didn't.

The first few months of Sehun and Jongin's relationship had went extremely well and they hit it off fast. It wasn't until the thrid month of him and Jongin going steady that he had realized that Kyungsoo was a lying jealous that was out to get Sehun. But Sehun was better than that, he was surprised someone a year older than him was that immature but his love for Jongin and vice versa was stronger than any lie Kyungsoo could conjure up to separate the two. So this wqsn't the first time Kyungsoo had gone around starting rumors about him and Jongin's being together.

"What exactly did Kyungsoo say?" Sehun finally spoke, his tone laced with annoyance and his face not bothered to show it either. Chanyeol didn't shy away from the look, he told Sehun exactly what he heard from the younger. He told Sehun that Kyungsoo said that him and Jongin broke up because Sehun had cheated on him with an older man name Kris or something and Jongin had caught both of them in the bedroom and a bunch of other bull Sehun didn't bother to listen to. When Chanyeol was done explaining what the liar said Sehun scoffed before he turned to his boyfriend. "Say Jongin, how is Kris anyway?" Sehun smirked before Jongin leaned back in his seat, racking his mind for any information of Kris who just so happened to be Jongin's neighbor slash english tutor, not to mention he was already dating a boy by the name of Joonmyeon, who lived with him.

"I think Kris is doing good, haven't talked to him since the summer started." Sehun nodded, accepting the information. Chanyeol got the sarcasm and the hidden message between the two teenagers; they hadn't broken up and Chanyeol had again fallen victim to one of the many lies that liked to live in Kyungsoo's mouth.

Chanyeol sighed, "Honestly, sometimes I wonder what's wrong with Kyungsoo, it's been six months already, any more and it'll be a year. I mean, I understand breakups are hard an all but shouldn't it be easier if the other person is clearly happy without you?"

"Well Chanyeol, lifes not like those dramas, he's not just gonna want me to be happy, he's gonna want me to be his boyfriend." Jongin explained and Sehun let out a loud almost pained sigh. Kyungsoo is annoying, end of story. Someone one year his elder shouldn't be acting like this, him and Jongin are a done deal and based on how he and Jongin are doing, they are going to stay a done deal, Sehun doesn't want to sink to that sort of level since he knows he can trust Jongin to never trust anything that comes out of Kyungsoo's mouth and anything that people said came out Kyungsoo's mouth but these past few months have been excruciating. At this point Sehun just wants to punch the older, just one time if he could.

The next day is actaully not better to Sehun's dismay, he was woken up to the sound of his cellphone ringing and he let out a tired groan as he rolled over and grabbed the device from under his pillow.

"Mmh, hello?" He placed his phone between his shoulder and cheek as he proceeded to drag himself out of bed and down the hall to his kitchen. The other line indicates it's one of his friends. "Good morning to you too Baekhyun." Sehun yawned and slid into a seat at his kitchen table, Baekhyun is probably one of his longest friends, even though Baekhyun is two years older than him they go together fairly well, Baekhyun's open personality matching Sehun's not so open personality.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Baekhyun practically yelled through the phone at the younger.

"Tell you what?"

"That you and Jongin broke up." Sehun is silent. He knows this all to well and the fact that that was apparent made the situation just that more annoying, he can't believe he was woken up for something this trivial and downright stupid. Baekhyun noticing the silence seems to almost get where this is going. "You're not really broken up are you?" The other asked almost immediately and Sehun just hummed a yes as he leaned back in his wooden kitchen chair, letting out an annoyed sigh for the second time because of a situation like this. It's no doubt that this is Kyungsoo and his stupid lies again, he doesn't even know how Kyungsoo get's people to listen to him anymore, after a month of the lies that spill from his mouth he can't believe that loser even has friends to tell them to.

"Ah, well you better call Jongin, this time it seems like people actually think you're broken up. Bye!" And with a click, the line is dead and Sehun was already searching through his contacts to call his boyfriend. The line rings about three times and midway through the fourth ring the man he's been trying to call finally picks up.

"Jongin you wouldn't happen to know about our break up would you?" Jongin sort of laughed on the other line before he calmy tells Sehun that to the best of his knowledge they are still together.

"Jongin, I don't like this. Kyungsoo is making me mad, I want to punch him so bad." Sehun pouted over the phone hoping that Jongin could just see him.

"I know, don't worry I'll never break up with you." But that wasn't Sehun was worried about, he trusts Jongin enough to not buy into any crap Kyungsoo spreads about their relationship and being together but even so the situations are nerve wracking and are slowly becoming stressfull. It was starting to become a strenuous task that he was just not willing to put up with anymore. Starting from today, Sehun was going to give Kyungsoo one more chance. Only one.

Jongin and Sehun were with Jongin's best friend Taemin, Sehun watched happily as his boyfriend and his friend caught up on each others lives and just about everything in between, being that they were both attached at the hip during middle school but grew apart as Taemin had went to a private high school. They spoke of everything under the sun it seemdd and even though Sehun didn't actually contribute to the conversation much, he did enjoy the look on Jongin's face as he talked to his best friend(that and the other had bought him a bubble tea).

