
Eyes Closed, Hearts Opened

"Our undying love."



“Junhong, just close your eyes. Pretend you’re free-falling.”


The air was a mixture of droning chats from the background and an odd scent of lavenders as the young night began to slowly make itself known to me. I could feel the frigid air begin to thread through the spaces between my fingers as I lift my hands in an attempt to search for him, his body, his warmth. Soon, the harsh wind was pushed away when I felt his fingers curl on the gaps of mine.


“Relax.” He said with an undistinguishable emotion. Had he been nervous? Happy? Confused? It was the first time I’ve failed to decipher what his voice was trying to convey. Fear tinkers at my brain because that never happens. I’ve always known him. How he thinks, how he works, what he does when he feels a certain emotion, how he acts when a trigger of an event pushes him to move on impulse.


I’ve always known.


The sounds break ground to be insignificant because the only thing that resonates in my thoughts was the drumming of my heart against my chest and his breathing, that when heard together created the most relaxing sensation that tingles my heart.


“Can I open my eyes no—“


One heartbeat.


Two heartbeats






His lips were on mine.


Planted so gently that I barely felt the softness of his lips brush against my quivering ones. It barely lasted for more than two ticks of the clock, but the time stretched for the both of us because what I felt was eternity.


And eternity with him surprisingly sounded appealing to me.


I felt his breath chastely ghost around my lips, I could feel his face barely inches away, but my eyes remained to be closed. What’s the point of seeing when feeling was a much better option?


His hands are usually cold. His palms rested at the small of my neck and all I felt was warmth, finding myself comfortably sinking into his touch.


“You can open your eyes now.” A whisper too similar to a secret, said quietly but I knew that it was only for me to hear, to bury in my mind and burn  in my heart. I swallowed hard before fluttering my eyes open. The growing feeling of butterflies erupting in my system ensued when his eyes locked with my gaze.


“What was that for, Gukkie?” I asked.


“I’m just trying new ways to show you how I love you.” The smile that I have come to love now beams at me with much delight.


“Idiot.” I muttered before he pulled me into a hug.



Author's Thoughts:

just a quick one~

hope you liked it!

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Chapter 1: Oh that was so cute <3 I really like it ^^
Chapter 1: Awww was so cute and sweet
Aww so sweet <3 Freefalling onto BYG's lips sounds like a good way to go!
Chapter 1: omo omo omo. :O