Chapter 2: New Friends

Trainee Girl {HIATUS}

That was such a refreshing a moment, I mean sitting outside in the stairs and playing a guitar was perfect to get me in a good mood. I stand up and went inside but unfortunately those guys where there when I went inside

"Hey what are you doing with K.Will's guitar" The shortest of them asked me

"I just found it outside, If you know him I think I should give it to you so you take care of it" I said as I gave them the guitar

"We will give it to him" The smiling guy told me as he looked to his friends and all of them laughed

"You guys are weird" I said as I gave them a strange look and went to my room

I just wanted to be with my best friend in here my Pikachu but, It wasn't on the room. I bet those guys took my cute little Pikachu. I went out of my room and on the floor I found a note a little bit concerned I took the note and read it

Hello_________ we have your Pikachu and if you want it back you'll have to go to the room with the red door to pick it up - Boyfriend

Those guys took my Pikachu! I swear that if they do anything to my Pikachu they will pay for that. I walked to the red door and I knocked it

"Who is it" Someone called from the other side of the door

"It's me________ and I want my Pikachu back" I said really mad

The guy of 23 or 24 opened the door and told me to get in

"Little_______ it's nice to see you" the guy who opened the door told

"I am not little I am 19 here in South Korea and please give me my Pikachu back" I said glaring at them

"Haven't you asked yourself something?" The blonde guy asked

"What thing?" I asked puzzled

"Our names" The guy that looked like the blonde one said

"Umm I guess I haven't think of that" I said calming myself

Each them introduced to me as Donghyun, Hyunseong, Jeongmin, Youngmin, Kwangmin and Minwoo

"Well now that I know your names can you please return me my Pikachu" I said searching for it

"Wait take it easy" ...Umm Jeongmin said

"What do you want now" I asked annoyed

"Tell us about you, if you are going to live here we need to know with whom we are living"....The guy ..... that's it! Kwangmin said

"Um well as I told you my name is ______ I'm 19 years old here in South Korea I am from Costa Rica that's why I can talk Spanish and English and I moved to South Korea 2 years with my mom Kim, Lee and my younger sister Minah, I participated in many singing contests and I have been a Trainee for 2 years until now" I said a bit annoyed but then they gave me my Pikachu

"So when you called me something like extrano what does it means?" Youngmin asked

"It's extraño I corrected him and it means weird or strange" I told him laughing

"Sorry to mess with you but it was strange to find someone else in this house" Minwoo said with a big smile

"You are the Maknae of the group right Minwoo? well you look like it" I said staring at him

"Yes I am and I am the most cheerful of all too" Minwoo said pretty excited

"Um well I must leave now I still have to fix a mess someone left on my bedroom" I said looking at them

"We will help you" Donghyun said

"No it's okay, I still have to save my un.....forget it" I said as I turned

"Your what" Youngmin asked with a mischievous smile

"Raro" I said as I stepped out of the room

I got into my room and started to fix the mess someone...left I went into the bathroom and changed into a pant and tee pajama and took my phone as I fell on the bed.

Those guys are pretty weird especially that guy Youngmin it freaks me out, I think he has to learn from his brother Kwangmin to be a little bit friendlier and not to be calling Yeppeo to other people

Soon I felt as the door opened

"Yah! get out of my room" I said as I threw a pillow without looking to see who was it

"You have bad aiming" Kwangmin said laughing

"What do you need" I asked calmed

"Nothing I just wanted to know where did you get that Pikachu" He asked as he took the seat that was for the desk

"My parents gave it to me before I came here it's a rare Pikachu" I said as I looked tenderly to the Pikachu doll

"It's really nice I wish I could have one" He said with a smile *suddenly someone knocked the door*

"Kwangmin Oppa" we have to sleep it's very late Youngmin said with a sleepy voice

"Are you his girlfriend or something?" I said as I laughed and Kwangmin too

"Oh Yeppeo are you jealous?"  He asked laughing

"No, I am happy to see that Kwangmin is not like you" I said as Kwangmin waved a goodbye and closed my door

I locked the door and went to sleep because tomorrow it was the start of my training before my Debut and I wanted to start with all my energy to make it work.

"I told you she would be sleeping" A voice whispered

Am I dreaming? this voice is quite familiar

"Maybe we should scream" Another voice said laughing

What's this?  I carefully opened my eyes

"Wah! what are you 6 doing here!" I said as I looked at the 6 guys that were in front of me

"Good morning get up!" Minwoo said cheerfully

"What hour is it?" I asked a little sleepy

"It's 7 am and practice starts in an hour" Hyunseong said looking at my family picture

"Why did you wake me up one hour earlier?" I asked as I stepped out of my bed

"Because girls and Youngmin take a lot of time getting ready" Kwangmin said as everyone laughed at Youngmin

"Hey that's not true I just want to be okay right!" he said a bit annoyed

"Well if that's it I would be so happy if you get out of my room and I'll see you in the breakfast" I said as I pushed them out of my room

I locked the door and went to take a bath, the water was in a lovely temperature. I went to my closet and picked my clothes. After 30 minutes I got downstairs to eat something

PS: Think the girl on the top is how you are dressed

"What are we going to eat" I asked Ms. Lee as I took seat in the big dinning room

"Oh good morning ______ you look really cute today, well you will tell me what are you going to eat" Ms. Lee said smiling

"Umm I don't know I would like some Ramen please" As I look at the guys who were looking at a sort of paper

"I wonder where do they took that" Jeongmin asked as he looked at me

"Is something wrong?" I asked a bit puzzled

"Here read this" Hyunseong said as he handed me a paper

"Let's see, New Yeppeo Trainee arrives at SE Place, Sources have said that she has singing vocals, modeling and dancing skills, Her name is still unknown but she is from America and can speak 3 languages, some fans of SE have said that she will be a new soloist with mostly ballads songs and kind of dance songs" I read aloud

"It's that true ______? I thought you were a rapper or a dancer" Donghyun asked

"Well the true in the article is that I have singing, modeling and dancing skills and that I am going to be a soloist, but I don't know more from that" I said as Ms. Lee putted the ramen in the table

"It's incredible how you got their attention only by arriving here" Jeongmin said as he looked carefully at me

"I don't care about it as long as I am doing what I love" I said as I started eating

"By the way you look really nice today and I see that you are not wearing your glasses as I told you" Donghyun said proud of himself

"Thanks but as I told you I only wear them to use my computer" I said as I gave a stern look to each of them

"Like you say Yeppeo" Youngmin said as he rolled his eyes

"I told you a million times not to call me like that Youngmin" I said annoyed by him

"Pardon him ______ he is like that when someone new arrives to the house" Kwangmin said smiling

"*sigh* I'll go get my IPad for vocal lessons" I said as I left the dinning room to go and look for my IPad



_______ is getting used to his new life and it seems like she has special friends

Don't think Youngmin is after _____ he is just teasing her and he is going to be like that just 2 or 3 chapters more so don't worry



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I want to be a trainee too. But at other company ~ ^^;;