"You guys make such a cute couple. I'm honestly glad you broke up with Kyungsoo, he was crazy, he never let me get within two feet of you" Sehun's attention piqued at the sudden statement, he felt he should take it as a compliment, after all he had taken about roughly six months of Kyungsoo's and had done nothing except ignored it like the mature person he knew he just clearly was in comparison to the other. Sehun had just sat back and let the two talk until he was approached by a girl from their school, what was her name? Something American, she rarely went by her Korean name. Sehun smiled at her as he had recognized her and she carefully stepped up to him.

"Sehun I heard," She started and Sehun shot her a confused look before she just continued talking. "It must've be hard have Jongin break up with you." Hearing his name Jongin turned to see a girl talking to Sehun and Sehun did not look too happy.

"We're not broken up." Sehun said before she could even finish whatever she was going to continue to say to him, this had happened three consecutive days in a row and Sehun was officially done. Sehun released a tired sigh  "Let me guess: Kyungsoo said that?" She nodded and Sehun nodded as well, as though he was accepting the information before he slouched in his chair, the girl just sort of stood there before Sehun rudely waved her away. Jongin just watched a bit concerned of what was going on in his boyfriends head, he didn't look any more annoyed than Jongin would have if he was asked the same question but he also looked overall displeased.


Sehun was a man on a mission as he walked down the sidewalk with a burning passion to get where he was going. After asking Chanyeol the whereabouts of a certain someone, he had already knew where to go with just the basic info of 'he's out' and Sehun just knew where that was because he'd be stupid if he didn't know at least one thing about the annoying little excuse for a person.

"Do Kyungsoo."  Sehun called as he approached the man who was sitting with two other people at a table at a cafe. Kyungsoo looked up at the call of his name and when he did his eyes narrowed at the person before him, Oh Sehun.

"What do you want?" Kyungsoo responded with so much disgust laced in his tone and Sehun almost found it laughable how Kyungsoo seemed to be annoyed by just Sehun's presence while Sehun was annoyed by Kyungsoo's mere exsistence. Slowly walking up to the sitting man, Sehun cleared his throat.

"I'm only gonna say this once: stay away from my boyfriend. Every ing day I hear your name and it makes me sick, keep my name out of your mouth." Sehun warned and all Kyungsoo did was roll his eyes and give Sehun that look of annoyance again as though Sehun was the one who did him wrong, as though Sehun was the one spreading rumors about his relationship all the damn time, as if Sehun was the one stressing Kyungsoo out because of his stupid bull he put up with for the past six months but regardless of the small boys ty attitude Sehun continued.

"Stop. Just stop okay? Stop with the lies and the rumors and whatever the comes out of your big mouth, because its not working. Jongin doesn't believe you and he never will because he loves me and only me. Now I'm sorry you live such a sad and pathetic life that you have nothing else to do but moan and groan about wanting Jongin back but Newsflash: he's not coming back to you, he's with me, accept it like the true fact it is." Kyungsoo scoffed. "And this is my last straw, my last warning and my last ing string of patience. Stay away from me and my boyfriend and you check yourself at the ing door because if you don't stop lying about me and my relationship status with Jongin, the next time I hear that my name came out of your mouth, best believe I will ing take you out in these streets and beat your pathetic for all it's worh, which ain't much anyway." Sehun went over to knock Kyungsoo's cup of whatever off the table and onto the shorter mans lap.

"You've been getting on my nerves for a long time Do Kyungsoo, don't make me come back. You'll regret it."

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2450 streak #1
Chapter 1: holy Jun! HAHAHA OMFG
well, Yixing was asking for it when he wouldn't shut up in saying nonsense to Jun! Jun has been very patient with him, and well Jun said Yixing has got to beat him to get Yifan... and well, he didn't, Jun owned him!
NaJong #2
Chapter 2: Sehun and Suho when they mad and annoyed because of their mans is being disturb by Kyungsoo and Lay are goddamn precioud and Cute~ I can't stop to laughs and stop saying ' That's what you got Kyungsoo and Lay if you guys trying to take away Sehun and Suho mans ! ' XD XD
Seriously this is so ing wow.. And this story must have sequel.. >.<
Anyway really enjoy your story Author.. Good job ~ ^^
Chapter 2: Wow SeHun is really mad! I understand tho, Soo was annoying --'
It really deserves a sequel although I know I'm late haha
jambydsy #4
Chapter 2: GO SUHO GO SUHO
Chapter 2: I imagined Suho to be like that, really.
I didn't really buy his angelic behavior, everyone snaps at some point, right?
Chapter 2: Dayummmm enraged Suho is hawt Suho. <3 And poor Yixing. XD Am i considered bad if I said that he deserved it? (In this story, of course)

And dayummmm SeKai.

Having a break from mainstream pairings is nice once in a while. /nods
Chapter 2: this is the first time I read fanfic which suho's character is sort of temperament..hahaha...
huwaaahh... it's really out of his angelic image...kekeke
Okmusic #8
Chapter 1: Let's kick sum .....Sehunnie hwaiting,Anyway,good fic!!!
Okmusic #9
Chapter 2: Let's kick sum ......Sehunnie hwaiting.
Always13elieve #10
Chapter 2: Sekai >>> kaisoo. Lbr. Ha. Anyway I liked it. :)