Chapter 8

Bad Boy
They were more or less 4:30 in the morning when otitis knock at the door, Ravi was lifted quickly to open the door. He opened the door and was the man who killed his father, he seemed very angry. Came home and Ravi said:
- What are you doing here?
- What do I do here? So I come to avenged myself on what me! AND i have fallen in the conclusion that ... It is all your fault! - He said, as you pointed out with the finger -.
Ravi stood in the midst and said:
- Then shoo!
- No, I'm not going until I get rid of you two.
Ravi was pulled on the top of the and attempt upright while you shouted:
- Call the police, fast!
Zaphon to the police and after you hang up Ravi said:
- We don't know how long I can hold it, go here, flees not like you're in danger. - Ravi was above the back of the murderer on the ground -.
- But your ...
- Don't worry about me, but go here. - Thou camest forth out hence running, without a fixed course -.
After a while running you sat on a bench and sattest thou sleeping, you find something in the foot, you despertaste and was a ball, thou sawest the hour of your mobile and were the 12 in the morning. You walked in the direction of the house of Ravi and was not. Caminaste around the city in your search, you thought: "Probably this wandering or something".  You continued to do a walk and by chance did you end up in front of the house that was your friend. A man who works for his family came home with the purchase, and I saw you said:
- Oh,miss ___________! It time that we are not! What brings it here?
- I was looking for to Ravi, but I can't find it.
- Oh ... - Suddenly changed its face -.
- What is something happens?
- Lady, between me. - You were behind the inside of the house -.
You were very nervous but were afraid to the worst. You sat in a kitchen chair and saidst:
- What happens? Please tell me.
- Because ... - Sigh - Ravi is in the hospital, but don't panic, i've heard is wounded, but it is not serious, if you want to go, I took it.
- Yes, please.
You took him to the hospital and asked for their room, thou wentest up to the room and dresses in the aisle at the mother of Ravi crying, did you approach and you ever wondered:
- What happens to Ravi?
- He was fighting with my husband, when my husband pushed to Ravi achieving that will blow the head with a closet.
- Is that okay?
- Yes, if you are very good, but ...
- What? Can't remember anything ... ?
- No, I don't want between, does not want to see me - you took of the hand - I'm sure if you speak with him, I'll be able enter and fix things with the.
Zaphon to the door and came back, the first thing that he wears to Ravi was eating and with bad face while saying:
- I recognize that not eating very well before, but this is passed, is filthy, I don't think continue eating. - Te miro - Oh ___________!
- How are you?
- Well, don't worry.
- Let your mother between and speak.
- No!
- Why? Did not believe me and ...
- I know, I know, but it is your mother and for many things that have past, is still your mother, talk to her.
- Ok, but only for that thou. - Sonreiste besaste and you in the cheek-.
When thou camest forth out of the room and told his mother:
- Passes, has always been easier than I thought.
- Thank you very much.
His mother came into the room and closed the door. A few seconds after you start to hear yelling and hitting, very concerned about speechless coup and ...


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Unnie,this story esta well chingona. Pls, du mour capitulos, so we podemos imagine a our oppa with nosotras. *jardbreiker* lobes u
Chapter 1: RAVI <3 Great story already!
The plot of this story seems good ^_^
Btw do you have any good fanfics your read right now that you would recommend? hah try to find any good but cant find any right now :/